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Everything posted by Mistyparrot

  1. I have had many cats and all were amazing little fellows. One was convinced we were not feeding our baby daughter properly and was forever bringing her titbits. My last was Jezebel. Misty was her friend. She was about eighteen when she passed on. Misty would still call to to her around the anniversary of her death for two years after. Steve n Misty
  2. Spock. I am sure BDF meant no insult. As Dave post suggests we are all just a bit other! Steve n Misty
  3. Just curious DogsBirdsFish but what is the story with the Amazon? If they are friends could they come together? Steve N Misty
  4. Misty and I are in Brighton on the south English coast. Steve n Misty
  5. As I said earlier one of Misty's nick names is Mistypie! And I am a veggie!! Steve n Misty
  6. "Mistypie." "Mistyparrot." and " 'orrible boy." Actually the last one is what he now calls me when I tell him off. Steve n Misty
  7. As this is a water thread I think I should point out that parrots can be very sensitive to excess sodium in hard water treated with water softener devices. This can lead to feather plucking and other health problems. Give your Grey only bottled spring water or water that has not been treated with sodium water softeners. Also use it to spray and mist. If you do have a sodium water softener built in avoid showering your bird with water passed though it. I use a water filter jug that uses ion exchange resins and activated carbon. Not only is it better for your feathered best friends but it also helps make very good coffee and tea. There is a very good article in the latest Parrots Magazine on this subject. http://www.parrotmag.com Steve n Misty
  8. Welcome Skshamshir1. I understand your fear of the ceiling fan. An unweary or spooked bird could be badly injured by flying in to it. I know they are large but could it be possible to construct a cage to surround the fan? Remember that even a clipped Grey can take flight if alarmed. Even better this company makes bladeless fans that are completely safe for flying birds. http://www.dyson.co.uk. They sell all over the world so I am sure you can find a supplier in your country. Personally I think that clipping a Grey is a bad thing. They are birds that are meant to fly. This is from the Times newspaper. It may help you to see what they are about. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/business/industries/engineering/article3135488.ece Steve n Misty
  9. I am not sure if I have posted this before but this is Misty's contact call. I think he is very musical. My opera Grey. Steve n Misty
  10. I suspect she is spending to much time in her cage. Misty will not poop in his cage if he can possibly help it. But he does spend most of his time out of his cage. His cage is smaller than most and is partly covered. When he goes to sleep at night he perches under the covered part and waits until I let him out in the morning and take him to the bathroom for his first huge dollop. In the wild Greys live in holes in trees and never poop in those or they perch and sleep out side where it is not a problem. If it is not possible to give a Chloe lot of out of cage time, if her cage is big enough try having part of it covered . You may find she treats that part as a sleeping hole/cave where she won't poop so you could place her food near there. Speaking of poop I am forever grateful that Grey poop hardly smells at all unlike cat and dog offerings.:eek: Steve n Misty
  11. You are doing nicely with young Quinn. I am sure if you looked you could find an app for your 'Pad to help edit your film without having to export it to your computer. I think Greys are good at associating sounds including human words with actions events and things. It helps if they have some kind of emotional investment with the subject or object. I think "water" is one of the easiest because it is a natural substance that Greys instinctively know about. Greys will often mimic the sound of water and develop an association. Picking up the human word is an easy follow on. Water is one of Misty's most common words. Depending on how he says it I can usually tell if he want's a drink just commenting or making an observation. One problem is that they might make an association that does not accord with the human meaning. Misty uses "Stoppit" in a hard whispered pronunciation when he wants me to share my food or give him a treat. I assume that because I would say it to him to distract him from eating the furniture etc he decided it was a way to attract my a attention. It is hard to change but it can be done. But it works for me and I understand what he means. Some things he picked up from listening to me comment when I am doing something. Like "Cuppa tea" "Coffee coffee" "Toast". All observations from my kitchen activities. They soon note when a sound (word) they make gets a reaction from you or when a friend comes to visit that they have a special label (name). I think it is important to understand that Greys do not understand the distinction of words as such. Sounds can also have equal meaning. If you are consistent with what you say when you greet, when you come and go, when it's bed time and when you offer food, Quinn will soon pick up. Steve n Misty
  12. I have just had a thought. Misty loves pizza so I wonder if he is dreaming of grinding the pepper over his slice ? Steve n Misty
  13. Oh no Nancy. It's not like that at all. It's more like a very quiet mini pepper grinder. Steve n Misty
  14. I wonder if Misty risks setting himself on fire ! He does fair bit of beak grinding. Seriously though folks, the amount of heat generated by beak grinding is going to be minute. Steve N MIsty
  15. What a great post. Thanks trancework . Steve n Misty
  16. Jeff.If you hadn't already realized.living with a Grey that feeling never goes away. Steve n Misty
  17. Yes Jeff. They sure know what they want. I think they do sometimes have a hard time understanding how stupid humans can be! Steve n Misty
  18. I have just come across this article. I am afraid it is based on research with Toos but I have no doubt that It would apply to Greys equally. I shall try it with Misty. http://news.discovery.com/animals/pets/parrots-barter-with-nuts-130312.htm Steve n Misty
  19. Yes all is now back to normal. The headline picture is back and the "remember me" box is no longer obscured. Thanks teck guys. I guess you finally found a tec Grey who could do more than modify keyboards;) Steve n Misty
  20. This is for sure totally bogus. If the offerer was genuine she would go to a rescue centre.
  21. Thanks for the tip Luvparrots. On the normal view on my browser the tic box was completely obscured but zooming out brought it into view so that solves that little niggle. Steve n Mistyparrot
  22. For a few week now I have noticed that the Home page is not displaying properly and now the forum keeps forgetting my password. I am using a Mac with Safari and Google Chrome. The weirdness is with both. The actual forum pages are fine. Is it me or something else? Steve n Misty
  23. Not only does Tyson use tools but he grows them as well! That is smart. Steve n Misty
  24. Misty likes to drink hot water from a tumbler in the morning when I have my morning coffee. He fair gulps it down. It's not because he is thirsty. He just loves the warm sensation. Of course it all comes out soon after! He also loves ice cubes and bathing in cold water. As long as they have water they will take it as they need it. If they have lots of soft fruit they will need less water.Just make sure it is changed often and that it cannot be contaminated by droppings. Steve n Misty
  25. Nice video. Beautiful looking bird. I see like me you will never need to buy paper shredder! Steve n Misty
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