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Everything posted by Mistyparrot

  1. Misty loves ice cubes. Steve n Misty
  2. Here are a couple of new videos of Misty the Wonderparrot:laugh: Steve n Misty
  3. Oh yes! I know that scene well: Misty has ripped wallpaper and chewed doors etc. I am considering renting him out to a demolition company ! Steve n Misty
  4. Thats great news about "Riley" or is it "Mootsie" now? Have you invited his "owner" to come on this forum? It would be great to keep up with him.B) Steve n Misty
  5. What greyt news. I love a happy ending that brings a tear to my eye.:woohoo: :woohoo: ;) ;) ;) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Steve n Misty:woohoo: :woohoo:
  6. You don'tneed a phone now.YoYo can be your phone. Steve n Misty
  7. As I am at home nearly all day so Misty is with me all that time. He mostly chooses how much time he spends interacting with me. We share all meal times although he has foraging opportunities at any time. If I have things to do that don't involve him he sits on one of his various perches perhaps by the window or in his tree perch i made from branches of fruit wood. The only time he is caged is for time out for bad behavior but then only for max five minutes. That happens very infrequently, or if there are strangers moving around with the risk of leaving doors open. The thing is Greys are highly intelligent social beings. They need to spend as much time with others as possible either with people or parrots. Toys are important but no real substitute. We play a lot but I don't really train him. He learns by observation and example. He is of course a total joy to me:) except when he is being a pain in the neck:woohoo: Steve n Misty
  8. She is lovely. Thanks for the vid. :) :) :) Steve n Misty
  9. We doubt DVDs or CD are a lot of use to Greys or parrots in general. What they really really like is interaction with parrots and people. If you watch it together Einstein may pick up on your enjoyment. Misty thinks that DVDs are good to chew on but I don't recommend it Our 2c Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/07/15 21:57
  10. Misty enjoys climbing my chest to get kisses on his beak. It is one of his favorite activities with me. I take great care to not put saliva on his beak. One weird thing he does, when he is clearly enjoying his food I say to him "Yum yum yum" and he replies with a repeated lip smacking sound ! This is weird because he has no lips :lol: Steve n Misty
  11. Zazu is still very young but he is clearly doing well with his flying. He will soon amaze you with his skill Be careful with wire mesh as it may be zinc plated and zinc is toxic to parrots Steve n Misty
  12. Two parrots and a little dog have fun:laugh: Steve n Misty
  13. Chewing is what parrots do. Don't try to stop him You need to give him more things to chew. Best is fruit wood like wood from apple trees or nut trees. Even wood from old pine boxes but do not give wood that has preservative in it as this my be toxic. Greys are social eaters. Although Misty always has food available he prefers to share meals with me. This is good because it means I have to eat more fruit and vegetables and no fatty or salty foods that would be bad for Misty. If I want to encourage Misty to try new veggies or fruit I eat some in front of him. If he sees me eat it then he wants some as well Remember though never give parrots chocolate:evil: or avocado pears:evil: as these are toxic to them:evil: Steve n Misty
  14. I hope this works out for you and Jacko. Misty has not slept in his cage for several months now. Before he would spend all day out of his cage but I would put him in at bed time. This would be at any time between midnight and 2 am ! He would be the one to tell me when he was ready for bed by saying "Bed time" he would persist in this until I had put him in his cage, turned out the lights and left the room. Now he prefers to spend the night in his tree perch I have made from fruit tree branches. Now instead of saying "Bed time" when he wants to settle down to sleep, he looks at me and says "by by" as he does when I go out. Again he continues with "by by" until I have switched off the lights and left the room. He is quite clear about what he wants me to do. He seems to get all the sleep he wants and he will have snoozes during the day As I am retired I can spend plenty of time with him, and he doesn't wreck the room to much when I have to go out:lol: Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/07/07 13:17
  15. It takes constant vigilance. It is just like living with a small child except small children can't fly . Just imagine :ohmy: I maybe a bit weird but I would rather put up with this than force Misty to live in a cage that he is not happy with. I am afraid I have spoilt him rotten :silly: That's my choice. :laugh: Steve n Misty
  16. Oh snap!!!:evil: I went out for a few minutes and came back to this !! "It wasn't me:whistle: " I guess I have some decorating work to do!!<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/07/01 20:48
  17. Thanks for the clip:) Whisper is such a sweet bird. Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/06/30 12:26
  18. Oh well,You did ask:woohoo: Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/06/29 22:22
  19. I also have no experience of rehabilitating such a sadly neglected Grey. It is so good to read of people like you who are happy to re-home such a soul. It seems to me that you are doing the right things. I hope you will let us know how Rover progresses. Big Karma from Misty and Me. :) :) :) Steve n Misty
  20. Jane. Perhaps Kea thinks you drive too fast:lol: Steve n Misty
  21. I read the story with Misty on my shoulder proudly preening his perfectly red tail. It also brought a tear to my eye:) Greys truly are very beautiful parrots. <br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/06/21 19:52
  22. Misty's preference is to shred any newspaper I am reading:lol: However he will go for rolled up newspapers that I hang for him once I have convinced him my newspaper is not for him! He has done this for years with no problems. One very important thing though, make sure there are no staples that could hurt if swallowed!:ohmy: Steve n Misty
  23. What is all this heresy here?!!? {Feel-bad-00020063} No parrots are more beautiful than Greys! I know that some are covered in gaudy colors but none compare to the wonderful subtle gradations and scalloping of the gorgeous silver gray feathers, the long slender neck and the subtle blush around their perceptive eyes. all of this offset by the fiery crimson tail. There may just be some equal but none are more beautiful.{Feel-good-000200B9} Seriously though congratulations on your new addition. Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/06/10 14:06
  24. Misty does this sometimes when he is asking for something but he also does it for no apparent reason.I think that in the same way Misty will often use words in context with obvious intent, at other times he will speak just to rehearse or play with sounds and words. As Greys also communicate with body language it makes sense for them to play with and rehearse postures as well. The point is with Greys not every utterance or posture has any intended meaning. It depends on the context. One thing is certain. Trying to get inside the mind of a Grey can at best be frustrating and could lead to insanity in the worst case! :woohoo: Our 2C Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/06/05 18:16
  25. I remember reading about an escaped African Grey in England that had set up home with some pigeons in a church steeple. I have no idea what happened to it. Steve n Misty
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