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Everything posted by birdhouse

  1. Awwww!! Who doesn't love happy endings ...or maybe I should say beginnings. No matter how you look at it, so happy for all of you & wishing you very many more happy years together !!
  2. So my errands today literally took my right by Petco. The ones around are pretty pathetic for bird supplies so I wouldn't have gone out of my way otherwise. Well, as it happened, they had a couple which they hadn't clearance tagged. Now thanks to you, they don't have to bother. :cool: Also, in case anyone's interested, they had things like Nutriberries for Conure as well as Teils, a number of the Higgins seed mixes & some of the mixes you cook, all for 1/2 price clearance. From what the guy said, it's apparently corporate pricing. So any store that has them in stock should be ringing up at the same clearance price whether or not they're actually marked down on the shelf.
  3. Very nice to see this. Missed you & missed Dayo. Hope things get back to something more like normal for you & yours pretty soon.
  4. You guys really showed up at just the right time, apparently. You've got to be making things a little better, at least. But it's just all so very sad!!
  5. ^^^ ...but it seems like it's mutual. Sometimes you just click, but other times you fall hard. Think we all know which one this is, don't we. And that's actually a beautiful thing. Just you may have to keep reminding yourself every so often. ") Oh & Congrats btw!!! He is quite a fine looking fellow & it sounds like he's going to turn out to be big personality. Just what you needed, right?
  6. I can't believe how big he is already. What a great big beautiful doll! Great pic of him on the tree. His body language may be a little scared, but the expression in his eyes says he's loving it.
  7. Funny thing is, I have absolutely no problem picturing you being the person who spotted this poor lil bit & chasing around in traffic until you got him safe & secure. I also have no problem picturing you giving the rescue lady a little tweak. lol What I am having a hard time imagining is how you actually got home w/o him. Isn't it one of those Zen/karma/Cosmic type thingies that once you risk getting run over on the freeway perhaps even multiple times for them, you belong to that critter forever?? Just askin, cuz if you don't go w/the flow on that kind of stuff, it has a way of coming back at you big time you know. lol
  8. It's kind of incredible to think that parrots the size of hummingbirds actually exist somewhere !!
  9. Aww!!! I think you can only load 5 pics per post. Might work if you try again.
  10. They're actually much better than we are at learning language. Almost every bird on the forum is bilingual. But I don't know of any parront here that speaks even pidgin parrot. ") In the beginning, you might want to try to be consistent about specific words associated w/a specific thing or event. Doesn't matter what language. Just make it easy to connect the dots. But once they're connected, you'll be surprised at what she'll absorb & how quickly. That goes double for anything you'd rather she didn't repeat, btw!
  11. My grey doesn't travel at all well, but I've taken my other birds. They seem to enjoy it & everyone seems to enjoy them. I have threatened slow & painful death to anybody who teaches them undesirable vocabulary & I have to say, no one's ever brought home any real surprises. I think my coworkers get a kick out of their visits & know they'll come to a screeching halt if they don't respect the few rules. So yes, definitely, if you're fortunate enough to work in a pet friendly environment, I'd say go for it! It's great for everyone involved.
  12. This is very sad. I'm so sorry! I think all the members share your pain & would really like to share as many of the good times as you'd want to post. To add pics click on the icon that's 3rd from the end on the upper right of the box that you type responses into. It looks like this It will bring up a dialogue box that looks like this Pick add from computer OR from URL, then browse to file location. Click on it then hit upload file.
  13. First of all, you haven't screwed anybody up so far. They may all eventually have your unique stamp on them lol but they're all better off than they were by a long shot!! And while I know it's almost blasphemous to ask, have you thought about looking for a less renown behaviorist? If the Chamomile tea isn't working, then maybe she's not getting enough. Kura responds to the scent. So I bath her in it & she's noticeably more relaxed for a while after. She also gets the buds "straight" because she wouldn't just drink it. If none of that helps enough, maybe you could ask Dee about the Rescue Remedy she's been giving Gilbert.
  14. That's a big empty space & we both know it's probably going to swallow you up occasionally for a while to come. Maybe life doesn't really seem as cruel when you realize that the tears will mostly go away eventually. But the joy & laughter & especially the love, will stay w/you for a lifetime.
  15. I'm so sorry! It sounds like even though Bogart was w/you for such a short while, he'll be remembered by you & Maalik for a long time. Even though it hurts now, it will eventually be something so much sweeter. But that's a kind of magic only time can make happen.
  16. Making parrot toys really can be addictive. Assuming that your fid actually like what you make, of course! My grey is let's just say slow to accept whatever percentage of new things he does accept & it to tends to take a lot of the fun out of it. Fortunately, everyone else, but especially my ekkie is very happy w/pretty much anything new & exciting. Given your schedule, toy making is a really nice distraction, too. Maybe you can post some pics in the Homemade Toys forum...?
  17. I get aviary envy every time I see pictures. I can't tell you how much I wish I could have one! But an aviary in the woods isn't really doable. If for no other reason than the sun moves too much too fast. That's just in the day, let alone the season. At least w/the carriers I can chase it. So I just keep telling myself that lugging cages around is great exercise. lol SE MA down along the coast & just far enough away to be out of range of most of those really ugly snow & cold patterns you guys get clobbered w/so much more often. Pixie is an "accidental" rescue who I've had for about a year. She was a puppy mill breeder for 6'ish of her 8-9(?) yrs. Then I was her 3rd private home in a year. She does look like a Diva, but really she doesn't know much about her inner princess or even her inner dog, yet. She's following a long line of well loved "field & streamers" who've been 10 times her size & she's doing a fine job of catching onto that!! She's also just a little too much of a sweetie to be a true diva. Which is just fine, too. lol
  18. I think there's a lot of people who don't do their homework beforehand & they make me nuts. But I think many people just don't get that all birds aren't "canaries" until they're living w/these amazing creatures. Parronting really isn't for everyone & I always feel sorry for everybody involved when things go horribly wrong. So like Janet said, best to try keeping these types of articles as visible as possible. So I'm glad you posted this thread, Penny.
  19. It may seem more like early fall here in New England. But this stretch of mid to high 70's has been perfect pet weather since there's less need to worry about over heating. They're getting really used to being outside. I looked over to check & they couldn't have looked more mellow. Just dozing in the sun. Couldn't resist a few shots on the iPod to remind me later on when the snow's piling up outside.
  20. This blows me away!! It's pretty much impossible to get help for anything that isn't a "fancy" bird, around here. Our family has nursed more robins, seagulls, pigeons, etc than I can count because there was no other choice. It kinda gave me the warm fuzzies to think maybe it's not like that everywhere. So extra thanks for posting this.
  21. If, as I've been told, parronthood is a form of insanity, then I truly hope they never find a cure. ")
  22. Note to self: stay out of the way any time Dee's got the bit between her teeth! Wow!! I'm not a really big fan of the "everything happens for a reason" thing. Usually, I think stuff happens & we figure out how to live w/it. But I think I have to make an exception in this case. As hard as it was to lose Mar, it may have been the best thing that could have happened to many used & abused parrots who might not have found a happy ending if you didn't have all that left over love. W/all that you've already accomplished, I can't believe it's still early days. Really looking forward to watching this grow because I have a feeling it's going to be amazing.
  23. You guys are just awesome!!
  24. I will not be jealous. I will not be jealous. I will not be jealous. I will not be jealous. I'm so jealous! lol
  25. So glad Brutus is back where he belongs & that I got to read this after the fact! That must have been a very long, scary 72 hrs. It would be a good idea to let the vet have a look at him, though. I saw what you said about feeling guilty about his escaping. Don't! We spend a lot of time trying to decode how they think. But we just can't past a certain point & there are many things that we just can't see coming. Hopefully, that's easier to believe now that Brutus is home, safe & relatively sound. So very, very happy for you both!!
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