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Everything posted by she

  1. Charlie gets very choosy what he eats if my Dad comes round to bird sit and fills him with treats,He loves my Dad ,or is it the treats he knows I wont give him lol.
  2. I have given up on the cargo net. I cant even put it up,even rolled up well away from him is too much.Its a shame as It would be fantastic in the aviary.
  3. Julie if it makes you feel any better, Charlie has just crept up on me and bit my arm. He hates me being on the laptop.It means he is not getting all my attention. You are not alone.
  4. I am praying for the full recovery of Rishi.If trying alone could work Rishi would be well in no time. Godbless.
  5. Is Charlie the only wimp hear?he is very scared of new toys,taking about 2 weeks to accept them in his cage.He does not mind going out in his carrier,he loves being outside in the aviary. He has surprised me how easy he accepted a new cage last year.I agree that it change in his own little environment that upsets him the most.He is wary of strangers. I have a cargo net that I cant use for him because he just goes crazy if he even sets eyes on it.I have tried all the usual methods,leaving it in the room away from him ect but after 6 months I think it is a no go.
  6. Im am putting bets on that the blinds wont last till christmas.
  7. Happy birthday Jill.I was not having a drink tonight but I just have to have one now,CHEERS.
  8. I think your new bird needs time to adjust to his new home and people. I would not try to have him step up yet if he is not ready the biting is his way of telling you to back off.take notice of his body language and volcal growls.For now I would just talk to him and if he will let you give him treats by hand. Dont rush him,the time you take now will be rewarded.
  9. I love the picture Jill. Harvey is tucking in to his runner bean. Bet he was quiet for a few seconds at least.
  10. I think most of us have had dreams about our greys,shows we are thinking about them,take care.
  11. No NO nO please dont ever let her fly outside.Keep her safe in her carrier or on a harness PLEASE.
  12. Is the vet Berbra Omally,sorry if I spelt it wrong.If so she is good and will clip ok.I had Cracker clipped last autumn when I was keeping him inside and not going to the aviary of a day,I used that time to do some basic training and getting him to settle a bit and now its autumn again He will not need clipping,he could still fly very well after last years clip,it just slowed him down a bit,he can fly as good as ever now .I have quite a few Doulton, worcester and Coalport figures but I keep them in a display case behind glass just incase of accidents.I hope it works out for you.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/09/27 19:09
  13. I love Mochas big yellow feet,so cute.
  14. Hi and welcome. Great introduction. I am looking forward to hearing more about chickpea.
  15. I am not sure when he goes home yet,probably next weekend.He is eating a chicken leg at the moment. I offered Charlie one but he freeked out,way to scarey for him.I had to pull some chicken off the bone before he would eat any.
  16. Tom you will always find wing clipping a contraversial subject,everyone has there own very strong reasons for and against.What I say is its your decision.Just make sure you have it done by an avian vet and read up on the subject first so you make the decision with open eyes. Moving your bird to a room where he is more involved with things and getting a stand is a very good idea,it will make his life a lot more interesting and encourage interaction.
  17. This morning I am just having breakfast watching Blue hanging upside down from the top of his cage knocking a bell about.It is so funny because he is doing it like in slow motion,its like a grandad trying to play football with kids,the old fella still has lots of spirit and he is very happy.
  18. Gracie sounds like a very happy grey.Thanks for the update.
  19. Poor postie.I bet he gave his mates a good chuckle when he got back.
  20. Good luck at the breeders.Let us know what happens.
  21. Thanks so much for the update.This is so exciting.The webcam is fantastic.My guess is that the first hatching will be on oct 7.
  22. Jill £1000 ,you charged me £1500, I really dont drink that much, do I?
  23. Good luck with your Macaw. they are beautiful.Please quarantine your new bird untill you are sure all is ok and then treat any introductions with caution. It may go well but you never know.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/09/27 08:25
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