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Everything posted by she

  1. Pat I can imagine the scene.Charlie usually waits till everything is in a neat pile and then flaps his wings or takes off, scatering the muck everywhere again.
  2. I am so pleased your health is on the mend.What a year you have had. I would have a vet take a look at Meru and see if his wing can be sorted, or at least help in some way. It would be so nice if he could fly.
  3. I feel lie you Pat.Many more than six people have now enquired about Laney,some from miles and miles away.I am begining to think that his owners know he is in a good home and dont want him back,with the recesion and such.
  4. Gracie is gorgeous.more pics please.
  5. she


    Welcome Nicky and Dj.You will love it hear.
  6. I dont mind at all Deb,it all helps.
  7. Yes he is in the magazine.everything has been tried to find his owner.The strand shopping centre has even put up a £200 pound reward for anyone who can help find the owners.No luck. Laney is doing very well and I think he loves being in the shop of a day. Him and Chico take it in turns to have trips to the shop.
  8. They just want the attention,dont they.
  9. she


    I would hang a boing away from the cage,not in it. That way it is another place to play and perch.Thats my thought anyway.
  10. Parrots never fail to amaze me with their inteligence.
  11. I am so sorry this has happened.I hope you can come to terms with this soon.
  12. Poor Beagle, he has no chance of getting his house back. The too has claimed it as its own.
  13. I bet your wife is upset her baby has flown the nest. We want pictures of your own little den.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/10/04 07:50
  14. I have never seen Charlie sleeping .I have seen him on one foot sort of dozing but never with his head under his wings.Cracker does have a proper sleep in the day though.
  15. Fred is gorgeous.I hope his feathers come back ok.
  16. The cages are cleaned daily and given a good scrub once a week.I change the papers twice a day,more if needed.
  17. Earl is a handsome grey.He looks full of fun.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/10/03 20:08
  18. Ana Grey will soon be flying all over the place,great video.
  19. I love watching Emma.So smart.
  20. Great pictures Jess.Gave me a chuckle.
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