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Everything posted by MommaFawkes

  1. She looks great! Are her feathers really light in color or is it just the way the pics look? Just wondering if she may have cinnamon in her background;) She is SOOOO CUTE!!!
  2. LOL! What a funy post, the pictures and story are great!
  3. can someone please post a link to the diy toys post? the search bar isnt working for me right now .thanks, tiffani
  4. i have 1 thats 18 and he talks and sings.
  5. Those are really cool!!! Nice job and thanks for sharing!
  6. Thanks everyone As far as Harness training there is a great thread posted here somewhere...im not sure where. I cant really offer much for advice since all I did with Tuki was get it out and put it on and she was fine with it. Maybe try petting the areas that the harness touches before trying to put it on. Good luck and dont give up!
  7. Thanks! She doesnt care about her harness at all, she seems to actually like it!
  8. Sorry Ive been so Scarce...my Great Grandpa had a massive stroke and things have been very touch and go. Anyways I took Tuki to the park this weekend, so I thought I would share some pics! Ok its a lot of pics, lol
  9. Well Her Harness came today!! I put it on her right away because I knew it would go good...and it did!! Ill post a picture soon!
  10. Thanks I take a ton of pictures...I just forget to post them! LOL But ill do better from now on!
  11. Very cute! So fluffy, someday I would love a blue quaker.
  12. Thanks Berna! Shes so sweet looking, glad her personality matches that cute face! LOL
  13. Thats wonderful!! Im sure somehow it will work out! Im allergic to birds and cats and I have both, after a while my sytem just gets used to it. But I have to get used to each new bird, or cat. I guess all the dander is a bit different. Congrats!
  14. Well Tuki is doing great! She is so sweet, and just a doll!She is just over 4 months old now and just said her first words! She said....HI FAWKES! lol it was adorable! Here are some new pics of her:kiss:
  15. I just ordered Tuki's Harness today but im sure she will do fine with it. I work with her by putting things over her head (like cloth) and then taking them of, rub under her wings and all that good stuff! I just took a bunch of new pictures so I will post them when I get up:) Its 4 am here right now and im awake from pain, but better get back to bed before Tuki wakes up for her morning feeding! LOL How many feedings a day is Millie on? How is she doing with that?
  16. I am going to let them grow in, since she will be harness trained I dont see why she would need to be clipped. She is doing wonderful! She is about 4 months old and said her first words tonight:) She said clear as day...HI FAWKES!! It was adorable, she said it whn Fawkes flew next to her cage I will post some new pictures soon, but im still healing from my broken ribs!
  17. That video is great! The breeder that Tuki came from clipped her WAY TO YOUNG! I wish she could fly....
  18. She is very pretty! I love Geckos! Thanks for sharing
  19. Tuki does the quacks too...uggh but she screams now too! Mostly in the morning but man is that awful to wake up to!
  20. I love him Ronda! He is so cute...Shane STILL wants one but we cant afford it after getting Tuki! Well until we have her paid off that is:P Tracy you just wait Millie will get loud SOON! LOL
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