I'm so sorry about your pet. It might be good to have the autopsy to make sure it's not something that could affect the other bird. Do you have a dog? I know someone who's friendly dog was just too rough on a smaller pet and it's neck broke.
You are so imaginative. Nice stuff. I like the PVC perch. It looks so easy to put in a corner or along the wall maybe even shower. How long has it been in use. I am wondering about landing and wing flapping. Thanks, Mel
Good progress! When you touch his beak try to scratch it to show him the motion of your fingers scratch. He may realize he likes it and eventually you can move to his face, neck and head. My bird loves these scratches. Good luck!
Making your own can save money and allow you to be creative and design a really interesting one. Search on this site. Some have made some nice ones. I have my wood but I need to make time to put one together.
http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-nursery/84583-my-toys-and-perches.html#85187<br><br>Post edited by: Mel, at: 2008/08/05 20:17
I am making hot wings tonight for supper. I cut off the wing tips. I left the kitchen and caught TBird nibbling at a raw one when I came back. Is this something he can have? I could cook them. I don't give any kind of chicken bones to my dogs though. Not sure about this with birds. And still maybe these are too small even if allowed. Dunno.
Keep the cage open for a period of time. He may realize it is his choice and want to come out and explore. Set a timer if you're afraid you will forget before you have to leave.
Does the tray slide out? I have the dowel type because I already had it. However if I were to buy one I would try to find one that the perches were of different diameters to better exercise the feet. Sometimes they pick a favorite perch and then it is the same diameter. Just a thought before you buy.<br><br>Post edited by: Mel, at: 2008/08/05 19:47
Is he fully weaned? I needed to continue to feed ours for about 3 weeks so I suppose he relied on human contact. I am NOT experienced with birds being nervous upon arrival. I suppose we were lucky about it. I am wondering if you hold your hand still with a treat if he will calm and move in to check it out. Maybe even pretend to eat and enjoy it first while being only slightly higher than him rather than hovering over with too tall a frame. If that makes since.
Ya know, if TBird does become a good talker he'll probably pick up some phrases I seem to have to hollar up the stairs at my son. We need an innercom. I can hear it now. "Brandon get up! Are you up? I said get up boy!, Come here, bring me those controllers, etc!" (teenager!){Emotions-0002011C}
Come to think of it....he does take TBird in the bedroom at night with him while he reads. No telling what he's teaching him! This could backfire!{Feel-bad-00020072}
TBird is very good with me. I hope I never have an issue but isn't it a problem sometimes when they reach puberty for some reason? Isn't that at like 6-7 yrs of age?
Yes Jen I was looking at the poll and it was noted that some had birds speak 3,4+yrs. What a surprise that must be. I'll bet they were sneaky talkers or mumblers all along. I will love my TBird talking or not. Who knows we might wish they didn't talk so much once they get started!
Thank goodness my macaw dropped a couple of cuss words learned from a previous owner. During Hurricane Katrina we had 25 persons here. A few of them heard her say it. Shame, shame, I didn't teach her that!
My cockatiel says, "hello pretty bird" but no other words. He wistles tunes but I messed him up as I have no tune. :lol: Our cockatiel's name is TRex. He is appx. 5 yrs old. I was wondering if you ever had a bird who said nothing or just a little begin to pick up speech from a new arrival.
TBird is making lots of wonderful beautiful sounds. He is 15 weeks old. I thought I heard hello also. It seems with all these sounds he will be quite a talker. However he is communicating with me all the time anyway. Thanks for all the responses. I'm excited about our progress so far. I am able to touch TBird anywhere it seems and even play with a towel. My husband has been working with getting TBird used to a harness. :cheer: