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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Hello Vanessa, welcome to the forum! You have a beautiful family, thanks for sharing them with us.
  2. Hi Charliesmom, welcome here! Hope you enjoy the forum and share some more stories with us about Charlie.
  3. Hi Claire! Loui sounds like a real character- I'd like to see him singing "how much is that doggy in the window" I bet that's so cute. Hope you enjoy the forum.
  4. Looks like Ecko is really enjoying himself. I bet he loves the bells, mine really love them. Now you're going to have to figure in your monthly budget for new toys so you can rotate them and keep him entertained.
  5. Judy, I saw a newstory on tv about the same thing. They did state that they are only catering to dogs and cats at this time though... and I can't remember the name of the airline either but I'm sure a good internet search would turn it up.
  6. Now Lyric is going to be bugging me for his own Facebook page...but unfortunately I spend so much time playing all the silly games on Facebook that he'll never get a chance to update his status... poor Lyric, he really would love to plant his own Farm and grow his own crops on FarmTown too!
  7. My very first grey ever I named Tarzan. I used to just love watching Tarzan growing up and it really seemed to fit him. Tarzan was a wild caught grey and it's kind of like when they brought the movie Tarzan to the civilized world, he didn't quite know how to fit in. My Tarzan is still very wild at heart. Lyric is Tarzan's first baby, the first baby grey I had and hand fed. I wanted a musical name for him and I really love his name. I thought it was very unique but also a great name for a bird that I imagined being a great talker. My latest baby's name is Sadie Grey. I wasn't intending on keeping her but she stole my heart and now I can't bear the thought of parting with her. I just liked the name Sadie and it seemed right for her.
  8. Caroline, my heart goes out to you in this tough time. I have a bit of the same issue with my two timnehs- they don't get along outside of their cages and I can only have one bird out at a time. It's been hard learning to juggle free time between them, but it's possible. I just do the best I can, that's all I can do. I know you will do the best you can too, and everything will work out okay in the end. Hang in there!
  9. You're just a concerned mom, that's all! Don't feel silly about asking questions like this, it may help someone else down the road that has the same issue arise. My Lyric was so clumsy when he was younger that he ended up breaking off ALL his tail feathers! He looked pretty silly for a while until the tail grew back. He had a crash landing several months ago when he got scared and ended up breaking most of the flights off one wing. He still can't fly properly from that incident. Poor Lyric, I think he's just accident prone!
  10. Great photo of Spock! I can't wait to see more...His name really fits him doesn't it? He looks so serious and smart!
  11. Thanks for the update on Zzero and sharing his beautiful pictures with us. I think he's really a gorgeous grey! I hope he has a wonderful hatchday filled with lots of love and fun. They do grow up so fast, it's really amazing to watch.
  12. Try not to be nervous. Your bird will pick up on this emotion and wonder what it wrong. Use your birds favorite treats as rewards, and lots of praise. I'm sure things will progress slowly but have patience and stick to it. Good luck on your training and let us know how things go!
  13. Lyric

    fellow parront

    Hello Rxe, welcome to the grey forum. Your signature pic of your grey is beautiful! I hope you get a chance to tell us more about yourself and your birds.
  14. Happy hatchday to you, happy hatchday to you, happy hatchday dear Alfie, happy hatchday to you!!! Alfie is a beautiful boy- I hope you have a fun weekend together as you celebrate his special day!
  15. These baby greys have changed your whole life haven't they? It's really fun to listen to you write about the differences between the two. They really are individuals and it's fun to have a diva princess and a love bug at the same time! I'm so happy for you and I think both your fids are just gorgeous.
  16. Caitlin, your sugar gliders are so cute! I've seen them advertised for sale quite a bit and always wondered what they would be like as pets. Thanks for sharing your pictures of them with us.
  17. My thoughts are with you and Polly. I pray that she will be found safe and returned to you. Keep hope in your heart...
  18. It's a lovely set-up you've got for them- both birds look at peace and very happy in the new room. I like the color you painted too.
  19. Wow Dan, I'm so happy for you and your family that Jake was found and returned to you. What a harrowing adventure for Jake and you! This is a message to all of us to always keep hope in our hearts. Thanks for sharing your story with us and I'm thrilled it had a happy ending.
  20. Well thank you for your nice comments everyone! I would pass your compliments on to Lyric but he's already got a big enough ego...he hears how pretty he is every single day. :kiss:
  21. Ceasar is a beauty and those are great shots of him, thanks for sharing with us all. It is really nice to see a new post from you!
  22. Do you think the medium sized one would be more appropriate for a timneh? It's really great that Chimay wasn't scared of it at all!
  23. I think Mika is at the age where he is starting to assert himself and pushing to see how far he can get. They begin to be more independent at this age and he may be telling you in his way that he doesn't like something. Telling him No Bite and calmly walking away and ignoring him is probably a good way to handle the situation. I also will usually put mine back inside it's cage for a time-out if they intentionally bite me and I don't think I was doing something to deserve it! You must keep in mind that most birds bite at some time or other and for certain reasons- because of this your baby (when it arrives!) should always be closely supervised around Mika. Also, read some of the forum posts about a bird's body language- bites can usually be avoided if you know what to watch out for.<br><br>Post edited by: Lyric, at: 2009/06/10 20:55
  24. I spray my greys with a squirt bottle, spray the water above them and let it fall down like a fine rain. Sometimes they seem to enjoy it and other times not so much. Sadie usually makes me chase her around the kitchen spraying her and now I think it's become a bit of a game to her. I usually try to do it a couple of times a week. The only thing I can think about the smell you describe is perhaps something at the bottom of the cage is going bad or getting moldy? Maybe leftover food that has gotten wet or fruit or something? My birds have a very faint sweet odor but nothing offensive. Questioning a vet about it is a very good idea- maybe your bird has a slight bacterial infection or something that is causing the poo to smell bad. I believe it would be safe to use some baking soda somewhere around the cage as long as your bird couldn't reach it to ingest. It's useful for keeping odors out of the fridge so I would think it may help around your cage...just an idea. I definitely wouldn't use any room fresheners or anything like that though.
  25. Lyric looks so serious most of the time- I wanted to share this photo of him. I think he's beautiful but it really wouldn't hurt him to lighten up once in a while! Here he's thinking, "I wonder if mom's gonna post my picture on the grey forum?? I wonder if the other greys will think I look fat?" and "I wonder what's for dinner???"
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