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Everything posted by MommaFawkes

  1. Welcome!! Nice to have you join the little Family, good luck on your new baby!!
  2. See shes not a dud!! LOL!! COngrats!! That must of been exciting!!
  3. Try filling the pipe on the bottom with sand! Thats what ours has and its not wobbly at all.
  4. Awwwww!!! Thats so great!!! LOL!! Though if you are going to breed quakers you should read up!! Im just picking on you!! But I do know of some great links if you ever need them let me know;)
  5. Somone complained about Their recent electric bill and here's the response !! Dear Electric Customer, Just a little note to let you know we understand your anger in the recent price hike. But it should be noted that you have no choice. We are a big company and you will pay what we tell you. You have no choice. We have the power, you need the power. So sad, too bad. Sucks to be you. Have a nice day and keep those checks coming! Sincerely, * Your Local Power Co.
  6. Im not sure on this either, the majority of my birds are fully flighted. Though for the most part they stay were they are supposed to. But come spring they are all except Pocco, getting clipped. I like to take them shopping for their own toys and treats,my conures love to go to petco and SCREAM their heads off!! LOL!!! Have you weighed the benifits of clipping? Im sure you have, just thinking in this case it may be for the best. Also when he flies to where you dont want him, return him to where he should be give him a treat and tell him to stay. It takes a while but I have heard great things about that method. Good luck!!
  7. WOW!!! I bet your getting so excited!!! I have about 2 weeks until my new baby comes, maybe a little more. I have to raise him/her myself, wich is what i want to do but I cant wait until hes old enough to play with and train!! Im so happy for you!!!
  8. You have got great advice here from everyone! I hope in time that he will step up for you but it is entirely possible that he wont. Of course with persistence and patience I hope he will for you!! My DYH Pocco will step up but if you dont have something covering your skin he will then bite!! However if your skin is covered he will sit there happy as a clam. Good luck!!
  9. This thread cracks me up!! Hopefully that bottom latch is a bit harder!! Otherwise dont be surprised when she gets out!! We had to make it so we cant open Fawkes feed doors, no other ways worked. We also have as many as 5 different locks on her main door when we leave!! Sometimes we come home and all her locks that came with the cage are undone and half the others are too!! Once we came home and she only had one lock left!!:blink: Just hope your Bella doesnt get to that point!! It takes me like 10-15 minutes to get past all of the locks on Fawkes cage!!<br><br>Post edited by: MommaFawkes, at: 2008/03/06 20:44
  10. Great tips, I will have to try those natures miracle potty pads! My dog weighs 1 1/2 pounds full grown, so there is no chance she can go out in the winter!! LOL Thanks for the tip!
  11. Do you have a photobucket account? I find that is the easiest way to add pictures here!
  12. YAY!!!! Congrats Im so happy for you!! They sound great!! Your going to enjoy them so much!!!
  13. Just so you know that picture is not actually him!! Just the same species...he looked just like that but with no belly feathers and missing a lot on his back!
  14. Im not sure if I have ever told you guys this story but here goes!! Last summer Shane and I got up bright and early and headed out to the garage sales around us. It was a little rainy out and there were not many people out yet, we hit a few houses and didnt find much of anything. We were actually about to go home and passed a house with this lady sitting out in the rain, well Shane saw some tool that he was interested in so we stopped. I start walking around and im not finding much, when down by my feet I hear this little "scooby-do" now I was by a large pile of stuffed animals and thought that it was just one of them. We got almost to the car and I turned to wave at the lady and something caught my eye, so I looked a little harder and shocked I taped Shane on the shoulder and told him to look under the table. I didnt wait for him to say anything and marched back up to that table and bent down, here was this dirty little canary cage and inside was the most special looking bird I had ever seen!! He had no food and no water, well ok he had peanut SHELLS and water with a thick coat of slime over it!! My heart broke!! He was soaked to the bone and had almost no feathers! It was rainy and cold and he was directly in the wind!! I asked the lady if the bird was for sale and she said yes. Thinking she was going to want an arma nd a leg for him I asked how much while trying to hold back my tears!! She thought about it for a minute and then she LAUGHED!!! She goes give me 25 cents and he is yours, I lost it and started bawling while digging in my purse for 25 cents!! I grabbed his pitiful cage and wrapped it on my sweatshirt, walked back to the truck and cranked the heater for a little bit. We got him home still having no clue what kind of bird he was, I had never seen one like him before. I got online and my research taught me that he was a Moustached parakeet. We got him home and named him Gizmo, first thing we did was take him out of that terrible cage and got him in a nice roomy cage with tons of toys and not to mention food and water!! Well that little bird was the coolest bird!! He had a vocab that could rival most Greys!! His voice was clear as day and despite how he had been treated he took to us right away!!! The poor little guy never did grow his feathers back and the things that were said to him were terrible!! (Judging by his vocab)! He called himself a dirty rotten bird, stupid idiot, Nasty,Fu*Ker!! AMong others!! Now besides the little scooby-do he said at the garage sale while stuffed under a table in the rain, the first thing he said to me was "Stupid, stupid, stupid," wich is so sad but funny considering the sitution at the time, I had been sititng by his cage eating a cookie and he reached out caught me off guard and STOLE my cookie!!! Then said the above phrase and laughed!! Well Gizmo was with us for around six months before he went to the rainbow bridge! Six short months is all we had with the little guy but I know we made his life so much better at the end. I wish he could of stayed longer but at least he didnt pass in that terrible place!! Above all he made our lifes better!! He was the life of the party and he really could brighten your day!! I miss so much walking into the bird room in the morning and being greeted by his little "Hey how are you" and then his "where are you going what are you doing" when I left the room!! I know this is long and I dont expect you guys to sit and read the whole thing or any of it for that matter, but I came across a picture tonight of a moustached parakeet and I started thinking of him. Though not a day goes bye that I dont think of him anyways, that picture really made me think hard about him!! Oh how I miss my little bird with all the colors of the rainbow, but I always think "somebody needed him more somewhere else". We still have not taken his cage down and its still exactly how it was when he was in it!! That was his special little place and it will remain here as long as we stay in this house!! Heres to you Gizmo fly high little dude!!! Oh dear Im bawling my eyes out now!!<br><br>Post edited by: MommaFawkes, at: 2008/03/06 08:48
  15. *Bump* I just read this whole thread for the first time!! Though I have no idea what was going on back then, its a great thread!! Though it needed a bump!! I actually left another forum...well im taking a break from it, tonight for some very rude things that were said by another member!! Wouldnt want that to happen here!!! Though im sure it wont!!! I love it here and everybody has been sooooo nice!!! Good job with the respect issue everyone!!!
  16. I know this is an old thread but I thought I would add to it!! LOL! I changed Fawkes' name from Sassy(I thought it was terrible for such a sweetie) to Fawkes and no she has not said her new name yet, she still says Sassy. But we also still say sassy sometimes, kind of use it like her knickname. I think in time she will pick up Fawkes, though Im a little worried it will sound like the F word:blink: But she will know what she means and so will we!!
  17. Glad to hear things are still going good!! Funny thing here is that with all my birds the only ones that have bit me and drew blood are my Budgies and I have a lovebird that would LOVE that chance also!! Her I dont give the chance...no thanks I will pass there!! She is a nesty little hen and nasty as they come!! LOL! But I love her to peices!! Fawkes "bites" but not hard, and usually she is just playing. Congrats!!!
  18. Well we dont know what Fawkes is but her previous owner think a girl. She talks great and mimics MANY voices!!
  19. I really hope you do get them, you will love them!! Like i said I have ringneck doves and they are sooo cool!! The majot down fall for them is if they are nesting...PEW!!! LOL!! But thats an easy fix and they are way bigger than the diamond doves!! Here are my doves...well ok one of them!!
  20. LOL!! ok I thought maybe I was the only one without scratched hands!! But What is still really funny to me is that Joe thought I had man hands!!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  21. I just watched your video for about the 10 millionth time and I still love it!!!
  22. How cool!!! I want one but there is NO way I have the time to do that.....lol
  23. LOL!!! You girls are just too much!! But I love it!!
  24. Hahns are great form what I hear too!! I have a friend on another forum that has a baby Hahns and she is sooo sweet, she just said her first words the other day!! Step-up!! Its so cute!! Actually I have a link to a video of Gracie my friends Hahns!!
  25. Welcome!!! You picked the right site for info!!!{Emotions-000200BE}
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