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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. :huh:Is there a safe brand for DIYs?:ohmy:
  2. Zpyder, so what I read was correct, it's in the frequency of transmission that the difference lies. When I was doing my peds rotation in nursung school almost all of my time was in CD at the county hospital. I never took any infection home. Of course there was frequent hand washing but the use of Clo Cream was as much a part of the technique as handwashing and gown changing. Universal precations now are very strict but I see a lot of poor technique in the handwashing area. It seems there is too much reliance on the use of gloves. There seems to be a lot of controversy about using a germicidal soap. I know that the alcohol hand cleansers are not effective against C. diff., only bleach, but since this is about parrots I guess I don't have to worry. Thank you for being willing to share your knowledge. :)
  3. Oh, Toni! I'm so glad you are improving!!!Rehab can be a long, slow process, I know. Courage!:ohmy:
  4. It's hard to wait, but it just might be the best for you AND your little guy. Maybe his weight hasn't stabilized yet?:unsure: Wishing you the best.
  5. It sounds as if Jenna is molting.
  6. Congratulations! I did not allow Kitty to be in the same room as Precious. She did sneak in a few times, however, but fortunately Precious was always in her cage. B) :ohmy:
  7. I saw the pic and immediately said, "Love the colors!" I and a hundred others. Congratulations on the good work:) :)
  8. I agree. Both of you are beautiful!:whistle: :)
  9. Thank you for the warning. Too bad business people don't realize that poor service results in bad feelings and we are going to share that with our friends!
  10. What a tragedy that could have been! I cannot believe the number of unweaned babies there are!! What happened to ethics, to concern for the fellow creatures that are on this planet!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:
  11. My two cents- If you use alternative medicine some Arnica 30C globules in her drinking water would help with any bruising. But I think a visit to the vet is always in order if an animal is in distress from any cause.:ohmy:
  12. Thank you, Dan. I know handwashing is critical in controlling any infection e.g. MRSA, Salmonella, E. coli, etc., and the viruses also. When we first received Predious I read that Greys were susceptible to human respiratory infections, hence the question. Thanks for setting me straight. Ther's a lot of misinformation out there!:cheer:Side note: How hot is it in Visalia now?:whistle:
  13. How do all of you protect your birds when you become ill with a respiratory or gastric infection?:unsure::ohmy: :huh:
  14. I heard about the tumors also. Further, the chips available now are not read by all scanners. One vet I talked with advised against it:ohmy:
  15. Welcome. I read that clumsiness can be caused by having a baby's wings clipped before it has learned to fly. You might want to check that out. I agree with Judy on the mouthing. Good luck with your baby.
  16. I really don't know but since the holding/stroking seems to help the shivering stop, I think it may be a nrvousness or anxiety with a need for reassurance. :ohmy: Such a human need also!
  17. You could try Parrots Naturally.com. They have New Millenium food as well as the popular pet store foods. Their name states their philosophy: to raise parrots as naturally as possible.
  18. Judy, here's to YOU! I received good news today. The orthopedic surgen said, "I'm letting you go," meaning my shoulder is doing well but that doesn't mean no more exercises.:ohmy: :lol:
  19. I've had a set of Lo-Heet stainless steel (not manufactured any more) plus a wok since our marriage sixty years ago so you see it does last forever! It is safer than aluminum as well. :ohmy: :lol:
  20. Is it sweetened with sugar or fruit juice? If it isn't chocolate, maybe the tiniest amout on the tip of a teaspoon.:ohmy:
  21. We discarded all our non-stick cookware when we received Precious. We thought it was the safer thing to do.:unsure:
  22. So glad you've joined this forum. Welcome. :)
  23. I use an eight ounce bottle with a fine mist and spray Precious while she is in the cage, occasionally on the stand. I call it rain and sing a little rain song, but I am out of her range. Frequently she attempts to bathe in her water dish afterward. Sorry about the serious bites!:ohmy:
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