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Everything posted by MommaFawkes

  1. That was a great video!!! Love his cage,I have three of those noise makers we call conures
  2. Awww Good luck!!! Keep us posted!!
  3. Congrats!!! Thats so exciting!!!! WOOT
  4. Thanks everyone!! No she wont get any bigger, actually she is almost 2 years old now.
  5. Your grey needed to see an avian vet, asap! This could be MANY things. One possibility is and ear infection, another is a seisure. I really have no clue but I think he needs the vet. Good luck!
  6. Ok so I wrote to almost all of the pellet companies and asked if they offer samples...these are the ones that do!! Harrisons....very small sample but free either way Pretty bird....BEST sample!! lafebers...bigger than harrisons samples Goldenfeast....seed samples...Fawkes loves it!! sunseed...sends coupons Zupreem....nothing at all Ok now you have to go to their websites and find the contact us link and then ask them if the offer samples...tell them what kind of birds you have! Either include your adress or they will email you and ask for it. I think there were one or w more also but im drawing a blank! Thought you may be interested...I got over 40 pounds of free food from doing this...Helped me a ton
  7. She is shanes Favorite, the other girl is MissMarley's Favorite!! Hopefully she will be getting her too
  8. You should be able to get there! My female canary is semi-tame and will sit on my finger with no issues. However I have no idea why since I was given her already like that:whistle:
  9. Oh man!!! My girl is always preening!!! What a beauty queen!!
  10. LOL!! Lovely!! I know that noise all to well, seeing as I have three barf bags here!! Roxy my dog is way smaller thatn fawkes..when fawkes comes out to the floor Roxy gets kenneled for her safety. The cats stare at her in interest but if I say their names the take of to their naughty spot (behind the couch)
  11. Fawkes does all of the above...little stinker...she likes to wake me up with the car alarm and a fire truck....jump out of bed and make sure my house isnt on fire everytime!
  12. great pictures!! I still love that name too!!!
  13. Thank you for reading Gizmos story!! He was so special!!! Thank you very much!
  14. How sweet!! I do think I could pick Fawkes out of a group...theres just something different about her
  15. Thats awesome!! Congrats!
  16. Though this one is abviously a scam, remeber you CAN get a free bird off the internet! Just have to tread carefully, I got Pocco free off Craigslist....I was nervous right up until he got home though. I didnt even ride with shane to go get him because I was so sure it was a scam. It wasnt though and thank god for that! But be very careful and NEVER send money for shipping a free bird from over seas! Pocco was in MN and we just had to pick him up there.
  17. thats is funny!! LOL!! What great pictures! Karma for you and Nikko's rebelish behavior!
  18. I have yet to learn the extent of Fawkes vocab...she learns new things constantly!! She just learned "water" and another new water noise, she has been singing some random song..still figuring that one out.
  19. LOL!! I just saw it!! How cute...then I got to the front and there is one of my stories from the forums in there also...its under the name Brilliantfids on page 10, so I donthave to dig up the other issue because now theres a new one:P
  20. I know what you mean, there is one i would love to keep!! Im considering it...the little boy!! They are so sweet too!
  21. LOL!! Well I dont know, we used to have a great dane too and my little dog put her in her place. Simon for a guard cat would be hopeless, he doesnt even know how to wrestle with the other cats!! lol
  22. LOL!!! Well the male quaker is not tame, but if all goes well I will have baby quakers in no time!!!
  23. She really watches out for herself, lol! She never gets in the way and her best friend is my 20 pound cat. she loves him!!
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