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Everything posted by she

  1. I find that although my birds cant be in contact with each other they do interact by whistles and they copy what each other say, the cockatiel is so funny, he can talk very well, Mostly by listening to the grey. I think they are good company for each other while I am at work.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/10/04 23:23
  2. Charlie did not like that sound one bit. I have not heared him growl but a cag I mind called Blue would growl when I first started to mind him. He is used to me now though.
  3. Hi Like Judy I believe the bird you get depends on you. I have a grey and a cockatiel.They do not get on. The tiel would love to be friends with Charlie but I just know Charlie would attack if given the chance. I have just had the tiel clipped because he kept flying to charlies cage putting himself at risk.So far this is working ok. Maybe a bird of a similar size to the grey would eliminate some of the risk.Greys are not very sociable. well mine is not, sure some people have greys who are sweethearts and would disagree with me but its only my own experience. Sheila
  4. My guess is he is moulting,With heating on he may also get dry skin just like us.Regular baithing and the aloe gel will help with that. :dry:<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/10/04 22:21
  5. The time span makes sence now. Bet you cant wait. Sheila
  6. Hope this one turns out better for you. Cant understand the long wait but ask why and let us know. Sheila
  7. Hi Nora. It wont be long before Timmy is home. You will love this forum. Everyone is really nice. Keep us informed on Timmy getting home. Sheila
  8. Glad you got the cage for Zooloo. I am sure it is appreciated. YOu seem determined to do your best for Zooloo and thats brilliant. Much has been written about tefflon toxicity, read all you can. Also take note that air freshners, perfumed candles, new carpet and all sorts of household products are bad for birds.Dont panic, just read and learn and use common sence. You are doing well so far. I have a wingabego bird carrier for charlie but they are very expensive and their are just as good more reasonably priced ones on the market. You are so right not to put Zooloo in the car without restraint. Dangerous for all concerned. Sheila<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/10/04 12:33
  9. This is a very good topic and one that needs very careful thought. My grey is only about 5-6 years old and could outlive me. It is a question I have pondered but as yet not found the answer. Family members are just not able or interested enough to take on such a task. I think it would be a good idea to leave some sort of provision in a will so you are sure of the plan.
  10. once a year is sensible,That way changes can be picked up and a good relationship with your vet built up.
  11. Canaries take me back to my childhood.My grandma had one called Dixie.I was only young but remember that bird vividly. His singing was beautiful.
  12. she


    I am so sorry you have had to say by to Crackers for now. I am sure your little friend knew how loved and cared for he was. Sheila
  13. I am so glad the little one is so lively, that must be a good sign. Well done
  14. Me neither. The only organic pellet I know is Harrisons.
  15. she


    I agree with Judy 13 weeks is young. He may still need a feed 2 times a day.Do you know his weight. Let us know more about him.
  16. Poor little baby. He has had such a bad start. I am so glad someone like you came along and got him out of that situation. I hope this turns out good for you and the little one. Please try and see a vet if you can. Please let us know how it goes.
  17. Hi Charmain.I would recomend going to the vet and getting some blood work done. Plucking is usually a sign of some sort of stress but sometimes their is an underlying physical reason. If as you seem to sugest that the birds temprement is unusual for him this is more reason for a full check up.Make sure you see an avian vet and ask for blood work. This could also be because of change in his environment, have you changed anything, cage, room furniture, wall pictures. wall paper,or anything about yourself, hair nail polish, perfume.Have a good think about changes but I recomend a vet visit. Keep us informed Sheila<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/10/01 14:05
  18. Zzero is beautiful, congratulations. Cant believe how settled he seems already. Let him have a good night sleep, he is only a baby. Bet you wont sleep.Sheila
  19. Yes I spent many a lovely day inside cos I felt sly on the birds. The final decision to get the aviery happened after I pulled a joint out in my back pulling Charlies cage out through the patio doors. That hurt.
  20. Nice stand. Charlie wont go on his now.
  21. When a friend visits with her todler and you accidentley call the baby charlie (parrots called charlie). when the head of the fruit and veg dept at the supermarket puts stuff away for your birds<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/09/30 21:53
  22. I have a carrier to take them from the house to the aviery. Its the Wingabego one from 24 parrots.Its great.I have put photos on my profile page of the aviery but I dont know how to post them hear The aviery has a safety door so you can close the outside one before opening the actual aviery door.No chance of escape. Post edited by: she, at: 2008/09/30 20:39<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/09/30 20:42
  23. Erica,would you think of getting an aviery for Baxter. Charlie loves his. Its 8ft by 5ft. It is not really large enough for him to have a good fly but he gets fresh air and sunshine, well when we get any sun.I will post pictures on my profile page.
  24. Great pictures. When my two go in the aviery a sparrow always comes and sits right by Cracker.It happens so often I now say to cracker,your mate will be hear soon.I love getting my birds outside. Its where they belong.we have red and grey squirrels hear, never seen a black one. Baxter loves the camera.Couldnt call him shy.Sheila<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/09/29 20:53
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