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Everything posted by pugwash

  1. Hi there I noticed that there was a lady on here who had made some "treat toys" with bun cases and string they looked really good I did buy the hamster kebab stick as mentioned above somewhere. Keeps Elvis busy for ages and when I hang it from the top of the cage he seems really stimulated by it. A lot of the toys from the major pet stores are rediculously priced!:evil:
  2. :side: Hi there..any one out there from the UK??? Can anybody please tell me where I can purchase some Harrisons Pellets within the UK? Also what would be the best starter for my Bird at 13 wks old? Thanking you muchly:cheer:
  3. Hi I too lost my Grey,spent heaps of time checking all rescue centres nearby just in case. I think more often birds are kept in avairy conditions its clear they would be better off with the lifestyle they are accustomed to, within a home with more direct human contact. A lot of them do not rehome the birds. I have also visited a place in Leicester, they do actually sell birds there that they have themselves bred, but they had taken in a parrot no longer wanted by its owner it was severely plucked, not ringed and quite traumatised. They were offering this bird for sale at £650.00 Worst thing for me was finding out on the day of Charley taking flight that he had spent an hour in a nearby residents garden and nobody had bothered to give me a call. Thats fate for you
  4. Hey welcome to the forum, good luck finding a grey that suits you..
  5. Hi from one newbie to another Good luck with your parrot and have a great day
  6. Hi Annie wow what a lovely caring lady..good luck with all that you do, hope to come across you sometime in the future
  7. Thanks all signed up and should have pics on soon
  8. Head twitching..my bird does it often is it a sign of anxiety?????
  9. Elvis is doing just great and adjusting to life in his new residence just fine, he went crazy over his new toys the other day. I do think about my other bird everyday..he was such a bright bird and he used to call in the dogs for me, tell the kids to get in the bath etc . Guess he was my side kick really. I just hope that if somebody picked him up they looked into how to take care of him properly and that hes happy somewhere.
  10. Hi Dave..I mean the Brits are quite reserved and dont make a habit of coming forwards to introduce themselves as readily... "Backwards at coming forwards" is a saying we have here;) I have a frozen turkey for you awaiting collection its minus 2 today and snowing hard
  11. Hey lovely to hear from you all...Its funny that there are quite a few :blink: fellow brits on here but they are so backward about coming forwards..why is that??? Anyway you seem like really nice people, I am really looking forward to speaking with you further Hey we got snow today!!!! Still having problems with loading up a pic of Elvis but my pic of myself went on just fine Have a great day and thanks to all who spare the time to say hi
  12. <br><br>Post edited by: pugwash, at: 2008/11/22 11:41
  13. Hey there..newbie here Just got my baby grey, had initial confidence attack but am getting over that now..just want to say everybody on here seems to be just lovely, really helpful and friendly Lost my first grey a few months back, he took flight and we were all bereft..very hard to get over something that has no closure But now I have Elvis..guess its a way forward from that! Also have here, two dogs, a staffy and a border terrier, a peacock, tropical fish, a ragdoll cat, we breed lavender pekin bantams and we are raising a few Bronze turkeys..oh yeah and theres the kids lol I hope I will get to know quite a few people, especially as it keeps me off ebay Anyway great to be here and have good day
  14. I love it on here everybodys just so friendly..thanks all:silly: Elvis has been quite vocal today..ok I think he just wants me to get him some peanuts, im still " chuffed" though.
  15. Hey..thanks for all of the advice.Firstly the only reason I am using a stick for step up now and again is because his handler used it with him and he has kept parrots for over twenty years, however I am not keen on using it but if I can keep him placid and calm whilst moving him I think its ok for the moment am taking notes and digesting fully all of the great advice that has been given Of course I am also spending time with Elvis not just giving him treats willy nilly. Ive noticed this morning he is even more at ease with me so I must be doing something right!! I still miss my other bird a lot and perhaps I am trying to over compensate and am trying to get everything just right because in a way I still feel bad at having lost Charley, I shouldnt be underconfident with the experience of birds that I have had, I have had a green wing macaw now thats a bite I will always remember lol. Anyways thanks a lot for all of the advice I will keep you posted on the progress. The great thing about having joined this is that theres heaps of lovely well advised people at hand Still having probs loading bird pic aaagh
  16. Thanks for your response..I am digesting as much info on here as I can. For some reason I am struggling to upload the photos but I wont let it get the better of me Thanks for giving me a bit more confidence..have a great day
  17. Ok where to start??? Quite a few months ago I lost my African grey, I had brought him home at the age of sixteen weeks, he was pretty much from day one..confident, cuddly, and he went on to become a very sociable, clever and talkative bird. One day aged five he took flight and after a few sightings was lost to us for good:( So a few months pass by and my partner comes home with an African grey baby,aged 13 weeks, semi tame but hand reared. I am just trying to find ways of gaining the birds trust, right now it mainly revolves around peanuts, he spends most of the day sitting on top of his cage I can get him to step up onto a stick hes fine"ish" with that for a while then he gets all nervy and wants back to his point of safety ..ie his cage. He has only been with us for a week, I know this is a short time but any tips would be greatly appreciated I do have several books on the subject and like I said I have had a Grey before and I thought I was pretty confident and experienced But all birds are different I guess..so any help please???
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