Great stories! I too want to see Cosmos' videos. Tobie and I have a little time in the morning before I go to work and while I fix his food and water and clean his cage he must give me at least 50 kisses, some on the back of my head while I'm leaning in the cage wiping the grate off. And he gives me "I love you's and good mornings. When I walk in the front door squeeks and that alerts Tobie that some one is home and it's "Hellllooooo" and then non stop chatter for the next hour. If I'm home Tobie is out of the cage and if I'm downstairs or upstairs he goes with me most of the time if I'm planning to stay a while. I just love his friendship and his upbeat funny little personality. Sometimes he can get annoying, but I have T-stands or playstands in every room if I don't want him on my shoulder or if he is picking at the furniture etc.