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Everything posted by kittykittykitty

  1. Thank you for the update. It's so exciting to have our babies learn to talk!:silly:
  2. My stomach is in knots from reading this. I am so sorry for you and Sinbad. All I can do is put energy out to the universe and ask for Sinbad's safety.
  3. Patience, patience! It's marvelous how fast she has responded to your loving environment.
  4. Glad you have come to this forum. Keep listening to the experienced members like Dave and you will succeed.
  5. How did you come up with blue? Glad it worked for you.
  6. It's been a week since the accident. Hope both of you are all right now. Thank you for sharing with us.
  7. Oh, I don't know. Most people are fasinated by a parrot lol:laugh:
  8. Actual screams? Something is disturbing it such as a vacuum cleaner or an owl ouside the window (re: Alex).
  9. My two cents worth- my husband's boyhood parrot did not fly; Sammy did not fly while he was with us, but he was already clipped. I was too ignorant when Precious came into our lives. I had her clipped. Now she is flighted. It has taken her quite some time to learn to fly. We are still concerned about her hurting herself, but I am unwilling to clipp her again. And there are too many examples of clipped birds who have been frightened and flown, not to be recovered. I cannot imagine EVER taking my bird out of doors without a harness, clipped or unclipped.
  10. I want to echo what the others have said. A grey is her own person and selects her own family/friends with whom to bond. Greys are high maintenance companions- time, energy and money. And for those who are owned by one, worth every bit of it all. Please think long and hard about it before you bring one into you life.
  11. Snow is beautiful on the mountains and in other folks' yards and fun for kids to play in BUT- sorry it's been so miserable for many of you. There is very little snow in the Sierra and little rain here which is good for those who live in the fire area BUT again-We are facing another year of water shortage, not enough for the farmers and we do feed much of the US if not the world. I guess we are the ones feeling the global warming. Too bad we couldn't share in your rain and snow.:whistle: (But glad not here in MY backyard!):silly:
  12. Liquidy foods for the trip and surely a heated cabin.
  13. Hi! Just my idea but I'm wondering if Mojo isn't telling you he wants to be with you when you are home. I understood you spend a lot of time with him in the evenings on work days. You might try more out of cage time to be with him more.
  14. It has a fairly long shelf life and because it is an antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral it should be safe.
  15. I miss Carol also and hope she and hers are well.
  16. I think all petrolium products are dangerous for our birds. This includes most candles, but I am concerned about smoke, soot and fumes from beeswax, soy and other natural candles also.
  17. First, because I have friable skin I use a pearch for step up and lots of padding when we cuddle but I am a member of the bite me club. Second, a weed whacker is used for cutting down weeds and long grass around trees, etc. It uses a fast whirling string and could do a serious number on amyone trying to stop it so that's the joke part.
  18. I would surely hope so- her voice, her coloring, her posture, her eyes, but I KNOW she would know me in an instant.
  19. So glad you and your Charlie are home safe and together again. A beautiful story. Thank you. :)
  20. That Ben is one powerful girl! I have trouble cracking them myself.
  21. Great news and good for Misty!:lol:
  22. Selective breeding can backfire as has happened to many domestic animals.
  23. I buy unsalted organic p-butter (Trader Joe's)for myself but have not given any to Precious. Her treats are walnuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios in very limited amounts. Sometime ago I read the only peanuts free of aspergillus were grown in dry Arizona.
  24. Erika, thank you for giving Nemo a forever home. How can people just walk off and abandon these fabulous creatures???
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