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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. I agree with that. Good luck to them.
  2. Sounds like a wonderful place to me. I think it would be a hoot to visit.
  3. Emma has really been working on her vocabulary. I love the nursery rhymes and songs. so smart!!!
  4. Quit the little athlete the way she shot that ball right up out of there.
  5. Looks like "good girl" won the battle. This was a really funny video!! Keep them coming
  6. The concrete perches ended my need to clip Tobie's claws. I have two. One perch wasn't doing it so I added another larger one that he has to stand on to chew his wooden toy. No more scratches on my hands.
  7. Emma has so much personality. I love your videos.
  8. I keep a T-stand downstairs (the playstand is upstairs) where we watch TV. If Tobie gets too persistant in trying to chew something he shouldn't (persistant isn't a stong enough word) he has time out on the T-stand. For some reason he usually forgets what he was doing by the time I bring him back to the couch. Also - this might not work when he remembers he can now fly. He hasn't figured out that he can just fly off the T-stand yet.
  9. I never expect such logical responses - It still blows my mind when it happens. I think the key is doing just what you do - talk to them as if the understand every word.
  10. Joey, Congratulations on your flights and good luck with learning the landings. Tobie is also almost 3years old and just started flying this year. His landings also have been the most challenging thing about flying for him. He still occasionally has a rough landing but is much better now. I'm sure Joey will soon get the hang of it.
  11. Dan this story is very readable and enjoyable. I'll bet you could publish it.
  12. Charles you should post on the new thread about "oldest grey". So far the oldest one that could be recalled was She's story about baby sitting one named "Blue" who's about 40. A 47yo grey is the oldest one I've heard of. Is he still playful. (I guess I'm about to go off topic - oops) Well, I just went back to check and Syd is already been discussed on the post about how old are the oldest greys. Guess I didn't go to the end.
  13. Acapella-Yes I definitely think Dorian's phrase "I love you" shows his brain cells are functioning quite well. He knows how to work the system. Sometimes I think thats why Tobie can be so sweet at times and develish others. When he's sweet he is insuring that his bowl will get filled and his cage cleaned.
  14. you can send the other half of the cargo net to Tobie. I know he'll love it. Anna Grey sounds so clear. I understood her perfectly. She looks so happy and healthy.
  15. Great stories! I too want to see Cosmos' videos. Tobie and I have a little time in the morning before I go to work and while I fix his food and water and clean his cage he must give me at least 50 kisses, some on the back of my head while I'm leaning in the cage wiping the grate off. And he gives me "I love you's and good mornings. When I walk in the front door squeeks and that alerts Tobie that some one is home and it's "Hellllooooo" and then non stop chatter for the next hour. If I'm home Tobie is out of the cage and if I'm downstairs or upstairs he goes with me most of the time if I'm planning to stay a while. I just love his friendship and his upbeat funny little personality. Sometimes he can get annoying, but I have T-stands or playstands in every room if I don't want him on my shoulder or if he is picking at the furniture etc.
  16. I really prefer to think like Elvenking and Jillybeans. For my own comfort I guess. I hope Tobie has no yearning for this unknown existance that he has missed out on. Each one of us has a life that is a result of the decisions we have made. There are hundreds of possibilities of different kinds of lives that we might have lived had our decisions been different. It doesn't make any difference that we were the ones who made the decisions if our lives turned out less than ideal. The point is that a childless couple will never know what it is to love and hold their child but will have other experiences in the absense of parenthood. A person working in a profession that provides for their needs but doesn't make them rich...etc. Life is never perfect, but we do what we can to adapt and take pleasure where we find it. The same goes for our birds. We do everything we can to make it a good life and though it's not perfect, it is their life. I think our birds express their joy of life every day.
  17. These are all great stories about our wonderful Grey parrots. Sorry to hear about Jill. Hope that ankle heals fast. Ha Ha!! Did Dayo really say that.
  18. Dayo is speaking much more clearly now. I understood several things that he said. What a little chatterbox he's becoming.
  19. Tobie occasionally combines phrases or sticks a word from one phrase into another phrase that makes sense. Sometimes he uses a phrase that I can't believe I really heard him say. It was too smart. I wonder if other people are having this experience. I can give an example that I know I heard right because Frank heard it too. I was getting ready to leave and Tobie was in the cage. He kept saying "open the door" each time louder and with increased frustration as I ignored him. Finally loudly it was "Open the damn door" . We don't use profanity at our house but some weeks before Tobie had learned a different phrase from my husband using damn. He swaped phrases and did it appropriately. I've heard him say a new phrase that was just too smart for a bird to say. To me it was clear but later I doubted what I heard. I think it would be fun to hear what your birds are saying these days.
  20. Great post Dave! I should have read that before Tobie came to me. Happily, I'm having the "pet experience of a lifetime". Couldn't have said it better.
  21. Congratulations! Patience pays off in the long run.
  22. yes! That's when Tobie gets his revenge - when I tighten the thing.
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