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Everything posted by Suzzique
I am having some major problems with aggresion with Martini. I am already the primary care giver. I do everything feed, cage cleaning, new toys ect. He has always been cage aggresive and I learned to work around that. He is cage aggresive with my husband and son as well. All the aggression is directed at me and only me. He was not to bad when we first got him and we were teaching him to fly. But as he has settled in more the aggression has gotten worse. I know that I will never be able to handle him like my youngest daughter does. He LOVES her. She can do anything with him and he doesn't care. She can also pick him up and put him down on his cage and mess with stuff in his cage with no problems. He is nice to my son and husband and totally enjoys it when my older daughter and her partner come over. He flys right over to them for hello's and head scraches. I think that I maybe the rivil. He will fly over to me when I'm sitting on the couch and sit with me. He use to mostly just sit there and sometimes growl at me. Last week I was sitting on the couch reading. He was sitting on me I hadn't moved, none of the other animals in the room Alex hadn't moved. One second he was fine and the next he attacked me and bit threw my fingernail into the fingernail bed. My daughter emeditly got him told him he was bad and locked him in his cage. Concidering the time of year and the fact that he is 4 1/2 years it could be hormones. But I still need some help as to what to do. I've heard lots of just clip his wings and everything will be good. I don't for one minute beleave that. The fact that he can fly just means he can get to me easier not that it has made him more aggresive. I no longer trust him at all. While this is not the first case of totally unprovoked aggression it was the worst bit.
Though I am a stay at home mom the birds still have to go into thier cages when it is time to go get kids or shopping trips ect. Most of the time they are pretty good about it. Though if they really aren't wanting to go into thier cages they will give me a bad time. Alex will mostly just fly around so that I have to chase him. Though now that he is 2 1/2 sometimes he fluffs up and bites. Martini I always have to pick up with a stick. If he is not wanting to go he will lung at me. At which point the stick gets dropped and he has to fly. He is normally better after that and will step up on the stick and go into his cage no problem. Alex picked up Martini's good by whistle so they both do it now as I'm going out the door.
Dan I totally know how you feel. Alex and Martini are part of the family. They come with us to all parts of the house and are both flighted. As long as at least one person is home they are out of thier cages. They eat with us everything. We had to teach Martini how to fly after we got him. I am having major aggresion issues with Martini (just towrds me) right now and I refuse to clip his wings. There has to be a way to deal with his aggresion without clipping him. As mean as he is to me I will not give him up. Fortunitly for me all my kids love birds and I know that they would continue to care for Alex and Martini in the way they are use to if anything happend to me. I love your hand book! What a wonderful idea. B)
We have always allowed Alex to ride on our shoulders. Not just mine but everyone in the family. However when it is time to come off there are no complaints. The only thing I had to do was take off the ear rings. I can live without my ear rings. However the fact that Alex is so well behaved doesn't mean that another bird would be. Martini (senegal) is NEVER allowed on my shoulder. He can ride on pretty much everyone else but not me. He hates me with a passion and takes every chance he can to bit me and he always draws blood if he gets me. He has gotten much worse recently and I'm thinking some of it might be hormons sense it is that time of the year. I use to let him sit with me if I'm sitting on the couch but I can't even allow that any more. It is really getting to a point that I may have to start locking him up if I'm going to be in the living room for more than a few minutes. The biggest thing we all are saying is know your bird and know what your willing to risk.
Hello and Welcome!
It really doesn't matter if you are the one to hand feed or the breeder. You can still have a very loving and sweet bird. I would not try hand feeding myself. Just to much could go wrong. What really counts is what you do when your baby comes home. If you want a well ajusted social bird everyone in the house needs to spend time do stuff with the bird. He/she may still have a fav person but will happily spend time with others as well. Though Alex is still my bird he does and will go and spend time with everyone else in the house. I never make a fuss if he leaves me for someone else. I do need to start taking him out with me more so that he will be even more social. I just have to replace his harness first. He chewed threw one of the straps on the other one.
Alex has picked up anything to do with the dog. He yells her name tells her to shut up does the come in whistle. He will even bark just like her then yell Roxy shut up! It is to funny! He watchs for her when he is eatting and throws food to her if she is around. He also likes the sound of my youngest daughters name and has learned how to say it. Sometimes he will yell it to her until she yells back WHAT?!? Then he stops. It's really pretty funny. :lol:
Alex has picked up anything to do with the dog. He yells her name tells her to shut up does the come in whistle. He will even bark just like her then yell Roxy shut up! It is to funny! He watchs for her when he is eatting and throws food to her if she is around. He also likes the sound of my youngest daughters name and has learned how to say it. Sometimes he will yell it to her until she yells back WHAT?!? Then he stops. It's really pretty funny. :lol:
Though I am not "new" here it has been a long time sense I visited and posted. I have 2 birds. Alex is my cag and my baby. Though at 2 1/2 not so much a baby any more. More like a teenage brat! I thought he would never start talking when he was younger but now talks up a storm. Martini is a 4 1/2 year old senegal. While he is the cutest little thing he hates me with a passion. The longer we have had him the more personality we see. We were told he could talk but never heard him. He is a closet talker. He has recently not only started talking but imitating some of the sounds that Alex does. He only does this though when he is totally by himself. Not even Alex in the room with him.
I love greyfeathertoy! They are great! I've gotten a few foot toys from them but mostly go for the parts so I can make my own.
Nice cage! Looks like he is truely enjoying his new cage!
Alex has chewed up my bamboo roman blinds on my windows. He has gone to Martini's cage and thrown his fresh food/water dishes on the floor. Then climed down the cage pulled up the door and pulled out the cage food/water dishes and thrown them on the floor! The brat!
I took in a 3 year old senegal in August. He is the cutest sweetest little bird. However Alex is not at all happy that he is here. Alex is a major bully. He gets timeout at least once a day for harrassing Martini. With that said Alex has picked up all of Martini's chirps (all very loud and piercing). They do also talk back and forth when Martini feels like it (he is really quit most of the time). So as Baxtersmom has said it really just depends on each bird. I would say get what you want and what you would enjoy having.
Wow nice cage! And the bolts you used to put it back together look like they are just part of the original and should be there. You did a great job!!
Both very cute but I think I like the first one best!
As old as he is he should be just fine. I'm sure that he will enjoy all of that emensly!
It sounds like Zzero was the one to drop the bowl on the floor. Alex and Martini do this as well on occation. They find it great fun! It's a game they throw something on the floor and you pick it back up. You really have to watch them!
He is so cute! He is going to be one big bird when he is all grown up!
What a cutie! You are going to have so much fun once s/he comes home finally! Yes they can have one person that they love best and want to be with most. Alex is totally my baby. However he will go to all of the family without a problem. I don't take him out as much as I would like but he is usally pretty good.
ROFLMAO!! Congrats to Elmo!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
I got some good advice from a behaverist on another forum. She says that he is trying to mate bond with me and is praticing protecting me from the interloper. This makes total sense as he is not afraid of anything. So the bite is because I'm helping save the interloper. She also gave some ideas on how to rederect him so that he will stop attacking boxes while on me. He has only bit my ear once and that was when he was still really young. I think he was trying to repierce that ear! LOL {Feel-good-00020069} Yeah I no longer wear ear rings. He only goes for my hair when it's wet (that one is just wierd). Most of the time he doesn't bother my clothes.
LOL Burna I know why he is biting me.... Why after almost a year is he suddenly going after the boxes and bottles?:blink: :huh:
Oh very cool video! I wish Alex did that! The best I get is he starts singing when he hears music he likes.
I allow Alex to ride on my shoulder. We have had him almost a year and he has always ridden on my shoulder while I do pretty much everything (except cook). Recently he has started to attack boxes and soda bottles. Anytime I get out a box or the bottle of soda he will run down my arm and attack it. If I move the item out of his reach he then bites me. Not hard enough to draw blood or even leave a bruse but it's still a good bite. Any ideas why he is doing this?
Nice toys! I too make most of Alex & Martini's toys. It's fun.