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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Precious appears to shiver at times and I, too, have been concerned.:(The vet attendant noticed it at our last visit, the vet herself acknowledged it, but did not seem worried. I do stroke Precious when it happens and it usually stops right away. Shaking is different and occurs after a bath or when rearranging her feathers.:whistle:
  2. We covered the cage at first but Precious didn't seem to like it, so now it is uncovered; however, she doesn't sleep unless the room is dark.
  3. :ohmy: There just aren't enough words to describe how adorable!
  4. Eve, welcome! So glad you found this forum! :)
  5. Thank you for the update! I've been worried, also. :)
  6. They must be MUCH more expensive here in California! The last time I checked they were $2500 and up from a breeder. :ohmy: kittykittykitty
  7. Precious can stay on the stand if I am in the kitchen, but she lides down and looks for me almost every other time so I return her to the cage. Besides, the vacuum is loud so I put her in and close the door, telling her I'll be back. kittykittykitty
  8. Pleazse keep us posted.:ohmy: kittykittykitty
  9. Benadryl or diphenhydramine has a listing for high sedative effects as well as high anticholinergic effects. In humans this includes dry mouth and blurred vision and can include difficult breathing or respiratory arrest. TOXIC EFECTS ARE SEEN WITHIN TWO HOURS IN HUMANS. Hopefully the bird did not injest any. I would encourage close observation for several more hours. So sorry for your concern and worry! :unsure: :ohmy: kittykittykitty
  10. I don't have a cat now, but the others did at times. Cats can be incredably tuned in to a person. kittykittykitty:ohmy:
  11. Hi,y'all! Is it too late to join this group??? I really need the encouragement! I think you know I am older and have some challenges. (Don't want to bore you with them.) I attended Curves for some time (two years?) and found a major difference when the management changed. I'm sure each frachise is different. My issues are to continue with my post-op routine REGULARLY, portion controle and walking. That one is the most difficult but I know it is vry important. Yeah, it's 98-103 outside, depending on which thermometer! kittykittykitty:whistle: :huh: :dry: :ohmy:
  12. Pat, he is beautiful! Congratulations:) kittykittykitty
  13. B) :unsure: Still so much to learn. Your stories are so great! And it feels as if you are real friends. kittykittykitty:laugh:
  14. Welcome! I don't know anyone in New York but there are at least two in this area. If you wish more info please PM and I'll send it to you. kittykittykittyB)
  15. Hi, Patric, your Lady and Refund and welcome. So glad he has a good home now. kittykittykitty:)
  16. Welcome here and to your adventure with your Grey. :ohmy: kittykittykitty:)
  17. Oh! How cute! Welcome!! kittykittykitty:ohmy:
  18. Too bad you're ending the contest! Even though I don"t have a camera so can't submit, I really enjoyed others pics. I wish you could se Precious!:silly:
  19. You are so right about the responsibility of being owned by a parrot, especially a Grey. It's nothing like a cat, or a dog for that matter.:ohmy: kittykittykitty
  20. I saw the pictures on Google. Now, where did I read the review!!! :unsure: !!!kittykittykitty
  21. I read some place about carriers, not sure where. One owner said the acrylic ones got too hot, even though supposedly vented. The recommendation was for a front carrier with netting of some type so the bird was safe, could see out and could be seen. It included a perch. Wish I could remember where I saw this. :ohmy: :unsure: :huh: kittykittykitty
  22. That's one cool stand, not to mention the bird!:laugh: kittykittykitty
  23. Congo is a doll! kittykittykitty:) :)
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