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Everything posted by MommaFawkes

  1. Im thinking you may want to try and find another vet, a vet propery trained to work with birds should be able to towel the nastiest of birds. Anesthetics are not very good for birds and ive heard of some not coming out of it again...in emergency situations its understandable but for a beak trim... Im not trying to be rude so please dont think I am. Its just that that doesnt even sound safe to me..
  2. Here is Aries new play area..this stuff was all bought from www.bird.com..but hey its cool! The boing is connected to his cage..and there is a toy hanging from it, it then leads up to the hanging gym and is conncted to that..which has a great java toy on it too!
  3. Thanks everyone! Shes a great girl, and tons of fun too!
  4. Ive heard a macaw cage needs to be at least 40x40, and thats just to be comfortable. There are amazing deals on ebay for big cages!
  5. I saw those pics! Thought the grey lookes familiar too..LOL way to go!
  6. Thanks again The arm wrap is for both, her nails are always sharp for better grip since she is missing that one toenail and doesnt have the greatest grip because of it. so she feels more secure with a better grip and my arm doesnt get all torn up. lol
  7. Oh yeah Tuki went through the nippy stage, still is a little. She doesnt really bite down but she tests you a bit. LOL Its so funny because i always heard macaws to be independent..not clingy or super cuddly..well Tuki is WAY clingy and cuddly, and fromthe sounds of it so is Millie. Cant wait to see new pics!
  8. Thanks She still gets a night time feeding about every other day...But not very much formula because I find that if I let her do it everyday or if I give her a full handfeeding she wants to try to slip back into not eating her big girl foods. But her weight is good, My scale broke so im just going on the fact that she has not lost any of her thickness around her keel bone. Shes a rather big girl..I saw some B&G's at the last bird fair and they looked small to me, so I think shes a little on the large side for a B&G.
  9. Well She is a big girl now, Fully weaned FINALLY! She is a momma's girl, but will go to anyone! So here are some pics.. (shes wrestling with my fingers, lol)
  10. Just wondering how your little girl is doing? I know mine sure thinks she is a big girl now!
  11. I also feed the ones with Oatmeal in them..mainly because I cant stand to make oatmeal..it gags me to look at it! LOL Fawkes LOVES the sweet potatoes and Tuki my B&G hasnt turned her beak to anything as of yet...Pocco my DYH amazon likes the baby food with oatmeal and isnt to keen on the others.
  12. Just wanted to tell you congrats Casper!
  13. TOP is a VERY good brand..some putit in higher regards than even harrisons. Now Ive tried it and Fawkes liked it, but she will eat any pellet that is non-colored. Its good qaulity and better priced than Harrisons. Its worth giving a try for sure!
  14. LOL so cute! I do the same thing with my fingers to tuki..shes very gentle USUALLY. Sometimes she gets a bit overexcited and pinches a bit hard...but like Ethyl eases up when I say be nice.
  15. Aww how sweet!!! I love the big feet!
  16. Thanks guys! I am having fun with her..even if she is a little crazy!!!:blink: :laugh:
  17. Thanks again! Haha Judy, I see how you got confused in that pic :laugh: She met Tuki yesterday...she did good and so did Tuki **Phew**
  18. Thanks LOL Judy, shes a girl...its just how shes laying that makes her girl parts look funny:laugh:
  19. I finally got a new Puppy! Her name is Morgan or Morgie for short. Here are a few pics! <br><br>Post edited by: MommaFawkes, at: 2008/08/27 01:05
  20. They are getting big! And I know what you mean about them being loud...Truman used to call our tiel babies little monsters because of that god awful noise they make:P
  21. Aww they are adorable!:kiss: Congrats!!!
  22. Hey that is a great idea! I have 7 lovebirds who I know would love something like that! Thanks for sharing!
  23. They are very cute!! Congrats!
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