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Everything posted by Mistyparrot

  1. I agree with Dave but I would strongly suggest that you have your Grey microchipped. Unfortunately the chips used in the US are not the same as European chips and require a different reader. You may need to bring your own reader if you intend to travel to both Europe and the US. Depending on where you intend to go microchipping may be mandatory. It may well be required that your bird is quarantined to comply with disease control regulations. Australia has very strict quarantine controls that make short term travel with a parrot impossible. In Europe microchipping is a requirement to ensure accurate identification. It is a safe procedure that needs to be done by a vet who is qualified to work with birds. I strongly suggest you look at this to get more information to see what is most relevant to your situation: http://www.tailfeathersnetwork.com/birdinformation/movinginternationally.php Steve n Misty
  2. Tell your mum that if it's good for your birds it's good for you ! When I shop for food I always think "Will Misty like this?" If I indulge myself and buy avocado pears or chocolate I feel guilty and have to eat them away from Misty because he expects to share my food! Some people might think I spoil or over indulge him but that is not so. I chose to have him live with me so I have to accommodate his needs. He is not a child who might grow up spoilt. He is a parrot and he acts according to his nature as far as I can allow for his safety in a human environment. He is also my friend. Steve n Misty
  3. Intelligent is right! Misty has it made.:cool: He has me doing all the work. I provide security, food and entertainment for him. I fetch and carry for him at his request. All he has to do is climb up on me or fly to my shoulder and nuzzle my cheek and say "Tickle tickle" to have me preen him until he dismisses me with a shake of his head. And I simply feel grateful for having the privilege of his company! Steve n Misty
  4. :confused:You left us hanging Ray! Where was Corky? Steve n Misty
  5. I hope you are able to read the early warning signs so you can duck in time! Steve n Misty
  6. I am so sad for you and Storm. Steve n Misty
  7. I guess Greys are like flying elephants. Elephants also never forget! Steve n Misty
  8. He sounds more like you than you do Dan! Does Kim get confused? Steve n Misty
  9. Google translate can do the job. Steve n Misty
  10. I have the same reservations as Dan. Have nothing to do with them. They use Western Union for payment and wonderful as Western Union may be your payments are virtually untraceable and nonreversible.:mad: Steve n Misty
  11. Misty will accept beak rubs at almost any time but neck rubs and skritches are only permitted at his invitation with "Tickle tickle" or "Your alright" otherwise he will just move away from me. I always feel honoured when he makes the request. He does not like his wings or tail touched at any time. Steve n Misty
  12. I first bonded with Misty around seven years ago by whistling back what I believed was his contact call. We still use it when I am out of the room he is in and first thing in the morning when he hears me getting up. We also have "concerts" where he starts of with a few notes that I repeat back. He calls a few notes more and then looks at me to say it is my turn. The tune gets more and more complex until I just can't keep up any more. At that point he often laughs at me as if to mock my incompetence. His whistling has in no way substituted for his English language communication with me but I am certain that besides being pleasurable for both of us it helped us bond and establish that we are flock companions. Some of his tunes are very melodious. A few are clearly based on music he has heard on the radio or stereo. He never screeches or makes the objectionable noises that some parrots are prone to make. People who tell you that whistling will stall your Greys talking ability are simply wrong in my opinion. Steve n Misty
  13. I see no point in any kind of trim or clip. I love to hear of parrots regaining the ability to fly. It is so ingrained into their being that taking it from them is simply callous. Steve n Misty
  14. Hello Jla. Welcome and brag away. We all do it. We all find our Greys so wonderful it is hard not to! Steve n Misty
  15. Misty is much the same. As far as he is concerned my food is his food. Nowadays he gets his own plate when I have my evening meal with a selection of my menue. The up side is that I have reduced my salt and sugar intake and we share a very healthy diet. He does let me sample his nuts as well. Steve n Misty
  16. Progress! Step by step. Rosie is a fine looking Grey. Steve n Misty
  17. Thank you so much for the great pictures. He is a fine looking bird. You are right to be very proud of him. Steve n Misty
  18. I agree with the other advice you have had. She is clearly not comfortable with your hand and arm in her cage. I would suggest introducing a moveable perch into her cage. You should let her accept it and then in a while use that for her to step up onto so you can gently take her out. I think you will find it easier to get her to step onto your finger from the perch once she is out. Take it one gradual step at a time. But you must respect that for her her cage is her safe place she must be allowed to feel comfortable there at all times. Steve n Misty
  19. Yes please! Can I have that on toast? I might even try that on Misty. Steve n Misty
  20. What a great start to the New Year. Well done Timmy you are a star. I love to hear about re-flighted parrots. Steve n Misty
  21. I am jealous! Such amazing looking parrots. Steve n Misty
  22. If I am home, which is a lot of the time, Misty is out until he tells me "It's bed time !" So he is out 12 hours plus. Steve n Misty
  23. Wally is a fine looking fellow. Thanks for the video. Steve n Misty
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