I just spent almost an hour giving Ana Grey scritches on her head and neck. She initiated the activity by coming over and pulling on my hand. When I started to scratch her, she just put her head down and loved it. If I stopped she tugged at my finger to start again. I ended up putting her on my chest and giving her scritches as she closed her eyes and just enjoyed it. She is only 5 months old. She does spend time alone, she plays very well with her toys and is all over her cage, net and boing all day long. She can entertain herself very well and I adore her. So can you give too much affection, well yes you can if you pester your grey all the time. Watch their body language if they don't want a cuddle back off, or they will bite, fly away, whatever to get some peace. If they want a cuddle they will let you know and you should just enjoy being included in their lives.