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Everything posted by Summerc25

  1. Glad to hear Roswell is safe but I wsh you were the one to find her. Those idiot people do not deserve to have her. Once is a mistake but to lose her again the next day is ridiculous!! If they had any decency they woud give her to you. Good luck and let us know what happens
  2. Thank you for the replies I want it in black. I just showed it to my mother though an she thinks it is a bad idea because it sits too low and the cats could reach the bird easier. I didn't even think of that before. It may be okay as long as I hve a bird who will bite the cats and teach them to back off...lol I don't intend on leaving them unsupervised with a bird but if some freak accident happened and they got into the room with him when I am at work, it could be terrorizing for the birdie. Do any of you who have cats have a problem with them trying to get to your birds alot? My two cats have never been outside since I got them s the do not see birds but it is instinct for cats to try to get birds and I do not want to chance that happening. Do any of you who have cats have them declawed or do they have claws? I hate declawing but it might be something to think about with a bird too. It seems kind of cruel though so I don't know
  3. Is this the same bird from your 2007 posts that was named Sparky?? If so something has happened since then to cause the bird stress or something. The other bird appeared healthy with all of it's feathers. Is the bird doing better? Can you update us?
  4. Do you guys think this cage looks good for a grey or is it too large? The bar spacing is 1 inch and I think a book I read said 1/2 inch is better for greys. http://www.birdcages.com/large-bird-cages/corner-cage/jaspercornerbirdcage.cfm I love the corner fit style of this cage and looks like it will still give my future bird plenty of room. Right now I am still buying stuff to get ready for a bird and researching and then I will find th perfect bird for the cage. Do you guys knowof any better places to search for cages if this one is not good? Thanks for any tips and advice
  5. I hope Jasper was okay, let us know if you get a chance. Thanks
  6. Thank you I heard back from the guy that has the one yr old grey. I asked him for pictures, mainly just to see the bird, not to make a decision based soley on photos, and he responded that he would rather me come and meet the bird in person. Of course I planned to do that anyway because greys seem to be somewhat choosy with who they want as an owner But it also made me feel like he cares who the bird goes to which is always a plus. He is asking $500 and said he also has the cage and playstand etc, not included in the price. It sounds like a really good deal. Is there anything that you suggest that I look for to determine that the grey is really only one year or so? I guess it really does not matter to me as long as he seems to be a healthy, friendly bird. Thank you for the advice
  7. Thank you all for the replies. You are right about that other bird. I think he only liked one person. He was so pretty and smart and I feel so bad for him that he has to get used to a new owner now. I looked on a website I saw through here, Kajii I think is the name of it. I found someone who is selling a one year old male grey, who he says is very friendly, cage and playstand for 500.00. I would typically rather have started with a baby but I do not want to have one shipped. I would be afraid the bird could be harmed or get sick in transit. I could travel to get one if I needed to, within reason. I went into the local petstore to look today. They have a baby that will be out in about a week but he will cost $1799 and that just seems really high to me. I have seen babies for sale from breeders for $725. I think the one year old bird is worth going to look at. When I went into the petstore, I fell in love with this green parrot that was an eclectus I think. He just really liked me so I liked him back of course lol I have to stay out of the petstore hahaha I will end up with an aviary. Just joking
  8. I just joined this site so that I can get more information on greys and research them further before buying one. I know someone who recently sold his and I considered buying it but the grey was very aggressive and mean towards anyone but him. I was afraid of the bird because it bit everyone all the time and I was afraid I would not be able to play with him enough and tame him because of my fear. Now I am leaning more towards buying a baby so that it will be attached to me and not mean...lol I am kind of kicking myself for not getting the other bird now because maybe he just needed a lot of love and attention but luckily a lady who owned another large bird bought him so hopefully he has a good home with an experienced bird owner. He was a brilliant and beautiful bird. Is it best to buy a baby bird so that it will not have an attachment to a previous owner or can they overcome that and attach to a new owner? Also, I love animals and I have two indoor cats. Do you think there is anyway of getting a grey and cats to get along or will I strictly have to keep them seperated at all times? Of course I would anyway when I am at work and not able to watch them. Is it just a bad idea to have a bird when I aleady have cats? Thanks for any advice
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