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Everything posted by JillyBeanz
I can't believe there's six greys missing in the Liverpool area (or seven if you include Laney)!! How far can these things fly? Laney's owners must turn up if he's been so well looked after - fingers crossed for little Laney x
Ha Ha - LOL - Honestly Davey - he's now standing on the top of his cage quacking like a duck! I don't have a clue where he's got that one from (unless my mam has been teaching him this while I've been away). I've only been in 3/4 of an hour and he's been on the lamp, the chairs in the conservatory, chewed the cord from the blinds, chewed the blinds, been upstairs, been on the dining room table, chairs and windowsill....need I go on! No wonder I've turned to drink!!! :blush:
Hi Diana (and Johan) - you've just written my parrot story! I did exactly the same as you - lurked in the background, signed up, sold my soul to the devil (brought Harvey home)! You sound like you've done the research well - ask this lot any questions - they are my "Parrot Angels"!! Everyone is so welcoming and helpful - you'll love it here - looking forward to hearing of your future new addition.
I am glad to hear that our mini-morons could join a gang tho - perhaps calling themselves the "Feathered Fiends". Oh, the time is nearing - I'm now home from work and after my flit around the internet and my hoovering and dusting (oh yes, that's another thing - his flaming dander!)the bottle of Chardonnay beckons.......! PS - Harvey is now quiet, sweet, calm, placid...... perhaps that's because his head is in his food bowl!!!
Glad to hear Indy is no worse for wear for his ordeal - great news Chris saved his life. All of Harvey's toys are tied with these fasteners - he's always picking at them too. Thanks for the heads up on these - I'm going to keep a close eye on him now tho. :unsure:
Terrible twos! He's only 7 months old - okay then - please give me the next 17 months for free - I'll deal with it then!!! Actually - when I got him up this morning before I came to work (it's 07.11 am here now) he was all sweetness and light - that's only because he wanted his morning tickle and piece of toast I think - see - he's manipulative too! OMG! PS. 12 hours and counting for my lovely, refreshing glass of wine!!! (swiftly followed by the rest of the bottle)!!! :laugh:
You're not wrong there Judy - the "butter wouldn't melt" face has disappeared and the "I'm gonna turn your house upside down" mask has finally slipped! Roll on tomorrow - at least I'll have wine to dull the pain of Harvey's (evil twin's) destruction! (after my hols my liver is pulsating so I haven't drank this week to give it a rest!!)
Ha Ha Ha! I'm normally quick on the uptake - had to read that a couple of times!!! :laugh: He may aswell - there's everything else spread around the house!!! Half a pound of tuppeny rice is a song that my tiel used to whistle perfectly, so when we brought Harvey home it was the first thing we tried to teach him. I've found a Grey doing it on You Tube: There are words too - but he's not that clever.....Yet!!
George will be fine (check me out, I wasn't this confident 17 days ago!!). I've just returned after two weeks away and my parents looked after Harvey. I had apprehensions too (he doesn't know them too well, but they are really caring people). He was fine! All these fab people gave me the reassurances that they are giving you and lo and behold, when I returned on Saturday Harvey was over the moon to see us, but certainly hadn't suffered! Go and enjoy yourself - he'll be fine xx B)
LOL to you both - thanks Dan - I appreciate the extra time to wallow in my self indulgence that the kindly burglar will bring my Harvey back and take this deviant to his rightful owner (if he asks for payment I'll kindly give it!!). Julie - the description from Dan is all too human - he's just transposing it to fit into the parrot world - we'll find out soon enough!!! :lol:
No No No! Dan you are so wrong! Harvey has been stolen and his evil twin has taken up residence!! Please let me believe this for at least tonight Jooles - you may want to re-phrase your last question - are you asking if Dan leaves the toilet seat up!!!!! :laugh:
Ha Ha - THEIR age - I think I'm steadily ageing! When we brought Harvey home four months ago I was 34 - I think I'm now nearer 204!! :laugh:
I'm wondering how many different "tunes" are picked up by our Greys? Harvey is trying to whistle "half a pound of tuppeny rice" (which I think is probably a song from the UK that the US etc may not have heard of). I've seen some on the internet - but what is your Grey's speciality? It would be great to know :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2009/07/30 19:56
We've come home tonight to find that somebody has sneaked into the house, removed our lovely Harvey and replaced him with a one from the local pet jail! This intruder is being soooo naughty it unbelievable! He has already tonight chewed my blinds, my lamp, my cushion cover, my scarf (oh yes, it's no summer up here!), the edge of my desk and now, as I type, he's trying to pull the keys from my keyboard! :evil: Each time we remove him from the offending position he returns there :whistle: (or indeed finds another place to start his destruction) quicker than we blink! He's on a one-parrot mission to rip the house apart. Please Mr Parrot Burglar, I beg of you to return my lovely, cuddly, loving, friendly young parrot Harvey, because the one you've left me is getting steadily on my nerves!!!!
I haven't given Harvey pomegranate yet - but he has enough target practice with strawberries, cherries and grape juice! I am sure now he "aims" his mess towards the nearest slat of my blinds that he hasn't maimed already! To think how house proud I was before "my little darling!!!" came into our lives!!
I was eating a peach tonight when Harvey took a great interest in it. I ended up chopping the half off I'd eaten and offered him the other half (removing him swiftly to his cage and away from my cream sofa!!). He picked all of the soft fruit off, hardly eating any, but decorating the floor/table/lamp and then once he'd stripped it to the stone he started "shaving" the stone with his beak. It was at this point I took it from him (to the loudest protestations I have heard since the first attempt at the Aviator!! Does anyone know if these are harmful or is he fine chewing it - please let it be fine - I'll get hours of peace!!!
I remember it well!! It's a terrible wait! I was desperate for Harvey to come home and ended up going into work for an hour and a half on the day we could pick him up (it was a Tuesday and I'd arranged to pick him up at 5pm) and I left work at 10.30 I was that excited! It's like waiting for Santa when you're five!! It'll be nice to hear how she fits into your lives. Best of luck!!
Harvey's favorite treat is waiting until my back is turned and biting the blinds or lampshade!!! LOL His favorite treat is a palm nut - he'll sell his soul for one and sits studying it and stripping it. I'm also embarrassed about my canabalistic baby - he also ignores everything when he has a chicken bone in his claw! Things with wings again I'm afraid (moths, flies, butterflies, chickens!!) :evil:
Ha Ha! Very good Davey - Harvey rather likes our vertical blinds and table lamp. I used to be uber houseproud before he arrived! :evil:
Oh No!!! At 4.15am this morning when the "lovely" seagulls made that beautiful (NOT) noise outside by bedroom window (I too live coastal)I didn't think it was cute!! Thanks for the heads up Jooles - I'm getting parrot ear muffs so Harvey can't hear them - he's not getting the chance to mimmick a seagull!!!! Karma for being such an understanding mammy and giving him the opportunity to twitter such "gorgeous" noises!!! B)
Just like Ana Grey, Harvey only uses his concrete perch to sleep on too - which means the minimal of movement!! Up until now (Harvey's 7 months old) I haven't had to trim his nails (actually, I don't think I will ever try this - the vet may be called upon!!) and Harvey's nails are fine. I think they are good for the differing thickness so their feet aren't "hooked" around a circular perch, but as for the nail trimming - it doesn't happen in our house!
Give them a mile and they'll take it! Harvey will fly all over the garden on his Aviator and leash - we haven't taken him flying in an open area, just in the garden - where he'll fly from his perch to the top of the fence, top of the conservatory, top of the garage roof etc - he doesn't try to make an "Escape to Victory". We ALWAYS supervise him and he is never left alone. I should really be on commission for the manufacturers! I (and Harvey) love the Aviator (after initial disasters)! Enjoy - it's fab
I read all of that too about shouldering before getting Harvey - so discouraged it early on. I say early on as it is Harvey's favorite position. He climbs there, sticks his head down and waits for his neck to be tickled. This isn't dominance - this is where he is happy and where he knows I can execute the EXACT position for the best tickle. He hasn't (to date!!) tried to bite either my ears, nose etc - he is quite docile too - it would sharp stop if he did!! :blink:
Aah - if only life was so simple!!! What a lovely poem Dave - Alfie obviously has the life of Riley! Jill xx :laugh:
Dan, a blog of "A day in the life of Dayo" would be fab! Dayo is so entertaining - I have Harvey stuck to the screen watching his videos!!! Do it!! B)