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Everything posted by Knight05

  1. Im a new grey owner so I won't give you false advice since I don't know much yet but I'm told there is these little bird type plastic hats you can buy to prevent ur bird from plucking. Much like they use for dogs to prevent chronic itching. I've read all over the place that the more they chew/pluck themselves the worse and worse it becomes. It's like smoking to them and they can't break the habit they need to do it to satisfy whatever is going on with them. And if you can manage to break that habit for a few days they tend to stop doing it. Im not sure if this helps you on the spot but its something you could possibley look into with a lovac vet
  2. So I've had my grey for like 3 days now and I know I'm teaching it tricks enough to where it understands me sometimes but not really to the point where I'm making it "easy" on the bird. We have been practicing step up and so far he gets it sometimes but not all the time which is perfectly cool of course a few small sessions a day and end on a good note. It would really help me if anyone could recommend a video name or website of a popular video for parrot training. I would really like to see how professional bird owners train there birds by visually watching them do it as opposed to what I have read. I know all bird's are different and not all the same techniques and treats will work but I could at least get a generalized idea of proper training techniques. Also besides having curvy perches in the cage is there anything I can do to improve my babies balance? He often falls off his perches in the cage and sometimes even in the living room. And the only thing that saves him from slipping off my fingers half the time is wing flapping for balance. Is this one of those only time can make it better situations or can I physically do something to improve balance? He has been clipped just for some background info also about 7-8 months old FYI. Also had his nails clipped a few days ago to get a dna sample. So his toe nails arent fully regrown and hooked and pointed off. He has a habit once I get him on my fingers to want to climb to my arm or even up my shoulder which I try to block him off from doing, I guess he doesn't feel my 2 fingers locked together make a safe enough perch for balance. I also practice with a 12 inch detachable perch stick which he feels safer stepping up on but eventually I would like to stick with only fingers. I do not want to rush though.
  3. Ya i got scammed about 4 times while searching for my bird to buy (i didnt fall for it) they are 90% based out of thailand and camaroon africa as well. African greys are a popular source for scammers since it works on about 70% or more people out there sadly. I see ads for CAG's for sale for like 400 or less + cage! All they want is S&H in the form of a checking account # or money gram western union check money order etc etc.
  4. ya that is perfect thx judy
  5. So I'm a new parrot owner for those who don't know I have a CAG. And I want to experiment with new and diff bird foods. The seed I'm using now is "Tropix seed company made Supreme parrot seed w/ fruit" He seems to like it (notice I say he half the time and she the other, don't know the sex for another 5 days). I'm also using pomogranite seeds for a "treat" for training purposes since she isn't the best at step-up yet. I see her eating the seeds like all day everyday so she obviously enjoys it but not sure what else is out there that others are using? I'm all for sticking with what works but figured trying something new just to be different is cool too. And since it's a baby and he is still growing a little it wouldn't hurt to feed him the equivelant of like puppy chow? Some super protein parrot food to beef them up some or really make them shine? I think you all know what I'm asking even though my comments are all over the place and random
  6. My first attempt at making a perch. And it was a huge success. The hardest part was finding the wood I wanted from someone then the rest only took me like an hour or two to treat the wood and steralize it then put everything together. I wanted my bird to be able to hang out with me in the living room without pooping on the furniture This whole thing cost me about 50 bucks to make give or take (damn state tax!).
  7. Lol Fairy@ you sure? he'll probably own you.... So true
  8. Grrr double post on accident and I don't know how to delete it >_<<br><br>Post edited by: Knight05, at: 2008/03/15 19:05
  9. I promised and I delivered! Here's a photobucket slide show of a few pics of my sexy bird in home (Note= she is a little wet cause we just got done showering) Link: http://s133.photobucket.com/albums/q65/Knightforeva/?action=view&current=fad81670.pbw
  10. I got my grey today from my breeder still not sure if it's male or female going to take it to get sexed in a few days. I'm leaving it be in its cage for now because after almost a 12 hour flight I'm sure it's stressed as hell! He/she rode on my shoulder in the car *by choice* the bird's balance is really bad but it's learning. And it doesn't bite or scream at all it's the cutest and sweetest baby in the world. Trick #1 I guess though will be step up because right now it has terrible balance and won't climb onto my finger. So if it gets on my shoulder I can't get it off. It seems poddy trained too because it didn't poop the entire time on me but as soon as we brought it home and put it in the cage it pooped like 3 times. I will post photos tomorrow when i wake up and its had time to sleep and adjust to the new cage and me above all else so check back here tomorrow evening for pics! It's verrrry beautiful And extremely loving it puts its head down to my finger to show it wants to be scratched. One thing it also does I haven't figured out yet is keeps making crunching noises and it sounds like it's grinding it's beak a little? Not against an object but beak on beak??
  11. Thx I will check out the forums properly in the next few days
  12. I have to take it to get dna sexed in a few days the breeder thinks its a girl but not sure yet so for now the name is bird But if its a boy probably drake and if it's a girl chloe
  13. So I'll get right down to it and keep it as short and simple as I can. Feel free to pick and choose which to reply too, I know it's alot sorry but im a fairly new bird owner. Can teflon pans (george forman grill included) harm my CAG? Is it the smell or chewing it or being near it? Can smoking harm my parrot? Not actual second hand smoke I would never smoke by my parrot but the actual smell of smoke in my clothes or on my breathe etc. I have a very teeney tiny spot of rust on a used cage I bought (roughly the size of a a pencil eraser) but the rest is like new and powder coated is that still safe or do I need to sand the rust and re powder coat it? What are primary toys a starting owner should buy right off for a parrot? Swing, dangle toys bells? If I choose not to clip my parrots wings what risk do I run of taking my bird outside to a park etc? Is there a way they can have wings but can't fly away like a parrot leashe for example. Whats sites or links can I go to teach my parrot 3 simple principles step up, step down and don't poop outside your cage? What if my sleeping schedule changes and my parrot is on a normal cycle do I alter his to match mine or keep him on his cycle and just let him be while I sleep. Is it safe to let a parrot roam the house freely when you are doing things like taking a shower or cooking dinner or in another room doing laundry etc? Or must they be supervised 24-7? My roomate has a red crested or macaw (i think thats the name?) they get a little red on the top of their head. Can CAG's bond with other parrots and play safely or do other parrots tend to fight when together? How often do you need to clip their nails? How often should they shower? Misting vs Showers? Is it ok to wet their heads etc? I own a motorcycle not a car if the parrot had to visit a vet etc would it be safe to take him along in a parrot backpack where he could breathe but wouldnt be exposed to high winds? Would the vibration and noise frighten it? Whats a parrots normal wake up and sleep cycle? And how often should I cover the cage when it sleeps? How can i tell if my parrot is too hot or too cold or feeling just right? How often should their litter box be changed and cage bars cleaned of poop and excess food? I guess thats it now sorry for the list but you never know unless you ask so
  14. Just joined this forum like a week ago. Also bought my cage and CAG a week ago. I'm 26 and live in oceanside, california I've owned parrot before but they were shared with other people and this will be my FIRST parrot that I myself own and am in charge of and taking care of. My girlfriend loves birds too so it works out perfectly.
  15. I was wondering if anyone had any used or spare toys they would be willing to part with cheap? I have some stuff for my african grey now but probably not as much as I should. Pet stores want rediculous amounts of money like a parrot swing is 40+ etc. So I figured it was worth asking if anyone would donate or sell toys relatively cheap. You can email me spencer.yeagley@yahoo.com if interested I'll pay for shipping and handeling at a minimum. Just figured it was worth asking thanks I have a very nice cage at the moment for my bird and the bird itself gets lots of good nutritional food etc so I'm not neglecting it, I just found after buying all that stuff I'm broke now and lacking in the toy department. I'm located in oceanside, california just north of san diego about 30 minutes or so for you local people. Thanks again
  16. Sorry my photobucket was being stupid here are the pictures. I bought this bird from carol whos a bird breeder (pretty popular) in northern cali.
  17. This is the parrot I was looking to buy for 1000 dollars from a local breeder in my area. It's unsexed has all it's vaccinations and shots and vet treatments supposedly. It's roughly 4 months old and apparently has a lot of love and a very nice bird. I was wondering based off the picture alone if you guys had any concerns or recommendations of additional questions I should ask the breeder because I am looking to buy soon.
  18. I know several posts have been made showing a page with breeders but none of those listed sites seem to be helping. I'm looking for a local breeder in the San Diego area that has babies already hatched for sale. I would like to take a CAG home within a week or so. Does anyone have any local personal refrences they can help me with? Ive checked pet classifieds and craigslist etc etc as well but all have turned out to be 90% scams or overprices for mediocre birds.
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