Nice thread Ray. My first parrots were greys and a zon. Oops, I guess I broke the "rules".
I have both types of greys and a BF zon. Each is different and each is different from yours or Talon's or anyone else's. My greys both came to me from their breeders. Ana Grey, tag, is fearless and loving. Sterling Gris, cag, is a big lug of a guy and a fraidy cat. Introduced to family and people differently and each showing their breeder's "upbringing". Louie, zon, is an abused re-home who was ignored and left outside by the wife and children when the husband, care provider, became ill. Louie is very observant, leery and so wants to belong but leery of women. He is my hero.
Each parrot is different and each is loved. Each so wants to belong to the flock.
I get very upset when I hear of stereotyping zons or greys. Stereotyping can be a efficient shortcut and sense-making tool. However, stereotyping can keep people from processing new or unexpected information about each animal/person. No animal/person is the same, each is an individual. Each deserves a chance to grow and learn and be the best person/animal they can. A parrot care provider should be open-minded and patient. Basically be able to go with the flow and be open to whatever comes along.
Love my parrots!