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Everything posted by Mistyparrot

  1. Those pictures of a Grey being mutilated for the sake of human convenience make my blood run cold and then boil with anger:angry: I think I would like to cut Bobbi Brinkers feet off to stop her running around and getting hurt:evil: Bobbi is clearly an expert on things Grey but I deplore her support of clipping parrots wings. The problem with clipping is a light clip is potentially far more dangerous to a bird than a fully flighted would be as it would lack maneuverability . A heavy clip on the other hand could lead to severe psychological trauma as the bird would be unable to interact with its environment in the way its instinct drives it. IMO if you want a screwed up plucking insecure parrot then clipping is a good way to start. That said, not every bird will respond to a clip badly but there are few good reasons for taking the risk. M2c Steve n Misty
  2. Thats a very nice tree you have there. Tarzan would be happy to swing in it;) What lucky birds you have:) Steve n Misty
  3. Yes indeedy I have long thought that Misty's legs are just tooo cute:) I also love his feet and the way they feel when he wraps them round my fingers. I am not so keen in his claws though:laugh: As he needs them for climbing around I won't begrudge him them. How about we have a cutest legs contest? Here is my contribution. Steve N Misty(with the cutest legs)<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/08/21 00:36
  4. Great videos. Thanks for posting. Steve n Misty
  5. How spooky is that:ohmy: There is something strangely familiar about your situation Joolesgreyuk Steve n Misty
  6. Thats a real Greys eye view of your pug :laugh: Ash sounds like a real smarty pants. I almost feel sorry for your poor pug being bossed around by a parrot Steve n Misty
  7. Great news Babygirl. :) :) At least these previously exploited Greys can now settle to a well deserved retirement. Please keep us posted about their progress. Steve n Misty
  8. Many supermarkets stock it. Look carefully at the ingredients. Also try health food shops. As I am in the the UK I cannot recommend a particular store to you. Steve n Misty
  9. Hj Janfromboone, I buy lactose free ice cream. Steve n Misty
  10. Babygirl, Would you stop the pair from breeding or do breeding pairs eventually say "no more kids !!!" and stop by themselves. For such long lived animals, at what age do Greys stop breeding? Otherwise how would you stop them? Alternatively would you simply let them carry on and allow them to raise their own chicks without the trauma of them having their babies stolen from them all the time? I do endorse your wish to give these otherwise exploited birds a peaceful and loving retirement. I rather agree with your husbands sentiment. B) Steve n Misty
  11. Here is another pic of Misty enjoying ice cream cone. Yum Yum Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/08/16 01:17
  12. This is a real occupational hazzard of keeping parrots Steve n Misty
  13. What a smashing picture:lol: Steve n Misty
  14. When that cat realizes he has been had by a bird he is gonna be so embarrased:woohoo::laugh: Steve n Misty
  15. Misty's current favorite is repeating "Trouble trouble trouble" . It describes him perfectly:laugh: Steve n Misty
  16. I agree with the others. Benji sounds fine to me. Greys can make quite disturbing noises sometimes. I developed a nasty hacking cough some time back (all gone now :-) ). Misty could imitate it exactly. He would "cough" and people would think he was in a really bad way until I explained:laugh: I often give Misty cherry tomatoes which he loves. Unfortunately he insists on sitting on my knee while he eats it. I have to hold it for him otherwise he squashes it into my leg. In fact he now brings it to me to hold for him. They sure know how to take advantage! You are in for a real ride :laugh: {Nature-00020093} Steve n Misty
  17. Great videos. I love his red but:laugh: As for his singing he is a super duper star:P Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/08/08 23:24
  18. Wildiesel what an inspiring story you tell about bringing Modus into an environment where he can thrive and be happy. Then you spoil it by saying you are going to clip him! Please don't. It is a very bad idea. Think how confused he will be. Steve n Misty
  19. Just to add to what Dave said. Greys are social eaters. I found with Misty the best way to get him to try new foods is to eat them with him. We generally share all our meal times. Even though he always has food available he lets me know if he thinks i am late with our meals. I sometimes hang carrots , half apples or half corncobs on cords. He enjoys pulling up the cords and chewing on the veggies. If I just put them down for him or chop them up he ignores them. They love a challenge and opportunities to forage. My 2c Steve n Misty
  20. Jim looks like a loverly fella;) Great pics. You are clearly doing something right:lol: Steve n Misty
  21. When we had a cat (Jezebel) Misty would call her by name, either "Jessie" or "Jezebel" I also had a particular whistle call that I used for the cat. If I called out "Jezebel" Misty would help out buy calling with the whistle call. He did sometimes imitate her meow but he preferred to say "meow' in the same way that I would. Sadly she died over a year ago but Misty still sometimes calls her name when we are in the kitchen. She used to spend a lot of time in there. Mark you she would never come when he called her even when she was alive so I would be quite surprised it she came in now.:laugh: Jez n Misty Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/08/06 18:46
  22. Great video;) i think she loves you:laugh: Steve n Misty
  23. Thanks for the answer. Karma to you. Is Jim a Grey ?B) Steve n Misty
  24. Who is Jim? I thought Spock believed himself to be boss. Steve n Misty
  25. Thanks Luvparrots. Here is one of Misty with an ice cream cornet. He loves ice cream as well;)
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