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Everything posted by Mistyparrot

  1. Hello Nikki. Welcome to our great group. I am sure you will be very happy with your new family. Seve n Misty
  2. I thought this was a forum about Greys but it is sad that some valued contributors seem dead set on taking offence when none is intended. Trancework please don't go. The forum will be poorer without you. We are all a bit like our Greys and might nip without meaning ill will. Just a sudden rush of blood to the head. Some of us might rag each other once in a while but ultimately we are all friends with a common love. Steve n Misty
  3. Consider yourself broken! Seriously Dave you know we all love you and regard your advice as second to none. Steve n Misty
  4. Why not Dave. I have edited my missive several times in the last five mins. Of course you will make my post seem a bit confused but that's me allover Steve n Misty
  5. Thats a great screed Dave if a touch repetitious. Although to be fair perhaps you wrote it after a long committee meeting . Seriously though, you made a great point about the genius who can tell the age of a Grey just by looking ! I still have trouble working out how old Misty is. I mean if anything he looks younger now that when he came to me about nine years ago at an alleged two years old. Wow! I have just worked out he must be eleven !! In my mind he is still two.:confused:Likewise requesting more detailed info on the ring makes good sense. As for Earthchild and Irwin I hope so much he has at last found a forever home. The important thing is that wherever his cage is and who ever he is living with he feels secure at last. Greys are smart little fellows and in good time he will flourish at last. It is clear to me that he is loved and he deserves to be.Now I am off to refill my glass (with a drinkable Aussie red) and settle down to watch the rest of the Eurovision Song contest with Mistyparrot on my knee. I am not sure if you guys across the big pond get to see it or not but here it is compulsory watching by edict from the BBC and European Union. Finally if the admins had not wanted us to edit they would not have provided the option! Steve n Misty
  6. Misty is very keen on being on my shoulder as I wander around the apartment. I am quite happy with that. I was thinking today that it's a bit like being Zaphod Beeblebrox with the advantage that my spare head can be safely removed when it gets just a bit to demanding/annoying . I have had to move any object that Misty might make a grab for in passing because whatever it is, if he can reach it it is fair game to him!:mad: I am quite sure he only does it because he enjoys winding me up! Steve n Misty
  7. I think he will feel more secure there. But what ever he feels he will soon let you know Steve n Misty
  8. From what you say I doubt Emma is stolen but it would make sense to have Emma chipped. I would hope that any good vet would scan a new bird patient as a matter of course. Having her chipped it a very good way to identify Emma as yours.
  9. How many do you need before you can make a new parrot? Steve n Misty
  10. Losing the occasional flight feather is no problem. It will come back relatively quickly. The problem starts when several are lost at once like in a clip as it takes more resources to grow several at once. Because I helped Misty to re learn to fly when his flights grew back he usually calls out "Fly Misty" as he takes off so I get a fair warning. Steve n Misty
  11. Fantastic news!!:D I am so happy for you. Has he been telling you all about his adventures? Steve n Misty
  12. Wonderful video. He is so determined to get it up to the glass table. He must love the way it slides about:D Steve n Misty
  13. It looks great. Fantastic price. I hope your council don't ask you to pay the dreaded "Room tax " on it! ( It's an English thing) Steve n Misty
  14. It seems to me she is happy to be in her new home but it may take a while for her plumage to come back into condition. The white down feather loss is probably normal moulting. Regular spraying with aloe vera will help with her general skin conditioning. I would certainly recommend a visit to your vet to be sure there are no parasites that are irritating her and for a general health check up. Steve n Misty
  15. Well done GBF. Now your training as a slave to a Grey has begun! Emma is a great name and she is clearly a smart girl. She will learn from you as you will learn from her. Congratulations. Steve n Misty
  16. Err yes. Misty has that habit! I have found the best way to distract him from that is to hang a towel over the rail and the curtain. Steve n Misty
  17. I was tearing out what little hair I have left trying to get this right!! Please view my previous Misty having a splash vid. Steve n Misty
  18. I have tweekified it a bit Steve and a soggy Misty
  19. Misty took a bath and now he is melting!:confused: Steve n Misty
  20. It is amazing how Greys can work out the appropriate context of the words they learn. As for chicken wire I have some doubts as it is often zinc coated and metallic zinc is very bad for parrots. I found this page that may help you decide. http://talkbudgies.com/archive/index.php/t-42205.html Steve n Misty
  21. That's true but sadly few breeders are prepared to keep a baby Grey for two years or more. On the other hand some will sell unweaned babies to get the cash in and would be parronts take them on because they think raising a baby will help make a strong bond. It might sometimes but it doesn't always work out that way. But you know all this Jay. Steve n Misty
  22. Misty does occasionally say "Good boy Misty" or "Beautiful boy". However when he is annoyed with me because I have caged him for misbehaviour or I have taken something from him that he is about to deconstruct, he will usually call me "Horrible boy!" I can't remember ever calling him this but I guess I must have. I first remember him calling me "Horrible boy" after I found that a quick squirt from a plant sprayer would distract him from the curious objects on a book shelf and he would fly to my shoulder uttering the words as he landed on me! Steve n Misty
  23. Greys usually sleep on a perch. They nest in holes in trees to have chicks. I have never heard of a Grey sleeping in a hammock but then with Greys almost anything is possible! Steve n Misty
  24. The others have given great advice but I would also suggest not to get an unweened baby. Greys have a tendency to seek a new bond after they are fully fledged. They have a need to break from their parents to seek new a new partner. Steve n Misty
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