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Everything posted by pugwash

  1. I think coffee tree may be cheaper, I was talking to somebody the other day and they have a large piece in their garden, bought from a garden centre in Leicester..I will keep you posted
  2. Hi and Happy Christmas..have a great day;)
  3. Bright lights big city..dodgy 80s film, big hair and a bad script KIEFER SUTHERLAND<br><br>Post edited by: pugwash, at: 2008/12/22 16:30
  4. <br><br>Post edited by: pugwash, at: 2008/12/22 16:21
  5. Thanks Laurie..have a fab Christmas..from one computer incompetent to the next:laugh: Best wishes to you and yours;) Hayley
  6. Actually she is a lovely old lady, quite mischevious, funny and intelligent.. I dont think its possible to say that she is drinking to forget lol! Thanks for asking Caroline, Ethan is now much better and "touch wood!" we are going to evade the awful virus ourselves. Today very busy wrapping presents..aaagh I hate it !Did a cheap leg wax with the sellotape well I had to put the strips somewhere lol Children driving me nuts Everybody take a break, put up your feet and find a happy place:lol:
  7. Lol I have set a trend you all want one now:laugh: Maybe we can go halves..Bagsie I get the top half;)
  8. These just keep on getting better..thanks all
  9. Phew I am just back home, this morning I had to take one of my little charges to a playgroup party..I am a childminder amongst other things. Then it was two hours with the lady I look after who has Dementia, what a day ! Four Christmas Sherries later its a miracle I can type. You see she forgets that we have had one and I come back into the room and I find the glass topped up..Its rude and unsociable to say no:laugh: Ive cleaned out the chickens, walked one of the dogs..not in a straight line lol and now its half an hour on here before I collect my Son Thats a sobering thought:woohoo: I came back to Elvis cheeping with excitement and its a joy to return I am so excited to be spending Christmas at home with my family all together. The first one I have had at home with my fab partner and kids Enjoy your day
  10. Casper I dont know how you do it..but youre a star Im off out ram raiding the garden centre for a bit of Java
  11. What a wonderful guy..Huge amount of Karma to you Terrific pictures also:)
  12. Thanks all..I believe that you can buy a few cheaper pieces on ebay, however it pays to check the sellers feedback before purchase I guess As for them being slippery I think you can sand them down a bit? They do look lovely but they might not covered in poop:laugh: Have a fab Christmas all Who knows what might be in the stocking
  13. You lot are so clever. I cant even get a picture of my Grey on here! Have a fantastic Christmas, eat, drink and be merry;) Dont forget to spread a little kindness thats what its all about
  14. Ok I just looked at Northern parrots and they are charging ten pounds just for a stick..back to plan B
  15. Thanks Daveyj I have seen them in garden centres and they do look pretty expensive, but I will check out Northern parrots and expect to spend Christmas in hospital following a stroke after seeing the prices!!:laugh: Have a fantastic Christmas and thanks for your help Hayley
  16. Hi there Does anybody out there in the UK know where I might be able to purchase a java wood climbing tree??? Thanks in advance Hayley
  17. Hey there..just wishing you all A very Happy Christmas from here in the UK I am fortunate enough not to have to spend the day visiting anybody and I plan on just relaxing, watching all the usual dodgy tv and Pigging out Hope you all have a fab Christmas, thanks for all of the advice that has been given in the past I look forward to meeting more new people on here soon
  18. Hi Gerald Welcome to the forum..have a great day:woohoo: :woohoo:
  19. pugwash

    MAX Has Gone

    Hi there Been through the same thing myself with a bird I raised, loved and taught everything to and regarded as another limb really. We also live in an area surrounded by woods and fields and it was exceptionally difficult trying to think of where, in this huge area he would go. I actually passed a fellow villagers property that day where Charley, as I later discovered would have sat waiting for me for over an hour. I wasnt informed until much later as the Neighbour had thought in naivety that Charley would fly home all by himself. How I kick myself everyday that I hadnt listened to myself as I walked by that property that I should go check there Days went by Every day I was out and walked 5 to 6 miles per day and put leaflets through every door I could find. I rang his bell over and over and called for him and the little dog that I took with me searching, howls even if he sees the damn thing now Anyway I cant say what you should have done as we all make our own call and you made yours I hope you will hear news of Max. Its a desperately uneasy thought thinking of what may have happened as he probably would have flown down to you without the need for firebucket or whatever eventually as my bird would have and had done before. Anyways my friend I hope you have some closure and if not that your new bird can compensate for your loss Do as I have and invest in some clipping and dont let him out of your sight Good luck Hayley
  20. Hi there Just wanted to wish you or your friend the best of luck recovering the bird I lost my grey in the summer and have had to resign myself to thinking somebody out there has found him and took him in bitter pill to swallow when you lose something so dear to your heart# I would just encourage you to pursue every imaginable avenue..local radio, paper and of course posters..a reward offered is most likely to get a response Theres lots of people prepared to help via the internet such as the various parrot groups All the very best and I hope your friends bird is found I kmow of a guy who gave up on finding his bird and it was recovered four months later. Also Greys are much hardier than they seem..once again good luck to you
  21. Hi there Welcome to the forum I have heaps of books on Greys but the most amusing, informative for me is "parrots for dummies!" which you can get at a reasonable cost from Amazon perhaps even ebay Good luck with your new grey and have a great day Regards Hayley
  22. Aww thats so sad Im sorry for you, its awful to lose a bird, but dont blame yourself its just one of those things as awful as it may seem Take care and all the best to you
  23. Thanks Caroline, thats really helpful;) I will get some on order straight away
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