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Everything posted by Tycos_mom
Thats great that he is adjusting so well I also rescued my bird about 9 months ago she too is comeing along very nicely although i can't cuddle her she is starting to let me touch her more I do so love to hear about other peoples second hand birds and to hear how they are progressing I can't wait to hear more about Zazu I love your story thanks for sharing it with us
It sounds like your making great progress with Dorian just think about how far you've come since you got him and then it won't be so dicourgeing. your doing a great job and Dorian is obviously likeing you and trusting you allot they all get stubborn from time to time but in the end you'll have the bestest friend in the world so hang in there with him and do what you can and I'm sure thing will just keep getting better and better
Fancy seeing seeimg you here I've been hanging around here for quite sometime its a greyt site with lots of on the very informed members glad you found it talk to you soon {Feel-good-000200BB}
my congo african grey parrot has some bad breath
Tycos_mom replied to steph's topic in The GREY Lounge
I would definatly call the vet and see what she/he say My parrots never have bad breath and if they did I'd be very worried I have a Cockatoo thats 20+ years old and he doesn't have bad breath. Pat -
I give my birds Cardboard boxes, paper back books phone books what ever they love it and they make a huge mess oh well I guess that what they mean by you become a slave to your parrots
It may take some time you can do it what I did was clip both birds wings so they couldn't fly to each others cages and then I put them in the same room together with 6 to 8 feet of space between the cages and then I let them both out at the same time and spent time with each of them first with Fergie because I got her first and then with Tyco they now have full flight feathers but they don't fight with each other at all Tyco will go over to visit with Fergie on Fergies cage and she just ignores her but there is never any confrontation between the 2 birds I also have a little cockateil that they have excepted because it is also in the same room with them Fergie will go and hang out on top of the cockateils cage and even with the door open she never trys to hurt it. I think once theey have established who the flock members are they tend to get along okay. Thats just what I did I don't know if it will work for all bird but it has worked for mine Pat<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/27 03:22
I have one for the kitchen I'll have to get another for his room
you have to be a short of something to put up with these guys sometime à have five other birds besides Tyco and it take me twice as long to clean her cage as it take me to clean all of the other birds she is such a slob. She makes pellet soup constantly poops all over the bars of her cage even in her empty food dishes sometimes throws food everywhere. all my other birds are so well behaved I wash their grates and change the papers and the cage is clean. I wish Tyco was that easy.
Oh yea I have lixit lock down dishes for all Tycos food she can still turn them and throw them but not nearly as often I gave her a small food dish as a foot toy and let me tell you thats her favorite Its like wow moms giveing me permisson to chuck a food dish it really doesn't matter to her that its empty and that way she leaves the ones that are full alone. I'm going to have to give her a new one soon because the one I gave her is getting pretty chewed up. Oh well its just one of those cheep little plastic dishes so I don't mind replaceing it when need be.
I also worry about hawks where I live when I put the birds outside in their cage on the sundeck. I can see them up there circaling scares the bejesus out of me I would never leave them unattended out there. Is there some place close to you like a park or school ground where there are quite a few people around it might be safer to take your birds to someplace like that rather than a place where its just you and your bird.
Tyco is starting to enjoy her bath tup bath she gets soaked to the skin and afterwards she feel so good when I say you wanna have a bath she always steps right up to bo the the bathroom its the only way I've found that she isn't overly scared if I show her a spray bottle she will runand hide and cower in the corner of her cage like someone said we are not here to scare our birds but having a bath is definatly something they need often. I have foud that the bath tub is the least scarry for Tyco and thats why I do it that way. if she had her way she would bath in her waterdish and that would be the only bath she would get but she doesn't get herself wet that way so its the bath tub for her and the rest of my birds as well
Try foot toys Maybie he doesn't like things that he can't toss around and shake and smash against things. Tyco won't play with her toys that are hanging in her cage either. If she can't pick it up and smash it against the side of her cage or play stand she want nothing todo with it. She has a basket full of stuff on her play stand that i have to constantly be picking up because she's chucked it across the room. and then after I pick them all up for her she does it all again.
I keep Magoo in a room by himself because he's not very good with other big bird. he's okay with the little one though I guess he doesn't consider them any knd of a threat. Fergie and Tyco are in the same room with each other but they don't fight with each other Even if Tyco goes over to Fergies cage to hang out. They seem to have an understanding of sorts when Tyco goes over to her cage she just goes into her cage and sits inside and Tyco hangs on to the outside of her cage and looks at her. I think Tyco wants to be friends but Fergies not to sure about it yet. At least I don't have to get in the middle of a bird fight. Mr. Magoo should really be in a home where there are no other birds. Ihave a faily large house and its just my daughter and me so he can be in a room by himself. I just go in there every couple hours and spend 10 or 15 minutes with him. I feel bad because he can't be in the center of things like Fergie and Tyco are. he can see me if I'm working in the kitchen though. If he'd just learn to get along he'd proububly get more attention. Oh well at least he gets an hour of two of total one on one. thats more than some birds get.
Tyco hates baths also but she gets a good soaking three times a week like it or not what I do is put her in the bath tub with a perch so she cannot bite me after she's in there she cannot climb out then I put the plug in and run the bath water til it comes up to the top of her legs I use tempid water on the cool side but not freezing then I turn the shower on to get her back wet and by the time I'm done the water is about at her chest. then I rescue her and put her back on her cage I've found this to be the simplest way and Tyco is a rescue she's never hated me because I make her take a bath I think she blames the bathtub not me. {Feel-good-00020069} <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/26 07:53
Why don't you buy one big cage with a divider down the middle that way they have their own space and it won't take up as much space as 2 cages will and then if you decide at a later time that you might want to put them together all you have todo is take the divider out
Congrates to all of you I think all the Pictures were great. Yeah for you Tracy good job very cute bird
I was taking Fergie to the bathroom for a shower and we have to walk by Mr Magoo's cage on the way Mr Magoo was on his play top and Fergie Flew off my arm and went straight over and landed on his play top. Magoo went into attack mode imediatly and I moved very quickly I was in the middle of 2 large bird going at each other I grabed a perch and pushed Mr Magoo off the playtop onto the floor He can fly so he didn't land hard or anything Fergie still ready for a fight I said Fergie Step up and she stepped up onto the perch after she bit it a couple of times I just got fergie onto the perch and Magoo was just reaching the play top again I basicly got out of there and into the bathroom as quickly as possible. I put Fergie down and went out to check on Magoo to see if I hurt him or if Fergie had hurt him. All is well with them so I put magoo in his cage and went and gave Fergie a bath. I don't know if she understood but the whole time she was in the shower I was saying to her don't you ever do that again that bird will hurt you. My heart is still racing I don't ever want to do that again I thought for sure I was in for a few bites but not even one. I'm sure I going to get a few hundred grey hairs from it though I have never been so scared in my life. Sorry if I'm rambleing I can't help it I'm still so shook up. These birds are going to be the death of me.{Feel-bad-00020063}
Thats the problem I have with Tyco I don't really think its being outside that she objects to its the prosess of getting her out there to begin with. the cage I use for outside is about 20"X 20" and about 4' tall so I put her in it and then I have to drag it over the door sill onto the sun deck she hates that part once outside she does seem to settle a little but everything is so new to her My Amazon on the other hand just loves it as soon as I say do you want to go outside she flys the entire length of my mobile home to get to the sundeck at the other end she perches herself on top of the going outside cage and says hurryup hurryup until I get there my house is 1500 sq ft and its quite a long distance she really does get a good work out flying around here least I don't have to worry about her getting to fat. I wish Tyco would fly but I don't think she was ever allowed to fledge and then she barbered her flight feathers after her first bad clip so I don't know if she will ever fly at 5 yrs old she may be to afraid to try. <br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/25 21:39
I love looking at this thread Its so cool to see how we all spoil our babies rotten We just can't seem to do enough for them. Boy do they ever have it good I wish some one would spoil me a little.{Feel-bad-0002006A}LOL
Tycos_mom replied to PThizzilini's topic in The GREY Lounge
Be careful with running and getting somethig It only takes a second for a tragity to happen One of my birds got his beak biten off by my Grey and the bird was in his cage Tyco reached through the bars and bit the beak off just below the nares that was 7months ago and he is just finally starting to eat on his own again and he has a little bit of regrowth but let me tell ou it wasnt't fun haveing to handfeed him every 2 or three hours when it first happened because he didn't understand why he couldn't feed himself anymore. I must say though they are gorgous and I hope they become good friends so you don't have to worry about them. -
We have an albino black bear in our zoo in Abbotsford British Columbia and she's apperently the only one in north america I'm just wondering if the bear in that picture is her as a baby.
not a chance could i do your job I'd have to bring every bird in the store home witb me forever nobody would be good enough thats why I could never breed iwould end up keeping all the babies but I do love them baby greys I'll take one of those tags please where do I sent the money
Thats so Great that you finaly got your Grey Has he been DNA tested so for sure he a boy or do you just think he's a boy. I was so sad for you when you first wrote and said the the woman in the shop sold all the babies and I wasn't sure if you were going to get one or not. But now you have your precious baby and if its a boy then you got just what you wanted I'm so happy for you. Please take your camera with you so we can see some pictures of him I just love those baby dark eyes they always look so swwet and ready for mischief congradulations and all the best to you and Monty love the name
My birds Tyco and Fergie both sleep In m room I find it comforts them to know I'm close by. My moving around at night does not disturb them at all I tried putting them in another room and found they would get night frights at least once a week since I moved them into my room to sleep the very rarely have them I think because they know I'm close and nothing bad is going to happen to them. Its up to you to make that desion if you feel she might feel safer closer to you at night then I wouldn't hesitate on putting her in your room with you
Tyco's first time outside didn't go very well either I put her in the cage that she was in for the first 4 yrs of her life. thinking mabie that would help her to settle more but she wasn't very happy we only stayed out for tem minate and then i brought her in