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Everything posted by MommaFawkes

  1. How cute!! They are such neat birds! Congrats!
  2. Thanks, I will keep my eye out for any changes. He of course is not his normal self today...none of them are really. I just hope when his feathers start growing back in that he doesnt mess with them or something...he had the most perfect feathers!!
  3. Ohh Makena thats so sad I hope she lets her feathers grow back in!! keep up posted!
  4. Ok I will have shane run to wal-mart and pick up 2 night lights, one for my room with the bigger birds and one for the bird room...as far as I know the birds in the bird room were not bothered but just incase I want them to feel safe too! Here are pictures of Aries and his lone tail feather! Poor guy:(
  5. He didnt lose mant flight feathers so Im guessing he can still fly, I know his right wing is a little sore though and he wont come out of his cage right now. I think im going to have to use a night light for him!
  6. Everybody is still a little shook up, Aries doesnt want to come out of his cage and Fawkes doesnt want to step up, Pocco is lunging at anything that moves near him. Here is a picture of the feathers Aries lost, he lost a few more since the time I took the picture though.
  7. Oh man, My flock sure felt it!!! I posted the thread in otherbirds. Poor Aries is still losinf feathers! I think its up to 25 now! He only has one tail feather left. Pocco lost one feather and Fawkes just beat one up. SCARY night, I have NEVER heard my amazons scream and I did this AM....I posted my thread before I knew about the Earthquake and the odd thing is Chicago is pretty far from me, but my friends in MN said their birds also freaked out at the same exact time. Glad to know what caused it but I was so scared!
  8. OK it was the earthequake in chicago, Im in WI and I have friends in MN that said their birds freaked out at the same time! First off since when are there earthquakes in CHICAGO? Thanks for the info!!! Aries seems ok....just missing about 20-30 feathers and has a couple sticking out. Wow I knew birds were sensitive but sheesh! That was so scary!
  9. I was sleeping, about 20 minutes ago when I heard thrashing and screaming coming from all over my room. I woke up and turned on the light s and Pocco was on the floor next to me walking around, Aries was thrashing in his cage and Fawkes was doing the same in hers. Something spooked them and I have no clue what it was...maybe a car or something? Anyways nobody is bleeding or anything but Aries must of landed on his tail, he now only has one feather for a tail and his primaries are pretty rough looking....I literally have about 20 feathers from in and around his cage. His wing seems a little banged up, the feathers are all out of place and he is holding his wing a little odd. It doesnt seem to be causing him pain but it looks oddly uncomfortable. My question is any ideas on what the heck might of happened? What can I do to prevent it from happening again, and how often do amazons molt? Is it once a year, if so I sure hope he starts his molt soon...poor guy! Fawkes seems pretty much fine, she has one feather that looks a little beat up and Pocco is fine. They all are a little wound up but im a little worried about Aries. Thanks in advance!
  10. Oh no I agree with you, lol!! Mine also get that kind of diet, it is better for them!! LOL hope you didnt take that as rude!!! I didnt mean it to be
  11. Great info clairebear!! the difference is Ekkies HAVE to be, and OTHER parrots do not have to be. They can eat an all pellet diet and survive! Ekkies cant! Whil it is good to give a lot of fresh food to other parrots it is not a mandatory thing like it is with ekkies, and YES i realize it is esential to other parrots health to have fresh food in their diet.<br><br>Post edited by: MommaFawkes, at: 2008/04/13 07:48
  12. can you possibly upload them to photobucket? I think I heard that you can do that...not positive though.
  13. Thanks Fairy! Locks of love is a charity that you can donate your hair too, they make wigs with it
  15. Im so sorry!!! Just know he will no longer be in pain!
  16. Thanks everyone! It was nice to cut it off!! Thats awesome Melissa! We got about the same amount cut!! Is yours as short as mine is now?
  17. Fawkes is a great bird!! Shes such a sweetie!! She will eat about anything you give her too. She talks non-stop, loves baths and plays constantly. She has to have clipped wings because she thinks she can fly through doors:pinch: She gets nippy at times but not often and she LOVES scratches and almonds!! LOL
  18. Thats great!! Fawkes loves to play in a wate dish with foot toys!! It is so funny to watch!! I also would like to see pictures!
  19. Congrats! Hopefully you can get the picture to work soon!!
  20. LOL!! Well congrats!! Your going to have baby finches coming out your ears!!
  21. Oh Berna! Im glad shes ok!! That must of been so scary!!!
  22. Today I got betwen 12-13 inches of my hair cut off to donate to Locks of love! My hair is so thick that they had to make it as 2 seperate donations!! So here are some before and afters!It looks better now than these pics show, I was outside for a while tonight! LOL
  23. She is adorable!!!!! MORE PICS!!! LOL
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