I was sleeping, about 20 minutes ago when I heard thrashing and screaming coming from all over my room. I woke up and turned on the light s and Pocco was on the floor next to me walking around, Aries was thrashing in his cage and Fawkes was doing the same in hers. Something spooked them and I have no clue what it was...maybe a car or something? Anyways nobody is bleeding or anything but Aries must of landed on his tail, he now only has one feather for a tail and his primaries are pretty rough looking....I literally have about 20 feathers from in and around his cage. His wing seems a little banged up, the feathers are all out of place and he is holding his wing a little odd. It doesnt seem to be causing him pain but it looks oddly uncomfortable. My question is any ideas on what the heck might of happened? What can I do to prevent it from happening again, and how often do amazons molt? Is it once a year, if so I sure hope he starts his molt soon...poor guy! Fawkes seems pretty much fine, she has one feather that looks a little beat up and Pocco is fine. They all are a little wound up but im a little worried about Aries. Thanks in advance!