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Everything posted by she

  1. I am so very lucky,my two very rare have night frights,I have read tiels are very prone to them especialy the lutino tiels for some reason.I am at a loss what to suggest,I wonder if the other two greys are moving about and setting him off,thats all I can come up with at the moment.
  2. Jen how great to have an updated photo of Sadie Grey. She has grown into a very very nice grey,You must be som proud.
  3. Mr Blue is a magnificent bird. You are so lucky to spend time with him
  4. Have you tried letting Junior come out the cage on his own? Just leave the door open and see what happens. You can them tempt him on your hand with a treat.
  5. A great poem and one we should come back to read when we are feeling a bit sorry for ourselves.Life is so precious.
  6. Baby parrots as well,Penny make sure you take a carrier with you for a little baby bird,lol.
  7. Have you the time,have you the money, have you the space,can you offer a long term home to another grey.These are things you must ask yourself before making your decision. My other concern is that your own grey sounds as if she is doing much better,would adding another grey just now upset her recovery.I am of the oppinion that your own grey still needs carefull care and It would be best to devote your time to her.
  8. I am fortunate,Charlie and cracker go in the cages no problem,oops maybe I spoke too soon lol. I often just place them in the cage for a treat leaving the cage open so they dont know if they are going to be kept in ot having a treat and coming out again,I find this works well.
  9. Charlie plays the exact same game,it scares me incase he gets hurt.I just make sure he dangles over a soft rug so hopefully if he falls he wont hurt himself.
  10. Your daughter done exactly the right thing,she is brave.I think a massive macaw would have seen me off.He must be almost as big as me, lol.
  11. That is a fantastic update on you and Bismark,thanks for letting us know how things are going.I love the pictures.
  12. I am praying the tests come back ok.Keep your chin up,ok.
  13. Thanks for the up date on Merlin.He sounds a very happy bird.I would love to see some pictures if you can.
  14. Hello and welcome. If you are not rehoming the bird just yet I think it would be good to visit her quite a bit first.Your ideas on bringing her home are about right,let her just watch and hear you talking to her and give her treats from your hand. Once she is happy with this you can open her cage and see if she wants to come out.Dont rush her at all,if she stays in the cage for a bit dont worry.If she will come with her own cage this will help her a lot to settle in as it will be familiar to her. She will step up for you once she feels more sure of you,let it happen in her time.I wouldnever leave a grey out of the cage if I am not there to supervise, If I go out my two birds are safe in the cages,It is just not safe.I am looking forward to hearing more about the grey,she sounds sweet.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/10/19 12:17
  15. she

    Bought one!

    Sashi is most likely getting moisture from the fruit and veg,I dont see mine drinking all that much.
  16. It does sound like mating behaviour.Dont encourage it and if you are holding the bird when this happens place it down.Never petunder the wings or the tail or back. Only scratch the birds head
  17. I will be thinking of you and Bill tomorrow and I hope all goes well,love sheila.
  18. she

    Bought one!

    Sasha is gorgeous.It looks like he is right at home already.Take it slow the next few days and ensure he is eating ok.
  19. Great video. Charlie hates the camera.He just shuts up if it comes out.
  20. Yoshi will be gabbing away in no time. Its so special when you hear those first clear words. I think baby babble is so cute,enjoy these special times with Yoshi.I love the trick as well.I believe teaching the little tricks keeps the mind working and increases the bond you have with them. You are doing so well with Yoshi and I love hearing about her.
  21. Charlie is a good talker but not the best.If he learns a new phrase I re enforce it by giving him lots of praise and fuss when he repeats it,He will say a lot of things in context such as bye bye and want some if he wants some of my dinner.He also talks to the tiel a lot,usually having me in a flap because he calls the tiel over to him,saying Cracker come hear,Cracker who is not the brightest of birds, lol, will fly over to him. He also says who made that mess as I clean his cage.I never actually taught him these things he just picked them up.He has a good vocabulary but only learns what is of interest to him.He can say a lot more than what I have put hear, I have a list on my lap top so I dont forget his sayings and if he does not say something for a while,I will say it to him.
  22. she

    Bought one!

    congratulations on bringing Sasha home.I am looking forward to seeing some pictures.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/10/18 08:04
  23. I have never fed this. Harrisons recomend high potency coarse for greys.
  24. Ceasar this deserves karma,well done you very good boy.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/10/17 21:23
  25. Rhonnie,please dont fear the worst yet,I know its easier said than done but believe me the time to worry is if you have your worst fears confirmed.I hope the doc can reasure you on monday and Bill starts feeling a bit more positive.At times like this animals can be an ideal remedy, if only to keep you busy and your mind on them rather than dwelling on things.I found this forum a great distraction when my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer and I felt everyone was hear for me,I know it wont be any different for you.Please dont hesitate to pm me if you need a chat.I will be praying you get good news on Monday. love Sheila<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/10/17 20:31
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