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Everything posted by she

  1. Henry is gorgeous.I love his cage.Its on the same lines as Charlies.I am glad he is making himself at home.
  2. I am sure he will settle down.My cag is also going through a period of being a bit nasty and he is moulting.
  3. Marie I think you would have to join a long line of people wanting these babies.
  4. I thought you may wish to see this photo of my two on Charlies stand. <br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/10/10 12:53
  5. I dont have a bird room but it is something I have been thinking about.I would think your tile flooring would be perfect in a bird room,very easy to clean.With regards to bird proofing,pay atention to light fittings and try and eliminate electric wires.Window coverings also need thought.
  6. Pat I am sure Tyco has had a very special day,But then for your birds every day is special.You are a very good caring person and it shows in your birds.
  7. I am so glad nobody got hurt in the flying acrobatics.
  8. My tiel is loosing feathers all over the place at the moment, its normal so nothing to worry about.
  9. Well Pat I think it must be hard to keep your tail tidy when it is the length of his.
  10. Just had a great view of the chicks,Camilla left the nest box for a bit.
  11. If you are concerned he is hungry a small morning feed may help untill he is happy to eat in his cage.One word of warning,try and not let him think having a go at his wing means you will come to him and lift him out of his cage, just make sure he is happy and full before he goes in.On the whole it sounds like he is doing very well in his new home and you are doing a great job.
  12. What does your grey like eating most,It may be pine nuts,almonds,cheese,these are treats that you can use to gain his trust.I think it can be done but may take time.If you can,let him out of the cage and tempt him back in with a favourite treat.I see nothing wrong with him looking out the window.Place a stand there for him to perch on. Will he step up on to a stick,this may prove better for him at the moment and then gradually you can move your hand closer to him.For now be content with talking to him and giving him the treats untill he is happy with you doing that and then you can take things a step forward. It is not going to happen over night and may take weeks but it will be worth it.
  13. Howardine.That news has made my day.I am so pleased for you.Take it easy,love Sheila.
  14. Hi and welcome.£850 sounds like an average price to me.Just ensure you find a good breader and read up all you can before making your final decision.
  15. I love the video Davey.So good to see you back on hear.Alfie looks in great shape.
  16. she


    I cant imagine not having Charlie now.He is just like a family member.He is very loving,when he feels like.Something special about a bird putting trust in you enough for scritches and a cuddle.I think the comunication I have with Charlie is amazing,I really believe he understands much of what I say to him.Oh yes, his understanding is selective,He knows what he wants to know.I have a very special bond with him.
  17. My two love the Harrisons.I get very little waste.
  18. Coral will love her new cage.
  19. i would have the closer vet take a look incase antibiotics are needed.I would say infection is the concern.
  20. Wow,this is much better than tv.I am truly hooked.
  21. I dont let mine play with keys because of possable risk of metal poisoning.I am not really sure if thats the case but prefere not to take the risk.
  22. Welcome home Beau,he looks great, im sure the plucking will stop or at least slow down a lot.
  23. Deb, Ste and Margi are going to keep her/him if no owner can be found. It is a very good home for Laney.
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