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Everything posted by pugwash

  1. The odd couple - Walter Mattheau
  2. The good German - Cate Blanchett;)
  3. pugwash


    Hi there Give Northern parrots a try for Harrisons they stock 1 1lb bags for under ten pounds which will last a while Muesli might seem healthy but it contains a fair amount of sugar as well which sort of counteracts the whole healthy thing Lots of leafy veg, bit of fruit but try to cut down on the seeds. Its difficult at first but with a bit of perseverence I am sure you will get your grey to accept a better diet I also bought a metal skewer type thing from the hamster dept at pets at home I thread on some sweetcorn, pomegranate,pasta etc and he has so much fun actually working to get his food Best of luck;)
  4. Sweeney Todd..starring the "gorgeous":) Johnny depp
  5. Thanks sheila I hope you are getting on ok? George hasnt touched the chest area since and seems he was just having an off day. Guess we might get a few of those one day he seems aloof another hes like a piece of velcro! Enjoy the weekend all
  6. Hi all, bit bothered today George my Goffins has made a tiny tear in his chest area. Just when I thought that he was getting along nicely, hes been covered with a tube bandage and aloed all over, hes also had a dose of Baytril today to fight any impending infection and he hasnt been able to touch the area since. Straight to the vets if not. Im just so concerned about placing a collar on him as his feathers were coming along so well and I think he might just go insane with the plucking once the collar has been removed.:blink: but of course it has to be watched over with great care. Its a minor thing at the moment I wonder if its a sexual frustration thing now as he keeps offering me his back end rather than his head for a scratch. Maybe hes a tad frustrated He has a multitude of shredding toys and is out the cage all day long. Anyway Im sure this is just a blip and it will all be ok, best not to panic really. Hope you all had a good day Regards Hayley
  7. Hope you get better soon Sheila, all the best to you and enjoy the day
  8. Satanic rites of Dracula..Christopher Lee;)
  9. Great pictures. Love the pic of him spreading his wings
  10. John Its possible to get a mix minus the alcohol,which you must then dilute in bottled water and keep in the fridge Rescue remedy is usually sold in the store and is a combination of several plant extracts, but if you look through a search engine you can find details of the seperate flower remedies and get a mix to suit your needs. As for raffia its sold in florists you can tie it to the side of the cage and birdy can have fun shredding it;) My cockatoo has a hard plastic peanut shaped treat holder and he has to figure out how to get the nuts through the nut shaped holes, but my grey has one of the rubbery, holey treat holders and hasnt yet chewed it to bits.. I cant think of much more to suggest but I hope it goes well with whatever you get to try next;) Best Hayley P.s you have a great looking grey, what a fantastic picture.<br><br>Post edited by: pugwash, at: 2009/01/26 11:17
  11. Get well soon Jen;) Bet you are glad to have two days off you must be cream crackered She lol lol;) Enjoy Sunday
  12. Hi John Welcome to the forum I have a cockatoo who used to feather pluck. Since I have had him he seems to have forgotten all about his past ways and the feathers are all coming back If I have to leave the house for any period of time I make sure he is left with heaps to do I make my own shredding toys out of raffia and paper and its enough to keep him busy for ages I also purchased a mix of Bach flower remedy which I either spray onto him at misting time or drop a bit into his food or water If you go onto any Bach remedy site there will be a full explanation of the flower remedies you might think suitable to use They last a long time and really do seem to work I use them all kinds of stuff and they really have a proven effective rate Best of luck Hayley;)
  13. Many thanks and good luck with your new arrival also. The Amazons are lovely I am sure he will bring a lot of joy to yourself and Whisper ..Great name by the way;)
  14. Thank you Just making sure that Elvis keeps his status as the Alpha parrot, he really has tolerated Georges arrival with grace lol Must say he is really inquisitive and any opportunity to get into Georges feed bowls have been relished:laugh: The nicest thing is that Elvis looks to me before he makes his move Crafty little devil has also started to imatate Georges noises lol..earns him a nut everytime
  15. Hey what a cool job lol!! Its so late I am going to have to think of some suitable jokes for you.. I cant believe I am still up lol..got to be up for six in the morning OOOH im so mad at myself for not being able to think of any wise cracks lol.. I hope at least that your job is secure and the new year brings you all good things Have a great eve luv Hayley
  16. Seems the little fella had been plucking since he was two years old, all started after an op on his chest his owners took him in for the op after he almost got himself crushed to death He has a bare patch on his chest and his op scar is visible, I think he might get itchy there at times Also his very first owners had not noticed anything was wrong until he started plucking at his chest. Then the vet confirmed the severity of the injury The tail feathers came out a while back when the last owner moved house. I think she treated him like a piece of china because of his past and spoiled him rotten..she suggested that he didnt like misting or bathing and so she didnt do it at all I misted him alongside my grey and he was in his element and he seems to preen much less as a result at the moment. If I can help him in anyway I will, on a scale of things hes not looking too bad, could be a lot worse thats for sure> If I cant stop the shredding George will be George and we just got to make the most of it, just as he does But it would be lovely to see him at a stage where hes the proud owner of a whole new set of wings or at the very least one new tail feather lol Thanks again and have a great eve
  17. My fave game on the wii has to be chicken shoot lol, bit of payback for the mess I have to clear up on a daily basis lol..ok I sound evil now:evil: If you are going to get wii games I recommend Amazon..So many bargains on there beats ebay by a mile Whats your job ? I am always curious as you have mentioned it a few times but have not stated what you do for a living I envy you, having had that chance to see the Elephants in the wild..Lucky thing Have a great evening Im looking forward to sharing some of these pictures with you soon All the best H;) P.s has anyone had a look at Greyforum user Mattpatresi on you tube? His grey is caught on tape having a waffle..hes a funny fella..look for pablo I am sure he would appreciate your comments
  18. Thanks Dave for the advice He seems pretty quiet at the moment but has his moments..Think he is just testing the waters and we could be in for some full on screeching moments. Guess we just have to be prepared:laugh: Luckily we had an enormous cage that was used for the Green wing macaw that we fostered ..In between homes and its full to brimming with shredding toys.. Not that he has been in it much I have to say he absolutely adores my Son and bunny hops on to him when he comes home from school, if ignored he taps him gently and strokes his hair with his feet its very endearing. Of course he is being supervised at all times..Ive seen what he does to a walnut lol!!!!:laugh: My grey used to eat chicken too and I was always amazed at how he could hold up a chicken leg virtually same size as himself lol
  19. Thanks Caroline..step away from that wii lol Spent all Christmas on ours and think I have a hernia from the wii fit lol Any new years resolutions anybody? Looks like you are all keeping those under wraps or have they all gone out the window already My resolution is to get fit again I used to be as thin as a whip, I feel that pre Christmas Muffin top coming on lol and now I cant afford any more new clothes Have a great eve all..Its great to be back
  20. Oh Thank God I must admit I was getting the shakes from not getting my dose of the forum and not being able to catch up with you all was torture.. I just thought that you all might think I was completely crazy and kept it under wraps until I made a decision I came across an ad in preloved which is an advertising site here in the UK I was looking out for new conservatory windows but being inquisitive as I am..ok nosy then!! lol Looked through the birds section and there was an ad placed for a new home for this neurotic cockatoo Actually hes not all that neurotic at all he just needs some guidance lol He is twelve years old. I am so glad we got him as hes a real all rounder and likes everybody, my grey prefers me and having George has really brought Elvis out of his shell In fact Elvis has started to interact a lot more and IM so proud of him and how he has accepted the changes Thank you both for the kind words and I really must get these pics on Caroline. Thank you all and I will keep you posted
  21. Ok its possible I will be in for some real "stick" after posting my latest news I have just taken on a Twelve year old Goffins Cockatoo who is now living amongst us and my 19 week old grey The transition has gone pretty well, he needs major changes to his diet, his previous owner, although very caring and loving fed him chocolate and allowed him to drink coffee. His diet has been pretty "dire" He started feather shredding at the age of two following a chest injury Right now he is missing most his tail feathers and flights but hes showing vast improvement after daily misting with aloe and the introduction of Bach flower remedy. Blood tests from the vet showed no abnormalities Hes such a darling little character and we just wanted to introduce him to the forum Hes a stubborn little devil and has been allowed to get away with doing as he pleases, we put him on "time out!" when he has been misbehaving this is working well, theres now no biting or cheekiness I would love to hear from any Goffins owners out there Or any advice as to how to get him eating his veggies
  22. Hi there Interesting thread, I have just taken on a Goffins cockatoo to go with the 19 week old grey I already have My cockatoo is a rescue and a plucker, perhaps more of a needy chappie than my grey who is quite aloof and not at all needy on the affection front. Saying that both birds have their individual needs met and flocking together has improved the confidence of both birds and given much more than I alone could provide. I am lucky enough to be in a positon to insure both birds, have the funds to allow a full balanced diet and have much time to dedicate to their needs. The mess is tolerable and the avairy space for the summer much welcome but thats it for us..no more birdies;)
  23. Busy, busy, busy Have taken on a Goffins cockatoo. We saw an ad in preloved looking to rehome a neurotic bird, feather shredder and 8 hours driving there and back we got him home. So we have added to our flock both birdies get along just fine all vet checks fine but radical changes in diet desperately needed;) Cockatoo is on a special bach flower remedy and new feather growth is coming along nicely just trying to get him on a new diet now. The previous owner allowed him to have coffee and chocolate biscuits, the only fruit he ate was an apple and that was only so that he could get to the seeds.. no wonder hes all messed up. Well hes a terrific little fella, he speaks with a cockney accent and he is really taken with my son he just lights up when my son comes home from school Hope you are all just fine, I miss hearing all the news All the best from Hayley;)
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