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Everything posted by Mistyparrot

  1. Great video of Gizmo. I love to see Greys that fly:) Steve n Misty
  2. Hello Aglover09. I agree with the others about wing clipping. It is not a good thing. Nevertheless you will have to take care with open doors and windows. As for his nails, greys would usually wear them down climbing around in tree branches. I have a multi-branched perch made of apple wood as well as concrete perches for my Misty to climb around. He also chews on the wood and that keeps his beak in trim. From your other post I see you have already discovered that your BooBird likes to chew wood. This is quite natural and should be encouraged but give him his own things to chew so he will feel less of a need to chew your furniture. Don't give him wood that has been treated with fungicides. Only natural clean wood. Fruit wood is safest. Perhaps have an avian vet give a light nail trim but get him a good climbing perch to help maintain them. I would never trust a pet shop person to go anywhere near my bird. You don't know what else they have been handling and they don't have the proper training. I am very picky about vets as well! Have you posted any pics of BooBird yet? One other thing.. please don't post in caps it is seen by some as the same as shouting :ohmy: Steve n Misty
  3. She sure loves that song:lol: Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/04/09 18:21
  4. Males talk more sense but females just talk more :evil: Runs away ducking.......... Steve n Misty
  5. One of Mistys favorite toys is his old spray bottle. He loves to swing on it suspended by a cord. Unfortunately like all Greys he also loves to chew, in this case with entirely predictable results! :ohmy: Here is a short video of what happened ! No Greys were hurt in the making of this video. Just his dignity Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/04/08 19:22
  6. Congratulations on getting caught by a CAG{Feel-good-00020114} But you have only been together a few days!! Give him a chance. Keep talking to him but never force yourself on him. He will soon take to you. Greys aren't always cuddle bunnies, their moods will vary as the day goes on. take your cues from him. Remember you have lots of time to grow together. Take it easy. Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/04/08 00:19
  7. The cat probably won't fight the parrot unless cornered but remember a cats scratch is toxic to a parrot so never take a foolish risk. Steve n Misty
  8. Storm, The points made in the post are still relevant and the advise is for anyone who may be interested. Steve n Misty
  9. AshleyKay ,you are inviting trouble taking an untrained and unharnessed bird out side. It takes just one unexpected sound or small incident to scare your bird off. If he is not trained for recall you may have problems coaxing him back or worse. I would never recommend clipping though. At the very least teach him to respond to recall commands. Do a search "lost Grey" in this forum to see what I mean. Steve n Misty
  10. Misty is six and he has owned me for four:) Steve n Misty
  11. Well TopalBird, I have heard of henpecking but your poor husband clearly is a victim of parrotpecking:lol: Steve n Misty
  12. "Fids" is short for "feathered kids" but I have no idea where it was first used. Steve n Misty
  13. Welcome Redafricangrey, Thanks for the link. Very interesting. I hope you realize that you can't call them African Greys. They are African Reds or Psittacus roseus Africanus perhaps? How well do normal Greys react to them? Do they seem bothered by the color as if it were a different species? Steve n Misty
  14. Don't you just love the way that every day they amaze you some more:cheer: Steve n Misty
  15. What a sweet bird This is the proper link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkyUEkqRctU There are som spurious characters on the end of the first link. Steve n Misty
  16. You have no chance rjhammy. The very fact you keep Greys means you are already crazy! Steve n Misty
  17. Wow. A definite A+ Had she met crows before or was this something you taught her? Steve n Misty
  18. It seems to me that the point of the article was not that GAGs are skittish or poor at bonding. It was that many GAG breeders have a poor understanding of the psychological needs of baby GAGs and are therefor likely to produce problem babies. With care and understanding they can never the less make wonderful companions. The real problem is perhaps with breeders who think it more important to have a quick turn over than it is to take time to understand the needs of their babies. Unfortunately the problems may not become apparent until more than a year down the line. Perhaps too long for the breeder to realize that they are the initial cause of the problem. My 2c Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/03/26 00:33
  19. LindaMary, Thanks for the link. I don't think there is a copyright problem because you provided a link. You have not claimed it as your own work or linked to a protected web page. It is a very interesting article. I have long held the opinion that young Greys are often passed on to new keepers at much to young an age. They should not be sold at less than one year. i think that hand rearing Greys is a bad idea unless there is no choice. Greys are the best possible parents for Greys. As for clipping...:evil: ....it is simply a very bad idea.These animals are supposed to be fully flighted birds. Everything about them from their body shape. bone structure. lung design and of course WINGS have evolved to that end. Or if you prefer, That is how God designed them ! Imagine living your life with your legs tied together. Perhaps the nearest real human equivalent is foot binding as was practiced in old China. Sorry about the rant :ohmy: But I feel strongly about this and I am pretty sure Misty agrees with me. Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/03/25 18:06
  20. Yes LindaMary, Misty also makes the water drop sound in reference to water as well as saying "water'. It seems quite a few Greys use this sound. It is self taught and I wonder if they use it in the wild to tell their flock mates about water. Steve n Misty
  21. When Misty is eating if I say yum yum he replies with a lip smacking sound:) This is odd because he has no lips:laugh: Steve n Misty
  22. I'm sorry but that pic is simply far to cute!! It should come with a health warning Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/03/25 01:16
  23. Hi Nychsa, I got it ! I have been using Safari Beta4 so I tried Firefox and it works:) Bella is so beautiful even if she is part Bat:lol: Steve n Misty
  24. Hello Nychsa. I get sound but no video. Should there be? Steve N Misty
  25. <br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/03/19 00:41
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