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Everything posted by she

  1. Ryan, thank you for a great introduction.I hope you continue to enjoy your visits hear and that your visits help you and Paco.Please ask any questions you have and we would all love to see some photos of you and Paco.
  2. I am happy that Beau is eating better now.As for the vet visit,the vet may well wish to even the wings out,this will help balance and help the wings grow back even. Its hard to say without seing the extent of the problem but I am sure the vet will do whats right for Beau.I think irritation could be a cause.
  3. Im with Dan on this. If Dusty is calm when out the cage let him out.The idea is to keep him quiet and calm.I hope he heals up very soon,let us know how it goes.
  4. Dont run out of the Harissons Bernie, problem solved.Oh Charlie would like a ruby and diamond leg ring and Cracker wants a millet spray,well he is a bit slow on the uptake.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/10/12 20:32
  5. I hope the grey is returned home very soon.
  6. I just love that picture.It just proves that in a crises animals turn to each other just like humans.
  7. Dan wrote [The other people are probably as loud as your Grey, if not more so. Unless you live in a retirement complex. p Dan my mum and dad live in a retirement complex and when those tv sets go on the noise is far louder than my grey,lol Post edited by: she, at: 2009/10/11 20:28<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/10/11 20:29
  8. Well I know my two are spoiled. I spend far more on them than on my self.If they need it ,or should I say ,if I think they need it ,they get it.I think most people I know think I am a little crazy,in a nice way I hope.
  9. I had two tiels polly and pippin, male and female,they lived together for approx 14 years.Pippin the male was the dominant tiel.I often had to seperate them for a few weeks when he got too bossy.They hated being apart even though the cages where next to each other.I usually only had the problem with them in January or February when Polly would get a bald patch on the back of her head.after a couple of weeks things would calm down again and they could go back together.I put my tiels behaviour down to spring hormones,it did only happen in early spring.I recomend you seperate them for about 3-4 weeks but let them out the cages together to meet up.I too looked for a devider cage but had no luck.
  10. congratulations Dave,Camilla and Gonzo on chick 3.
  11. she

    Bought one!

    Congratulations on your new tag.I am looking forward to hearing about the home coming.
  12. very funny,now if only I could teach one of my two to do that.
  13. Parrots are messy by nature,we cant expect them to keep our house clean.All we can do is think of ways to make it easy for us.I have wood floors and find them easy to clean.Charlie likes to eat sitting on the door of his cage letting the bits drop on the floor,if he would turn the other way it would go back in the cage but thats his way and I live with it. Its another of his little querks that I love about him.
  14. It is easy to keep clean.I just hose it down daily,it only takes a few mins,Yes the benefits for the birds far outweigh that.Thanks for the coments everyone.
  15. Janet it is another place to clean,be careful what you wish for,lol
  16. Hear is a pic of Cracker enjoying a day in the aviary a few weeks ago.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/10/10 20:29
  17. I love the one with his head in the fruit bowl.Brilliant.
  18. Great videos.I loved the one in the playground.I live next to a primary school and love hearing the children playing.
  19. You are doing Great.You have the right outlook and progress really has been made.Just take things slow and the rewards will follow.
  20. I am glad taking notice of Dexters body language is helping the situation.Let him out daily but make sure he has some time in the cage while you go about the house.I would let him come out of the cage on his own.A vet visit is a good idea.My birds go in the carrier daily , to be taken to the aviary or given a treat if the weather is bad.and they cant go out.It helps them view the carrier as a good thing and I never have a problem with them going in.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/10/10 19:05
  21. It is so hard knowing so many wild parrots are suffering such treatment,I did not watch as I have seen it before and could not do that again.I must say though that having been to Africa an seeing first hand the absolute poverty and deprivation the African people live in It is no surprise that they try and survive on the meagre amount of money the trappers are given.It is further along the line that the money is made.
  22. she


    My two cope with short car rides, the most they have been on is about an hour.They have never been sick,up to now.I hope Darius soon gets to love car trips.
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