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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. Adina- I never knew your name, just Emma's Mom. I was somehow comforted by reading you're second comment, because so much of it is verbatem what I have thought to myself. I too am finding Tobie's presence to be more that of a little person in a birds body. I might come in from work tired and start supper and the next thing you know Tobie's chatter becomes so infectious before you know it I too am answering him, singing his songs back to him an stopping what I'm doing because he sais "come here, come here, gimme a kiss". Like you I never expected what I got. Unlike you, I didn't research African Grey Parrots and it was only after I came home with Tobie that I ran across my first video of an African Grey talking (Oliver - Lang's site for Oliver the African Grey). I thought if I repeated "Hello" enough he might say "Hello". My only parrot experience was with Cockatiel's. Quite a difference. I too have wondered what Tobie would be doing or saying if I didn't leave him most days to go to work. I talk to him as if he understands everything he sais, and I think that helps him understand the context of the words he sais. Yes, I think if he wants to say something, and isn't just chattering and practicing his phrases, I think he sais it right out. Sometimes he uses a whole new phrase that I haven't heard before and sometimes he combines phrases and words in a way I haven't heard him do before and in a way that I don't remember saying myself before. Sometimes it's almost spooky and I think I must have heard wrong because how could he have put that phrase togeather and it just made too much sense.
  2. beautiful pictures of Joey. So glad he is happy and I know that makes you happy.
  3. Tobie rides on my shoulder and so far the only damage has been to an earring or two. I guess I'll just have to get bitten to learn my lesson. It is such a nice feeling to have him ride on my shoulder for walks and even around the house. He has learned to leave the earrings alone. If I forget to take them off he will flip them and say "Quit that". Then of course I take them off.
  4. Ok I got it by putting your user name in. Cute vidoe. He sounds like he wants to imitate your voice but its a bit higher than his range. What a sweetie.
  5. I also couldn't watch the video. It sais the video I requested is not available.
  6. you have a great camera to get such sharp close ups of a moving object. I love the one with the mouth open and the eye in the shot.
  7. I love the freedom the aviator harness gives to take the bird outside. It wasn't that easy for me to teach Tobie to put it on though and he became more resistant with time to wearing it. I have had to back up and slow down and start again with the training. He wore it again without any problem last weekend.
  8. Thanks for sharing the story and pictures of the bite. I guess I should be more careful too. I let Tobie around my face and I know it's dangerous. Thanks to your pictures I'll be more careful.
  9. Love the interplay of feminine "sweetheart" and then "Good girl" in a masculine voice. Tobie still has only one voice.
  10. Looks like a nice relaxing time for all. I'm glad you had the good sense to cover the cage a bit. I took Tobie outside with his harness the other day to celebrate my first day off from work on a nice spring day. The next night Tobie was sharing the couch downstair as usual and I finally looked closely at him. Tobie's white face around his eyes was pink. Tobie actually had a sunburn. Fortunately not too bad I suppose, but his face was pink.
  11. Love Emma as always. Her nonsense makes more sense than the jabber I hear some people say.
  12. Wonderful news. Congratulations on his new skill.
  13. glad she's ok. Sound as if she must just be pouting about you going out and being left in the cage.
  14. Congrats on the feather development. Yoshi sound like a real doll. I haven't read your other posts on yelling. I hope some of the more experienced moderators gave you advice on that. Most of the time when they vocallize from another room they are trying to make contact with you. They want to know where you are and just talking back to them quiets them. Then again, my experience is limited. When Tobie yells he usually yells "where's mama" or "Hello".
  15. It's been a couple of days Lyn. How is Alfie?? Is she eating better?
  16. Better leave the vacuuming to Kim, Dan. Dayo is such a clever boy. He just didn't want Kim to think she was vacuuming a clean carpet. He was "helping".
  17. Congratulations!! You are in for such a sweet ride for the next few years.
  18. If Tobie can learn to fly Josie can too. He still has a way to go, but his bad landings aren't as scary to me as those sickening thuds to the ground and he hasn't had any injurys with his awkward flight.
  19. I think answering them is important too. I think in the beginning that is why they talk. They want us to answer them and they will say whatever gets the biggest rise from us. That's funny, that the bird has taught you many phrases.
  20. Hopefully Kopi won't have the problems Tobie and Josie have had and all will go smoothly. I think it's been harder for Tobie to learn to fly and land because he is almost three years old now.
  21. Hey, my fortunes are never that good and certainly not that true.
  22. Judy, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Josey. Hoping the feathers keep coming.
  23. Thanks for watching my videos. Aren't these grey parrots all so amazing. I was just reading pearlyns post about the kiss and emma saying "I'm sorry". I feel so blessed to be experiencing living with a grey parrot. You know I might have just decided not to bring Tobie home and missed the whole experience. I would have missed alot.
  24. Sorry about the earthquake. I hope you didn't have much damage. I'd be paying attention to Joe though. Animals know things. Is he still looking at the ground.
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