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Everything posted by Mistyparrot

  1. There must be some mistake I am the best bird !
  2. Jayd. You just made the crucial statement "If the Gray accepts it that way". Obviously in this instance this Grey is quite possibly unhappy with the cage where it is. He does seem to want to be somewhere else. As for "circular cage with a dome top" this is the kind that Misty has for his sleeping cage. He has no problem with this at all. He is sensitive to its position and it took a little experimenting to find just the right place. I have a it placed against a wall and he can see who is coming near without being taken unawares. It is partly covered on top and that is where he prefers to snooze. He is happy to go in of his own volition to relax. I certainly agree that it is not a cage to live in. He spends nearly all of his time free to fly around our apartment. Steve n Misty
  3. I have to disagree with you Jayd. If you look carefully you can see the shadow of the curved top lower down the wall behind. It looks to me as though the cage is exposed all round and away from the wall at an angle. I can't see clearly what is in the dark place on the right hand side but it may be that monsters lurk there at least in Lola's mind. If she is wary about the dog it doesn't have to be barking all the time but something is exiting the dog. Besides there is no way to tell how much barking the dog does because the video is too short. Steve N Misty
  4. Thanks Lolagrey. I have just watched the video and I don't like where the cage is placed. I suspect Lola thinks the same. She is unhappy about being caged in such an exposed and noisy place. I don't think she finds it easy to relax there at all. She is in a new and scary place. She is almost certainly worried about the dog as well. What she wants is to be with a friend but she has had no chance to bond with anyone yet. I can't tell you where to place her. I don't know how much space you have or what the layout is. But she needs to be able to feel secure and I don't think she is. Steve n Misty
  5. I think Greys like ritual. They will tend to make patterns of play and enjoy a certain amount of routine. No doubt Lola had a little energy left to dissipate so climbing around her cage would help work some of that off. It makes sense for her to climb around in the same pattern because it is a route that works without her thinking about it. Misty will not let me put him in his sleep cage unless I take him to the bath room first. He just glues himself to my hand. I put him on a rail over the bath he may or may not make a deposit, I brush my teeth and then we admire each other in the mirror. After that he goes into his cage with no stubbornness. As I close the door he says "Bed time baby" I say "Bed time Misty" "Sleep well, see you in the morning" I get another "Bed time baby" and as I close the door he makes a quiet and gentle "Whee" sound. This routine has evolved over time and it is all self taught by Misty. A famous animal researcher named Konrad Lorenz made a study of geese and the paths they walked from their resting place to their pond or food tray. He would place obstructions in their path to increase the complexity and distance of the route they walked. After a while Konrad removed the obstructions to make a direct path possible but the geese continued to walk the path they had originally made even though it was significantly longer. The circuitous path had become like a ritual that they felt more comfortable following than the now obvious shorter route. Steve n Misty
  6. In my experience when Greys are having fun you have to watch because they can get up to all kinds of mischief . Steve n Misty
  7. Nancy. Did you listen to the video? Misty loves music as do I but if I dared to subject him to that particular "musical" genre he would through me out! Steve n Misty
  8. I wish you and your baby all the luck in the world. Baby Greys are so enticing and sweet. That said your breeder should be severely reprimanded for selling a clipped unweaned baby to a relative novice. It is not fair on you and not fair on the baby. I hope you do not have issues with re-bonding. Once baby Greys reach a year or so they are genetically programmed to move away from mom and dad and seek out another for a partner. I hope others thinking of doing what you have done read these posts carefully and decide not to buy unweaned clipped babies. It is a mistake to think that weaning a baby will build a bond for life. There can be no guarantee that will happen. This is by no means meant as a criticism of you. You have done what you thought would be best and I hope it all works out well for you both. Steve n Misty
  9. Clearly Storm is a Grey who has good taste in music and he has just been offended! Hopefully your daughter will quickly improve and be allowed back into the general population. Steve n Misty
  10. You are so right Timbersmon. Misty won't have it any other way. Steve n Misty
  11. With Misty I usually say "That's not for you" when he grabs or starts to to chew something he is not allowed. Sometimes he will look at something longingly in one of the pigeon holes in my desk and if he sees me looking he will say "Trouble trouble" "That's not for you" At that point if I don't head him off he will make a grab and try to keep it from me. One of his current favorites are lottery tickets. I have a habit of saving them up and checking them after I have a small pile. He hasn't managed to destroy a winner yet!. There are so many possible targets he will grab whatever he can and make a run for it. Of course if I just give him it he usually loses interest. The important thing to him is teasing me! Recently he has started to use the phrase as a kind of order. If I have something in my hand he wants he says "That's not for you" implying I should give it to him. One time I had the water sprayer on my lap having just squirted him with it. He wasn't happy with that. He divebombed my lap and said "Thats not for you" and then grabbed it and threw it down to the floor! Steve n Misty
  12. Misty does not like to poop in his cage. It is used mostly for sleeping but if I am out he has to be in there. Otherwise he will cause all kinds of mayhem. As soon as he comes out I take him to the bathroom so he can do what is necessary. He will go from his perches so I have to provide for that. I think not pooping in his cage is a normal thing for a grey unless they have to spend a lot of time caged. Steve n Misty
  13. Brat Birds. I wonder if changing your ring tone might help? It may be that they have taken against it for reasons that make sense only to a Grey. They might hear it as some kind of alarm call. Steve n Misty
  14. I have to disagree Jayd. There are stupid people. They are the ones who don't ask questions. Steve n Misty
  15. MG= FRV* SSI where MG = Mashed Grey. FV= Fan Rotational Velocity and SSI=Sudden Shock Intensity.:cool::mad: Steve N Misty
  16. Thanks Jayd. Those are some of my favourite foods. Misty even lets me share sometimes Steve n Misty.
  17. To many sunflower seeds are not good for a Grey. Offer nuts like cashews shelled peanuts and walnuts. all unsalted and all human grade. When Tooka is more bonded to you he may well pick up eating cues from you so he will want to try what ever you are having. Greys are social eaters so if possible give him food when you have your meal so he can see you eating. I know this may not be practical but that is what I do with Misty. He always has a variety of food available but he has his main meal when I have mine. He seems to prefer that. Steve n Misty
  18. Joe. You should be grateful that your humans don't fly around your house. They are far to clumsy to be safe. It does look like you have them reasonably well trained though. You have obviously done a good job with them. I have the same situation with Steve. Fortunately he is not a flyer either. I sometimes have to nag him to go to bed but he is mostly well behaved. Mistyparrot
  19. No. It is not worth the risk. It takes only one unexpected fright and your parrot is cruelly injured. Steve n Misty
  20. Thank you Jayd. I hope I never experience the ache you must have in your heart. It must be like losing an angel. Steve n Misty
  21. They don't forget their friends. Did Spock carry any kind of ID ? Might he yet come back? Steve n Misty
  22. Welcome Captain. Good to have you aboard. I don't know what the ringing system in India is. You would need to find out who the breeder is and ask there. If it is a closed ring your Grey was most likely bread in India. Go back and ask at the pet shop you got him from. Steve n Misty
  23. Great update hbalkhi. But and this is a very important but! :mad: DO NOT GIVE CHOCOLATE to Aoodi! :mad:It is very poisonous to parrots as it is to dogs! Also never give avocado pear as that is also deadly to birds. Steve n Misty
  24. That explains why Misty seems to prefer to clean his mucky beak on my knee! Steve n Misty
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