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Everything posted by Mistyparrot

  1. What great news about Maxi learning fly Every time I got Misty to fly I would say "Fly baby" or "Misty fly" to try to teach him to fly on command. It hasn't worked out like that but he does say "Fly baby" or "Fly Misty" when he has a fly around:laugh: I hope you have good success with the harness training. Misty makes a terrible fuss if I even attempt to put him in a harness but live in hope. Please keep us all posted. Steve n Misty
  2. I had been teasing Misty with his spray bottle and I had put it on my lap for a moment. He flew down and picked it up and flung it on the floor. As he did this he said " That's not for you ! " :lol: It's something I say to him when he grabs my mobile or iPod so he certainly told me :ohmy: Steve n Misty
  3. Christina don't you know that with Greys whats yours is Mine and whats Mine is MINE MINE MINE !:evil: Steve n Misty
  4. WOW WOW WOW ! Great news. :) :) :) :lol: :) :) :) :) :woohoo: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Steve n Misty
  5. Somehow I don't think anyone is taking this seriously:( Steve n Misty
  6. Every once in a while Misty drops a feather. So I need to know how many of each kind do I need to collect to make another Grey? Steve n Misty
  7. Mr Untidy is my second name and the room that Misty and I spend most of our time in is full of all kinds of chewable stuff yet now he keeps mainly to the chew things I give him. Of course I cannot read a newspaper without Mistys "assistance" but at least he no longer feels a need to service my keyboard, remotes or iPods. However if he is on my shoulder I have to be very careful where I stand::ohmy: Anything within his reach will be grabbed at, chewed or toppled. It is odd because most of these things he could reach anyway but it is only when he is on my shoulder that he gets the urge !:lol: Steve n Misty
  8. Dave, What a wonderful story. :) :) Karma indeed. Steve n Misty
  9. Males talk more about the world whereas Females talk more about the family and relationships. I am sure its the same for Greys. In terms of the actual quantity of words its about the same as there is lots to say about both. The variety of sounds that Greys use as words is not just restricted to human noises they are much smarter than that. Steve n Misty
  10. nanmadpad. Misty is not kept in a cage. We are fortunate that my circumstances allow this. Why do you think keeping your bird clipped is a good idea for you? This is after all a discussion for and against. You may have good reason to continue to clip your bird. Steve n Misty
  11. I would think she would. After all what could be more natural for a Grey to learn from another. It is clear they are good friends so thats a good start. Steve n Misty
  12. I suspect that buying baby Greys in the belief that they will bond to the new owners is a misconception. My understanding is that wild CAGs stay with their parents for at least a year before they are ready to find new partners. In fact it may be a couple of years before they have learned sufficient Grey skills to leave home. The point of this is that they have an instinct to reject their early carers after one or two years. This includes human foster parents no matter how loving they may be. Adopting an older CAG can be much more successful because of this. Misty came to me at two and I know his previous keepers had him as a young bird and they loved him. He became my friend within a couple of weeks and we have been best buddies ever since. In my opinion ideally a breeder should let the parent bird raise the babies for at least a year before putting them up for adoption. Unfortunately I expect the costs would be higher and people are suckered in to the idea that adopting cute and cuddly babies is a good idea when it probably is not. I don't know how this works for other breads because I know they are all different. Steve n Misty
  13. karunk ,When Misty came to me at two years old he was clipped but that did not stop him trying to fly or going into the glass sliding door leading to the garden. I put stick on figures on the glass and hung net curtains so he quickly came to understand that he could not fly through. As for your glass roof I doubt your CAG would have the vertical velocity to come to any harm. Greys are smart and they soon learn what windows are. A fully flighted Grey quickly becomes expert at maneuvering and avoiding obstacles. Misty spends all his time free in the house with no problems. I keep an eye on him and take care with doors and windows. He lives mainly in our living room although he does have a cage in the rare event that he cannot be out. I am certain that a clipped bird is at much greater risk of injury from lack of flight skills than flighted. Even in a small home. Misty is now fully flighted. He is a wonderfully confident flyer and it is his first nature as it should be. I believe that if a person thinks they are not in a position to keep a flighted Grey then they need to think very carefully if they should take on the commitment. In 99 percent of cases being able to fly is what being a bird is all about and they are safer because of it. I think Dave has explained very well how important it is for young greys to develop their skills. It is senseless to deprive them of the ability except in the most unusual situations. I am supremely grateful that I have never had to make that choice. Steve n Misty
  14. I am sure you are feeling terrible about this but I have to say it: Why on earth did you clip her wings? It is a terrible thing to do to a bird!:ohmy: Some breaders seem to think that clipping will make a bird more dependent and therefor a better pet. These breeders should have their legs chopped off and disbarred from breading parrots. :evil: Your bird has received a terrible shock and is bewildered and feels insecure. There is a risk she may start plucking. Depending on how severe the clip it will take several months or more for her flights to come back so you will need to make sure that if she tries to fly she can land on a soft place like a carpet. Not a hard wood floor or she could be injured. You will have to spend as much time as possible with her and make sure there is nothing around that is likely to spook her. She will most likely adapt and get back to her old self but it will take care and patients and lots of love.You obviously have that:) I hope this will be a warning to others who may be misguided as you were. Steve N Misty
  15. Running a zoo as a visitor attraction is an excellent way to end up with a small fortune provided you start with a large fortune. If you really want to earn funds for needy people you will stand a better chance buying a lottery ticket. Somehow I suspect you may not be sincere. Either way the people here are no more likely to send you parrot eggs than they would send you their children. Steve n Misty
  16. Sameera I do so feel for your loss. It must be so hard to bear. Clearly you have a faith that will help and comfort you. But please don't be to hasty in your decision not to get another Grey. You have a lot of love to give and there Greys that need to find a loving home such as you can provide. None will ever push Zahzu from your heart but the love you can give to another bird will help heal the pain. Love will always heal the spirit. Steve n Misty
  17. Misty will eat most things if he sees me eat it first but I won't eat brazil nuts. It's not a problem because that means more for me:) Steve n Misty
  18. jamalbirdbiz , Who is wrong for what?? You need to explain your thoughts better. B) Steve n Misty
  19. That looks like a very good toy. Good tip. Thanks Steve n Misty
  20. Don't be to hard on jamalbirdbiz. He is clearly enthusiastic and I am sure he means well but he seems to suffer from the impetuosity of youth. I have come across threads in news groups that jamalbirdbiz may have read and so had jumped to conclusions that were unwarranted. I hope he takes the time to do more thorough research before he comes to voice an opinion. Steve n Misty
  21. I would also recommend "Alex and Me" It is an excellent book that shows the astonishing relationship that can develop between two such radically different beings, human and avian. Few parrots have ever had the care and love that Alex received from Ms Pepperberg and her colleagues. Alex did suffer from a feather condition for a while but it was not because of neglect or ill-treatment. Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/04/21 00:01
  22. First cuckoo of spring? Steve n Misty
  23. Dhorje you are taking a terrible risk if you go out with your Koko without a harness. Especially in an urban environment. If Koko is clipped it will only make the risk worse.:ohmy: Steve n Misty
  24. Mistyparrot

    bad behavior

    I have no sympathy at all . Greys are very intelligent social beings but we keep them in conditions that are unnatural for them for our own selfish pleasure. The very least we can do is give them as much companionship and attention as they need. I believe that most "bad behavior" including plucking and other phobic actions arise because we try to conform them to our needs with out respect for theirs. If they request attention then give it to them. If they want to be left alone sometimes then respect that as well. If we can't do that then we should not be keeping them. Always remember they never had a choice but we did. We must accept the responsibility that comes with that choice. B) Steve n Misty
  25. Unfortunately if the president took in a parrot I fear the sheeple would just get them as fashion statements with disastrous results for parrot kind. Steve n Misty
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