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Everything posted by she

  1. I have enjoyed my visits to this forum without exception.I have had help and advise and also a lot of support during my mums illness and for that I am forever greatful.Also there has been a lot of fun and banter which I just love,hear is looking forward to much much more.
  2. great vidio of you and Juji.
  3. Fluffy is a great name for her.I am glad Adanna and fluffy get on ok.
  4. I dont allow Charlie to get amarous with me,I handle him in ways that are not stimulating to him,ie, I dont pet him under the wings,on the back,or rub his beak.If I notice any advances from him in this direction he is returned to a perch or cage to calm down.In my eyes a bird is a bird is a bird.
  5. I dont wish to be rude but parrots cost a lot of money to keep not just buy.Vet bills ,fresh fruit and veg, toys, cage, stand, the list goes on and on.My gut feeling is that you should hang on till you are in a better financial position and then buy one of your choosing.Sorry if this is not the reply you wished for but I am thinking of you and the parrot.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/09/21 13:34
  6. Hear is another video showing he is not too old to play. Charlie in the back ground again saying "come on Crack".Short for cracker. Post edited by: she, at: 2009/09/21 13:00<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/09/21 13:03
  7. Ranaz Blue is in his 40, It is my own parrot Charlie who is talking in the back ground.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/09/21 12:55
  8. Ben is a lucky girl.Mine love being outside.
  9. what a cute little bird Argyle is.I think his hand problem may get better faster than you think,keep on doing what you are doing.
  10. great news Bernie,cant wait for the video. Please dont smash your toy up again.
  11. I have had cockatiels for around 15 years and nothing about them compairs to a grey. Tiels are fantastic and I would not be without one but a grey is far more demanding of your time,though not as much as a cockatoo,they are not as noisey as a too though no two are the same.Feeding is more complex that tiels and the cleaning will increase no end.My grey is fantastic and I love him to bits and they make very good companions. I have young nieces and nephews come round but I dont let them handle my grey,that beak can do some damage if he wishes.He tolerates them quite well though concidering he does not see children all the time.Its your decision and I hope you find some usefull threads hear that may help you decide.
  12. Get the pomegranite seeds.They are available in asda sainsburys and most uk supermarkets. I found out the hard way not to feed whole pomegranite.Charlie is ok with the the seeds . steve they are like little fruit bombs.Its unbelievable the mess that can be made.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/09/20 12:38
  13. Lyn, I just use strong smelling flowers,I wish I could market a parrot safe air freshner,It would make a fortune.Now theres a thought.
  14. I guess he thought oh well if I cant see I cant play so may as well get some shut eye.They are so inteligent it never fails to amaze me.They catch on to things so fast,especialy if treats are involved.
  15. Ana Grey is loving that treat,she looks great.A star in the making,keep the videos coming Janet.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/09/20 07:08
  16. Anytime you wish Jen.Thanks everyone for the comments.I will get more pictures and more video .
  17. I am so happy you will have your family around you ,that is so important.I will be thinking of you and your family.
  18. Susan Boyle is a fantaastic talent.Her voice is amazing.Yes she is a bit excentric but we all have our quirks.Mind you Jill Justin Timberlake would be a good swap,Im with you on that one.
  19. I could not be happier for Jeepers and Darius and you Pat, all the hard work is paying off.
  20. Yes Jill Charlie is a proper Liverbird.Except when he puts his phone voice on.I have been laughing at that video all day.Blue is a real darling.I am loving minding him.
  21. Very very nice cage.Sachi is going to love it.
  22. Sams dad said I guess the best way to put it is; owning one of these birds is much like having an active, chatty kid, that likes to sing and whistle and play video games. well put,thats exactly how it is.
  23. I really believe they do sense our moods and when we are under par.Hope you are feeling better soon.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/09/20 07:20
  24. Greys are one of the quieter parrots though they are capable of making NOISE.
  25. I hope this works Charlie is shouting come on get in from the living room, its so funny.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/09/19 18:27
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