First it is best not to cook with your grey in the kitchen. Never clean your oven with your greys around. I only clean my ovens in the spring/summer when my parrots can go outside. Get yourself some Orgreenic skillets and that should take care of any skillet teflon problems. As for coffeemakers and the like, make sure they are all in good working order, never leave unattended cooking and turn on your stove and oven exhaust fans. Frankly, any burning of cooking food, scented candles, oils etc. is hazardous to your birds. They have very sensitive lungs and air sacs and such, so any strong odors and smells can be offensive and harmful. Perfumes can be a problem, if you can smell it your bird smells it much, much more. Keep a well vented home for your parrot's good health. As for young greys, my greys' breeders were always available to me for questions and advice. In fact, they sent my home with oodles of foods and brochures and such to ensure that their babies where going to informed homes. In fact, they called me the first day or so. Oatmeal is good for our greys so if your young grey seems to need a little formula, try a little oatmeal on a spoon. I always keep pellets in my parrots' cages, whether they eat them or not, they need never be hungry. Your breeder should have lots of information for you about your new baby, so ask. Our Nursery Room moderator is a very knowledge guy about baby greys so PM him or just post your inquiries, Dave007 is the man.