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Everything posted by pugwash

  1. ok its not a great day lol, last night I wasted an entire glass of wine on my laptop..but thankfully I managed to find an old keyboard Just a few hours offline felt like years by the way have you noticed that so many of my comments are involving booze lol One step at a time all lol ... Oh my Goodness Caroline how on earth did you manage to survive in the cold with no heating and hotwater? Glad its over for you though, saying that its always cold here living on the only hill in Norfolk lol We live here in a 250 year old cottage we have no insulation and no double glazing Can I get some sympathy lol!!! I love it here though all fields around me, one neighbour, granted we dont speak lol..but its ok Well have a good eve all p.s nice to see Davey j back on havent seen much of him lately
  2. In theory I am all with you in you going and kicking some ass Jade wolf..Is there any other way round it? such as getting an animal welfare group involved. They are the ones with the power to take any mistreated birds from her and to make sure she is unable to start breeding animals again. Once again I am sorry you have had to go through all of this. Its been really traumatic for you Whatever your decision I wish you all the very best Regards Hayley;)
  3. I think you are right Jane they just totally exaggerate it. It really makes me laugh when Elvis does it Glad to hear its not linked to anything bad also just needs a bit of wd40 lol
  4. Hey Mandy Best of luck with Lilo..looks a cutie Try not to react to the biting, for instance they try to test the boundaries much like kids..a simple and clear NO:angry: should do the trick Much easier said than done however, considering how painful it can be. Good luck and hope you enjoy the forum Regards Hayley
  5. Oh God dont talk about insomnia. I took a couple of Kalms to get me to sleep the other eve and now I wake everynight at approx midnight totally wide eyed. I must have a low tolerance to plant extract lol;) We got snow today! It looks real nice however I have had several bad falls in my life involving ice and horses and I cant step on it now without getting in a hyper state. also being 5ft 11 tall its a damn long way down lol:blink: Made enough Lasagne this morning to feed the five thousand Back on the exercise wheel later. Am currently on a get fit mission then back to counting sheep later and hopefully back on track for a good nights rest:unsure: Enjoy the day all!!
  6. Thank God theres more than one "creaky!" I was having visions of some genetic disorder or something. Still least it gives me something in common with my bird. What with me becoming an arthritic old bint myself lol!
  7. Its a creak for sure lol, it happens when he extends his wings behind him for a full on stretch as he pulls his wings back it makes a real rusty door kinda sound;) My last grey didnt do this its weird lol My last grey used to flap his wings and say "youre pretty!" which I took as a compliment lol but clearly he had picked up on what we used to say to him when he did it Thanks for the responses though Judy and Baxters Mom;)
  8. Hi I used to give my Grey a clove of garlic every so often this is an interesting food for them to uncover my bird used to unwrap it carefully before having a munch also the added benefit of it being a natural antibiotic I thought I should add this as I dont see it posted elsewhere Oh yeah obvious point is it does make them a bit stinky lol<br><br>Post edited by: pugwash, at: 2009/01/04 02:20
  9. I dont think Greys are anywhere as noisy as Macaws I had a Green wing who used to scream his head off like an extra from Jurassic park lol..excuse possible spelling error there it is 1.30 am My grey that I had prior to Elvis would spend hours in his avairy outside in the summer..one day my ex partner was raking the shingle in the drive and a rather snooty lady came by, Charley my Grey, wolf whistled at her Her not seeing the parrot assumed that it was my ex partner which I found hysterical..I dont think she did! Im sure your neighbours hear next to nothing Caroline youre such a lovely person anyway I doubt they would have an issue with it:) Ringside seat please for the next Shazbaby36 and Dave007 round
  10. Hi there Since purchasing my Grey a couple of months ago I have noticed that when he stretches it is accompanied by a rather loud "creaky!" noise I have listened with interest to this over time and I cant work out whether it is the wings itself or a vocal noise..Call me stupid lol Does your bird do this? Or does he need oiling?:laugh:
  11. Great idea, I am always finding pieces like this rammed under sonnys bed lol..beware the toy snatcher I have a cunning plan:evil: ps nice pic;)
  12. "Yipee!" I thought.. Its the weekend and then it dawned on me it was time to remove the skeletal remains of the Christmas tree:( An hour and a half later and I ended up looking like Pinhead from the hellraiser horror film. A very painful experience:laugh: The last pine needle was removed from this dwelling:( Ok possibly not the last lol An afternoon of cleaning the house from top to bottom, cleaned out all of the poultry now taking a well earned five minutes break I thought weekends were for relaxing..Grocery shopping Sunday thn massive pile of ironing:evil: aaagh! Bring on Monday lol Enjoy your weekend..<br><br>Post edited by: pugwash, at: 2009/01/03 18:14
  13. Great thread.. I would personally love to 1. Begin a hypnotherapy course..much longed for 2. clear any oustanding debts before the credit crunch hits us any harder 3. Be able to stroke Elvis my grey without him having a heart attack during the process 4. Return to Tuscany in the summer 5. Move to France, grow my own veg and drink copious amounts of "plonk" 6. never have to walk in on my boss on the loo ever again:woohoo:
  14. Heartfelt sympathy for you. I have read quite a few of your posts on here with interest and you seem such a lovely caring person. I am sure you had done all that you could for Shadow given the circumstances Please dont blame yourself I hope you can move on from this in time Regards Hayley Post edited by: pugwash, at: 2009/01/02 17:02<br><br>Post edited by: pugwash, at: 2009/01/02 17:03
  15. Aww Baxters Mom ..thank you very much for your kindness:) Caroline , thanks you are always at hand with advice and give time to all that ask of it I feel more positive today and I think its Caroline having infected us all with the Christmas spirit, or is it just the spirits lol:P" hic up!" Got work this afternoon then its back for a "cheese and crackers fest" All this good karma has got me in a "Hayley bubble!":) Enjoy your Christmas Eve wherever you are and whatever you are doing Lots of love Hayley
  16. I promise I am going to step away from ebay:woohoo: Merry Christmas to you and yours Lots love from Elvis and Hayley;)
  17. Terrific Avatar Steve.. Welcome to the forum, look forward to the updates on Charlie you must be really excited?? Hayley;)
  18. Hi all, had the day with two girlfriends having an early Christmas lunch:side: I feel a bit depressed today as I took it upon myself to search the internet to see if anything came up in regards to my missing grey Charley. We lost him in the summer. Although we have a new grey I still cant help wondering what happened, perhaps hoping he will be found and returned to us. I got excited when I read that a grey had been "supposedly" found in Fakenham the nearest town to us Turns out this was a link for a missing cat:( OH DEAR So I was misty eyed for a bit and now I am trying to return to the positive side again. Christmas is almost here, hope you are all taking it easy and not stressing too much? Have just noticed that I have reached the level five in Karma so I am stupidly overjoyed..thanks muchly to who ever was kind enough to give that out Happy Christmas all
  19. Hey there Firstly thanks for the friendship invite, gladly accepted Secondly its awesome you have a little Elvis just like us;) Thirdly lol best wishes and Merry Christmas Hayley
  20. Hey great thread, shame I cannot upload any darn pics but I have a few tats myself.. Most people would think that I would be the last person to have tattoos I have a set of large tribal butterfly wings on my back, cherry blossom going all down my right shoulder and upper arm, an American Indian style Eagle, which could best be described as tribal on my upper left armB) , my kids initials on my wrist and a butterfly on my ankle Sometimes in summer you find people have a good stare some turn up their noses but some actually come up and say they look great There everybody bet you didnt expect all of those did you? The best thing is I am still the same person underneath:) Hayley
  21. I think some of the stuff for sale in there would be fairly easy to make at a fraction of the cost Poppy and then if you save the money wheres the time going to come from:( Boo life sucks lol
  22. I received my Northern parrots brochure today its packed full of great stuff Shame about your stand, guess you wont get it in time for Christmas now? Have a Happy Christmas she;)
  23. Cool..theres another Elvis out there Greyt minds think alike;) Nice pics Hayley
  24. Very cute Daveyj..the card that is lol Have a juicy Crimble Hayley:laugh:
  25. Great to meet you, love your sense of humour..birdys a cutie Hope you enjoy the forum and hope to hear more about you and yours soon Hayley P.s cool another tattoo lover
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