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Everything posted by she

  1. Sounds good.I will be looking for it,thanks David.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/08/31 13:28
  2. Charlie did have an anaesthetic to have his chip. It was done while he was also having blood work done.He did not appear to have any discomfort at all.
  3. I had Charlies band removed. He is microchipped and I had no reservations about doing so.
  4. I just love those pictures.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/08/29 13:02
  5. Greys do have a favourite person but not always one of the opposite sex.They can also change the person they are bonded with.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/08/29 12:58
  6. Powder coated cages are fine. Stainless steal is the jewel in the crown of cages but cost prevents a lot of people getting one.
  7. Hi and welcome. Thanks for the great introduction.You have a nice sounding flock of feathered friends.I am looking forward to hearing more.
  8. Jay dont rush things.Just keep talking to her and giving treets from your hand.Open the cage and let her come out in her own time.Put a favourite treat in her cage to tempt her back in.
  9. I hope your baby has settled a bit more ,shipping a bird can be very traumatic for them,so scarey. Welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy it hear .
  10. Welcome Mathew and Charlie.He sounds like a handfull,arent they all.
  11. Glad to hear Gizmo has settled down. They can be very moody.
  12. I have an outdoor aviary for my birds and they love it.I put them out in nice weather and bring them in later in the day.I have pictures on my profile page.I have not found it makes them wild at all infact they appear calmer and very content when I bring them in.The grey had such fun yesterday chatting to some builders who were working on the roof of a school next to my house. They were shouting down to him from the roof and he was shouting and whistling back to them.I would recomend it.
  13. Well I am relieved Darius has no diseases. I know having him in quarantine a bit longer is a drag but if thats all it takes to get him on the right track along with the diet and all the tlc I know you are giving him it will be worth every second.I am asuming the quarantine is because him immune level is low and mixing with your other birds may be a bit of a stress on an already low immune system.Keep your chin up Pat 30 days will fly over.
  14. she

    Chiku's Home

    Great pictures.Chiku is a nice looking grey.Make sure you keep a very close watch on them as they get aquainted with each other.Sounds like it is all going well so far.
  15. If you are concerned, have them all checked by an avian vet .Greys do hold droppings in for ages and then expell a hugh amount.My grey often does this of a night. The consistancy of droppings and the colour can change depending on what they have been eating,watery fruit means watery droppings.
  16. Charlie wastes far more than he eats.A small fortune goes in the bin.He is ok with his Harrisons though.
  17. That is terrible.I hope this gets sorted out soon.
  18. Happy hatch day Lyric. Jen he looks fantastic.
  19. Yes I have a list of Charlies and Crackers vocabulary. What a lovely picture Lee.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/08/27 23:07
  20. Oh your baby is so sweet.I cant wait to find out the name? The whining will be a baby thing and the little comfort feed you are giving should do the trick.
  21. I have always believed in giving greys choices. I would rather Charlie use his brain to make his own decisions.Sure sometimes I will need him in the cage,easy,I taught him to go in when I say come on get in ,he then gets a prize treat,No cage no treat.Well it was really my cousins grey who taught him to do this while I was minding him.I will also try and avoid confrontation.In another post I wrote today I explained I had a pan on my couch to keep him off it,he is not sure of the pan so stays away. I feel thats better than having a confrontation to remove him, its also his choice to stay away.
  22. No worries Jill the pans are stainless steel.
  23. My grey does imitate my cockatiels screech,lucky enough he does not do it often,maybe because the tiel does not screech much.
  24. Time will help. Your grey is scared and unsure at the moment,give him time and just talk to him,slowly on his terms you will be able to interact more.
  25. The only thin that works to keep my grey from things I wish him to stay away from is to place a scary object close to the forbiden object.At the moment I have a pan sitting on top of the couch because charlie has taken to chewing it.
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