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Everything posted by Tycos_mom
He's just a baby needing time to adjust he will come around give him some time in his cage to assess the situation and in a day or two try taking him into the batroom for stepup training colse the toilet and shower he can't fly far in the smallest room in the house and practice stepups he will soon come around I had to do this with a love bird once that loved to fly away. a week in the bathroom for 10 min. 4 times a day and i could do anything with that bird.
He does need some out of cage time but ido agree until he heals up the cage is the best place for him. after that you will have to take him out and see if you can try to help him become a more confident bird. its gonna take time and patients but it can and will happen it might take a lot of advice from other Grey owners but it will happen. Tyco was the biggest scardy bird I know when I first brought her home but now she's not afraid of very much she still hates the camera and every now and then I have to remind her to be a brave girl that there is nothing to be afraid of and that I would never let anything bad happen to her. She seems to understand because once I say be brave thats my girl she settles down. lots of talking to him tell him what your going to do before you do it no matter how small and he soon will be a brave boy like Tyco
Well I don't know what to think Magoo has stopped throwing up Now I'm starting to think that it might have just been the excitment of coming home or mabie a bit of motion sickness from the car ride his weight was allot better tonight but I can't really go by that I'll have to check it tomorrow morning after his morning poop and before breakfast. when He left here 2and 1/2 weeks ago he weighed 403 grams yesterday morning when I weighed him he was 365 grams quite a jump this mornimg he was 369 I see what he is tomorrow if it continues to go up I'll be very pleased I'm still going to the vet tomorrow to have him checked out and see if she thinks major testing is in order Like I said when I brought him home the first time I had a full blood a stain done on him and he was healthy then and when he went to live with Vivian and Ralph they took their Macaw in for a well bird check up on my request he was deemed healthy also with a slight calcium deficancy but that could be because they haven't been outside with him latley So we will see if the Vet thinks he needs another full work up. I have their vets name and phone number so mabie I'll see if my vet can phone him and get some information from him. Don't Doctors consult with each other all the time. any way it worth a try.
I don't know she said that Magoo would constantly dive bomb their bird and try to bit him. That seems so strange to me becaue I often find him on my conures cages when they are all out and he has never even attempted to hurt them they acually sit all together on the same perch. He is a extreamly gentle bird. Mabie they got excited when he went over to make friend and it started to become a game with him because of the fear he felt coming from them and the excitment they showed. If they just left him alone they probubly would have become good friend but with there interferance there was no chance of that. I tried to ask her how his beak got broken and she flat out said it didn't happen while he was there. Well if thats the case then it happened on the way home while he was in a cardboard box and I doubt that very much. as soon as I took im out of the box I noticed it because as soon as he saw me he screamed wow. So I'll probubly never know what happened to his beak I was hoping she could shed a bit of light as to why he's throwing up but she just gets very upidy with me saying that he probly lost weight because of the energy he put out constantly going after our bird. Well to me no matter what a bird doesn't lose that much weight no matter how much they energy they exsert'Here he flys around in a 20ft long room all day and doesn't lose weight so there is no way on earth he's getting more excersise than that by flying to the cage next to his in a 8ft space. I tryed to be as nice as posible and tryed to explain why I need her birds history but she just say that there vet say there bird is very healthy mabie so but that doesn't mean he's not a carrier of something that he was sick with a long time ago She just doesn't get it. then she goes on how instead of me worrying about her bird I should worry about where Magoo came from because he doesn't have a leg band well of course he doesn't I hate leg bands If I get a bird with a leg band I have my vet cut it off. I keep it but I saw a bird chew its leg off once because it got its leg band caught on a toy while his mom was at work. so none of my birds have leg bands. All I can do now is to take him to the vet and have him tested for everything I was hoping she could give me some idea what he might be sick with so I wouldn't have to put out hundreds of dollars again I just did that not even 6 weeks ago for Magoo he was healthy then so we shall see.
I agree totaly I just said I read that I didn't say I followed that advice I've brought 5 birds back from scared unhappy abused bird to well adjusted confident happy birds and I've done that by treating the birds as equals and working in either my territory or in mutual territory when we are in he birds territory I simply talk to them and offer my friendship I don't force anything on them if I did I'm sure my birds would not be where they are with me today. They definatly aren't afraid to come over to be with me when they feel the need and thats most of the time I got 5 velcro bird and Even Tyco is starting to come around more and more she walked over and climb up onto my shoulder the other day out of the blue so I must be doing something right LOL <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/19 22:55
Thank goodness I quarentined him when he came home. I noticed that he regurgated yesterday after he had a drink of water but I wasn't sure if it was because he's happy to be back home with me or what but this morning when I took his cover off I saw that he had thrown up. I don't know much about their other bird except that when they got him the people that had him were going to put him to sleep he was completely bald and very skinny. They took him and nursed him back to health he still has some bald spots from permenent damage to the shafts but other then that he looks pretty healthy and apperently just before Magoo went there he had a well bird check up and he was deemed healthy. But I don't know their birds medical history I hope he's not a carrier of some horrible bird disiese or something I emailed her this morning and ask for his history so I should know by this afternoon on which course to take with him I'll keep you informed I made an appointment with the vet for tomorrow when he first came home just for a quick well bird check up but if its something really serious I will move it up to this afternoon He also came home with the tip of his bottom mandable broken so it might just be that bacterial got in there and he has a minor infection from it I'm hoping thats all it is. he's not acting sick in anyway except for the regurgitating but I don't know why he would regurgitate when he was covered for the night unless he had a wet dreamlol he has been nesting and showing signs of being hormonal big time so that could also be it I don't know but with the weight loss and the regugatating His poop looks normal enough we will just have to wait and see I'm not taking any chances with the rest of my flock til I know he's okay
I'll be very suprised if you receive anything thats hatchable I'm sure you will receive another email wanting money before those eggs arrive for some reason or another don't pay even 1 cent until those eggs hatch African greys and if they do You can give me his email address I'll take a macaw or 10 LoL
When I first got Tyco I worried about that also because she always shake her head like that. I talked to my vet about it and she said that they hear differently then we do and some time the different pitches will effect them and they will shake their heads its normal they can't help it Tyco still does it quite a bit when I'm talking to her or if the tv is on.
I'm the worst speller in the world I just type what I have to say and hope everyone gets it. Iagree go and sit at there office and make sure you remind the vet that this cut was their fault they should fix it for free and if the bird is bleeding that badly they will see him right away as it is an emergency. Birds can bleed out quite quickly.If its just bleeding a little bit he's not in to much danger but they should still fix what they have broken
Oh yea Tyco's got a few new ones this morning she started singing I think it started out to be ow ee ow uh uh bing bang walla walla bing bang but she was singing her own words in there also like comon stepup and love you pretty baby ow ee ow uh love me in your house I laghed so hard because she try so hard to sing so nice and it sound like she tone deaf
I was told that Tyco was strickly a mans bird so I've totally proved that wrong and if she did prefer men over women why did she pick me as soon as we metJust because she likes your boyfriend doesn't mean she can't change her mind. They say greys change who their favorite when they reach adult hood anyway
The artical says if you want to make friends with a Grey you must be at the same eye level if you are higher that him he will see you as dominant and if you are lower then him he will feel dominant over you and may not pay attention to you. So if you are trying to make friend with him it is important that you are on the same level so he thinks of you as equal it also say that later if you need to punish him you can have him below eye level so that you are the dominant one at that time. The artical is writen by a well known person in the grey community she also said thats what worked for her and the bird she has and that it may not work for your bird as each bird has its own personality
I read that also just today as a matter of fact on another forum in their articals I'll tell you where if I'm allowed too let me know.
He's going to need a refresher course on screaming he is screaming constantly and he know I'll only come when he's quiet he has to remember his manners. I will whistle a contact call once in a while but if he continues screaming he won't get the attention he's after he'll learn fast enough
Well I placed a piece of cardboard over the bars on top of her cage and so far so good she I also got her a new big boing and hung that up mext to her cage. She just loves it She spent the day running up and down on bouncing and ringing the bell that is attached to it as long as she stays intrested in her boing I think I might have a chance to actually she her fly this molt mabie
Mr. Magoo has lost 30 gram since he left here 2 weeks ago. I explained to them when I gave Him to them how to feed him because he doesn't really like mushy food he prefer his fruits and veggies raw he will eat eggs and the odd little peice of cooked sweet potato or squash but thats about it for cooked foods I gave them 2 5lb bags of pellets and a bag of really good seed mix. they said oh that great mabie with watching Magoo our bird will eat better. They don't feed pellets to their macaw. When They brought him home the brought all the pellets still unopened and there was nothing fresh in his dish just some rice white with a few cooked peas. I couldn't beleive my eyes when I gave him a dish of fresh veggies and fruit that bird devoured everything in about 5 minutes flat and then proceeded in doing the same with his pellets the seed mix I gave them came back also but it was all most empty it has pellets in it also thank goodness or my poor bird would have probubly starved to death instead of trying to convert their bird I guess they decided it would be easier to try and convert Mr, Magoo to what their bird eats. I've never seen a bird so happy to be home he wouldn't let me leave his sight and he still calling I just finally put him to bed. Its going to take a couple of weeks to put some weight back on him but if he eats like he did tonight I shouldn't be a problem. Right now his keel bone is very promanant and there is very little fat on either side <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/18 06:30
I would also get your daughter to start giving her treats while Cheerio is in her cage or on her playstand if she won't take them from her at first tell your daughter to put them in her dish when the bird is watching. also have her sit beside the cage and talk to him like she was talking to a friend saying things like can we be friends I really like you what a pretty bird you are. or if she can read a small book out loud to him. tell her not to look straight at the bird mabie she could put her head down or close one eye. the bird will soon understand that this person is nice and she give me good things to eat. It may help so that your daughter might be able to earn the trust of the bird. the worst thing you can do is try to push the bird into doing something that it doesn't really want to do. you must try to convince the bird that it was his idea to be friends with you daughter not yours. You kinda gotta think outside the box.
Tyco just turned 5 in February she say lots of thing when the dogs bark she say oh be quiet no barking go lay down.Ithink thats her longest she also say there ya go want some chicken yum yum good eh, others include "mom,mom, good morning sweetheart". she also says the usual things like "whatcha doing" and "where ya going", when I'm getting ready for work she says "better hurry gonna be late", or she'll get mad and say "its not fair its just not fair". she has a huge vocabulary and usually talks in context to whats going on. when I'm eating something she'll say "good eh". or if my daughhter comes into the room and says guess what mom Tyco will always say "what" <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/18 02:32
She's beautiful I love Macaws mabie one day I'll have the privlige to be owned by one
Mabie she just a little hormonal right now and it will pass in a month or so when she's feeling more like herself again.
He will be here tonight around 7:00 I haven't seen him for 2 weeks I wonder if he going to be mad at me. I hope not. but I'm sure he'll forgive me we had the most wonderful relationship before he left I guess thats what I miss the most. I trully love the little brat and who knows mabie he's been acting up because he misses me. Vivian said he's been picking fights with their Macaw but when He lived with me I never had a problem with him and my other birds even my little birds he got along with many tims I found him sittin on their playstand with them they would squwak at him but he would just look at them and never touch them. She said he's been postering and flying down onto their Macaws back and biting him and they are worried that Ernie their Macaw will get angry and kill Magoo. Magoo has always been so gentle with my animals and birds I think mabie its because thier house is so small and Magoo feels to closed in at my house he live in a room that is 25 ft long and 16ft wide so their is lot of room for every one at their house the room he and Ernie are in is about mabie 10X10 thats the living room the house itself is only about 6or7 hundred sq feet where as my house is 1500 sq feet and it has a open concept so it seems even bigger. I know if I had to live there I'd get clostraphobia so I can just inagine how two large birds feel in such a small space. Cockatoos will even kill their mate if their cage isn't large enough to accomadate both birds and I think Magoo is feeling closed in and thats what his problem is.
I know just what its like to have those little brats flying around I have a green cheek Conure that thinks he owns the place and a Yellow Crowned Amazon Hybrid she the worst talk about big birds that are able to fly she love to terrorize my little dogs I have a Papilion and a Shith-zu if she isn't flying around trying to poop on them she will bite them when there asleep poor dog wake up not knowing whats going on because she flys back to her playstand and watches to see them barking and ready to fight what a brat. she doesn't bite them to hurt just hard enough to wake them up angry.:evil::angry: :woohoo:
I heard that also you really will have to watch the dust from the grey around your Macaw they can surcome to breathing problems and also get respitory infections as a result of it. These two birds should never live in the same room with each other I hope you have a differnt place to keep your Macaw when you get it. I have 6 birds and they I have to keep them in separate rooms to avoid problems. My Grey and Amazon are kept in my bedroom which is where I spend alot of my time that is also where my laptop is. My little birds 2 Conures and a cockateil are in the kitchen That the 2nd place I spend time because I have a teenager that is constantly hungry. Then there is my Cockatoo I keep him in my dining room we eat there and I also make a point of giong in there every couple hours for a 10 minute one on one break where we move to the living room and sit on the couch together and play. Its hard to make sure all the birds stay healthy and happy but I do enjoy all of them. I only work three nights a week Mon, Fri,and Sat. and only 6 hours a night from 5pm til 11pm so I have allot of time for my birds. Most people don't have that much time to spend with their birds I have a disability and have to have my feet up allot of the time so thats why I spend allot of time in my bedroom for every two hours I'm on my feet I need two hour of having to have my feet up. I burnt my legs about seven years ago right down to the bone and because of the extent of the damage some of my wounds haven't totaly healed and if I'm on my feet to long those wound get infected and get bigger so I have to make sure I'm not on my feet to long so I heal or at least don't get any worse. Its kinda a pain in the butt. Oh well you do what you have to do to stay healthy so thats the way it is.
I agree and as for my ex we were together for 26 years we didn't break up because of a bad marrage. We broke up because I didn't feel like a wife to him any more more like sister and brother its kinda hard to explain we are still close but just not as man and wife. we do have four kids together and we are a very close knit family so we make the best of things for our kids even though we only have one left at home. If I need anything done around the house that I can't do he's always there for me. We aren't divoriced we just been separated for a few years. I have no intentions of remarrying and neither does he so there really is no need to divorce him I know it sounds strange but it works for us. Pat