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Everything posted by slmclean

  1. wow that was good brought tears to my eyes as well.
  2. i went to work today, got home at 2:45 pm i washed 2 loads of clothes and have just been relaxing and talking to my birds, chloe is out right now tearing her toys up so i will have to clean up later. it was a cold day here sunny but cold.
  3. awww that is such a sweet little puppy.
  4. I have a Kodak easyshare i really like it and it is easy to use even for someone like me lol.
  5. what is that toy called i cant find it?
  6. so sorry to hear of your loss my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  7. if you dont want your magazines and such shredded dont put it down by me or it is shredded that is chloe's rule.
  8. Hi LadySadi, welcome to the forum.
  9. {Holidays-00020127} happy halloween.
  10. no she cant get to them that is a no no lol.
  11. yes she did she loves it she got it going pretty fast to lol.
  12. here is chloe enjoying her new swing.
  13. Hi Wingnut welcome to the forum.
  14. i'm so sorry to hear about your loss you are in my prayers and thoughts.
  15. awww sweet he/she is getting big.
  16. awww that is adorable thanks for sharing.
  17. those are great toys i would be interested in buying them to. chloe would have a hayday with them all.
  18. i can understand your frustration i have a cockatoo that would scream all the time to then he got sick and stopped screaming and at first i was happy for the quiteness then i was missing him screaming but he is now back to it and i can say i am happy about it cause i know he is feeling better, i have my screamier back
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