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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. As I stated under "Training" Precious started biting; one day it was three times. I was on the phone the first time She broke the skin. Now she says, "No biting!" I re-enforce "gentle" when she is nuzzeling and loving and give her much praise. I guess that makes me a member, also.:huh: :unsure:
  2. Welcome Kath and Adaya! Adaya, you are adorable! :)
  3. Welcome! I'm not experienced enough to give advice but the others here are excellent! The best to you.
  4. I saw a National Geographic film on them. They are very rare and breath-taking in their beauty. I did not see any when we were on the Amazon however.
  5. Yes,at least Precious can, but it's rather like a floating down to the floor. That could be dangerous with a cat!
  6. I wouldn't want to do the test myself either.:ohmy: I think Congo is male:lol:
  7. This was addressed to Talon, but I learned both should not be used because of odors, fumes, gases and the ever present danger of fire.
  8. So glad for you that Oscar is home!
  9. I understood that Greys lived to 70 plus. Most animals live longer in captivity than in the wild, but the way Greys are (un)cared for maybe that isn't realistic. Some cats and dogs do reach 20+ human years. I've met some.
  10. Welcome! How wonderful that you have George. He must have had an interesting life.:ohmy: :cheer:
  11. Do you have access to a good allergist/pulmonologist? What to say?:huh: B)
  12. Harrison is a real doll! Thank you for sharing:) :silly:
  13. I try not to buy toys from China, but I don't know how to avoid them all. It is difficult to find anything made here.
  14. What a nice stand! Bobot will like it in time, I'm sure. It's the old patience thing again.
  15. :laugh: What a funny bird!:laugh: Hopefully you can lauh about it now.
  16. I'm very cautious of any animal being sold in a pet store. Precious came from a closed aviary in the LA area. My daughter did all the research since this was a surprise gift. There is a bird farm in Redlands that raises CAGs. They no longer sell unweaned birds because of all the problems new owners have had. Parrots Naturally sells them very rarely and that only to someone who knows how to feed a baby. Both of these breeders are very experienced and do have other birds as does the breeder in Riverside. Health guarantees are usually contingent upon taking the bird to an avian vet within 24 or 48 hrs, depending on the breeder. Good breeders do test the birds, usually several times and at least start immunization. Birds are not allowed back at Parrots Naturally except their own birds for grooming. I think I must be more cautious then most. I take Precious out of the house only for grooming or to go to the vet. Even then I am concerned about exposure to organisms. How do I know about hand washing and instument sterilization? I haven't seen any autoclaves. I'm as bad as a first time mother who washes everything that might touch her baby!!:ohmy: :dry:
  17. I use them cooked and mashed. The breeders at Parrots Naturally cook them. Hope this helps.
  18. What a great festival, and nice weather, too. Thank you for the pictures.:cheer:
  19. Several members of my family have asthma. Spray/mist Herbie with pure aloe vera on the days he isn't bathed and dust the room daily with a damp paper towel if the furniture will tolerate. Daily vacuuming may be necessary, also. Air filters help many people. Another possibility is allergy to the parrot's food and not to the bird himself. Sorry it's SO much work. Look into ways of boosting all the humans' immunity as well. Good luck!! :cheer:
  20. Welcome! I wish I knew Welsh. My grandfather's family came frome Wales. Do you have the wonderful Welsh singing voice, also?:ohmy: :)
  21. Congratulations on the progress. I would NOT be happy with bathroom noises, however!( :huh: :dry: :ohmy:
  22. Welcome to the three of you! Adorable baby! :) kittykittykitty
  23. I read an article on Greys that recommended organic toys for our birds. I haven't found any. The organic baby toys have been stuffed ones and I wonder how safe they would be. Have any of you had experience with them? :huh:
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