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Everything posted by Hannah_Rae

  1. I am totally planning on taking Juji lots of places this summer. If they are wearing a harness with a leash, it is plenty safe to go out and explore different settings. They should be in a carrier in the car so that you can drive safely, but once out of the car, have at it. In my opinion Greys are not meant to be bystanders, they love being in every part of our lives.
  2. Thank you so much for sharing. I had a very similar experience with a litter of abandoned puppies. God knew my heart needed something and so he sent me puppies. I'm so excited for you.
  3. What a beautiful girl! What did you do to get the black background? The spirit in her eyes reminds me of Juji.
  4. Good deal Thanks so much. That eases my mind.
  5. Juji is such a good eater. She's discovered sweet potatoes, and loves them. I see her eat all the time but only see her drink a few times a day. How do I know if she is getting enough water? Is there a way I can encourage her to drink?
  6. Ah babies. Mine is making all those wonderful baby noises too.Every day she is getting more and more confident. Did you notice her grabbing your finger and trying to feed? Mine is doing that. Anywho, congrats. I am sooo excited for you!
  7. No bites for me yet, but a hard nibble today. The worst has been the nails. WOW ARE THEY SHARP!!! I tried to trim them, but that was not going to happen. I don't think my clippers were sharp enough and the pressure freaked her out. We got our foraging tree today...YAY...so that should help wear those nails down quick...but for now my hands look like hamburger.
  8. Gorgeous baby. How long till you bring her home?
  9. Yup, we have 3 dogs and 3 cats. They are all doing very well with the bird...of coarse I don't trust the big dogs at all and don't leave them alone with the bird for a moment, but they are doing very well when I am around. As far as hanging upside down, I just gently picked her up and put her on her back. Her feet were already on my fingers so I just gently lowered the hand behind her back and let her feel her weight on her feet. Oh, btw Juji flew for the first time today. Can't land yet. Freaked me out a little, but she is fine and as bold as ever. She also wore her flight suit for the first time. YAY! I know it says to go through this week long adjustment period, but she's been so open to other things, I thought I would try it, and she did great.
  10. Wow, what an adventure. Good job working with this challenging but wonderful bird.
  11. Jimmy, My baby is doing this too. Judygram said she will grow out of it, it's just because they are young and still have that feeding instinct.
  12. Sell at 12 weeks? Yeah that's pretty typical as long as they are weaned, and each baby weans differently. I got mine from a very reputable breeder in lower MI. They did an awesome job of socializing her. As far as baby food, veggies and fruits only. And the fruit should be less b/c of the sugar content. Sweet potatoes seem to be a favorite. Just like with human infants, you can gradually increase the thickness and chunkiness as they get more comfortable with solids. Gradually, the baby will get used to more solid foods that are more interesting than the formula. Judygram can probably give you more accurate weaning info. She's a great resource. -Hannah
  13. In the sauna we usually keep the water pretty cool b/c warm and warm is just too much...so it wasn't ice cold, but pretty cool. Yeah, I'm definitely gonna keep trying. She's just doing so wonderfully for only being home 3 days. How warm do you think it could be in there and still be safe?
  14. Acapella, Congrats!!! That's a fun first! My baby, Juji, checked out the bottom of her cage for the first time today, and I thought that was huge. BTW I love your grey's name. That's beautiful.
  15. Wow, so someone else got a VERY young grey. I have never hand fed greys before, but countless cockatiels and other birds...If the baby is still wanting to be fed that much, I guess keep it up until further notice and keep encouraging semi-solids like the mashed apples, and baby food would be good too. The baby will give you cues. Just listen carefully. I too do dog rescue and have hand raised 3 litters of puppies from birth. WOW!! Good luck, keep up the good work.
  16. Question...Why did you take such a young baby? Do you have experience hand feeding? So he's being fed 4 times a day instead of 3. Are you getting up in the night to feed? If the baby is showing interest in solids, let him try, but I doubt a baby that young is going to be able to handle solids for a little while yet. Mine is 12 weaks, and just weaned.... Sorry if I gave more questions than answers. I just need more info. -Hannah
  17. I took Juji downstairs to the sauna with me today. We live in a very Finnish community, and both of our houses so far have had saunas. For those of you who have never been in a traditional sauna, they are used for bathing, and the newer (traditional) ones often have showers. YAY! Anywho, I got done with my time, and realized that this might be a good time to introduce Juji to the concept of showers...the sauna was only slightly above 100, and I thought that would be an ideal temp. Not to hot, warm enough to encourage preening. So I put a towel across my shoulders and gently turned into the shower stream. She didn't like that and moved to the other shoulder. Through many cycles of this, she got somewhat wet, but not soaked to the skin. So I thought maybe she would like the basin better...nope...Oh well First times are always interesting...BUT she didn't freak and was very lovey in grooming my wet hair. When we got upstairs I put the full spectrum light on her and she slowly preened. YAY!! I think this will be fun
  18. Yes she does the peep sounds, and this breezy sound that's through her nose and kind of like a whisper. She had a lot of firsts today...first "good bye" which was almost understandable, first bath, which she hated, first time exploring the bottom of her cage. What a good baby.
  19. Bruce, Yeah, last week it was in the negative teens and my cold water on my washer froze. Haha. It is going to be blizzard conditions tomorrow dropping below zero again with 6+ inches of blowing snow. FUN!!! Gotta love the UP.
  20. Judy, now that I have established that the sunflower seeds are her favorite, I am using those as treats and working on securing her step up command. She's doing so well today. Much more vocal, trying new sounds. My hubby had to leave this morning for WI, and he had to say good bye to Juj. It was so sweet. Thanks for the tip on the body language, Jane. I am definitely learning her tells quickly. Hannah
  21. 5 months is a good age for babbling and noises...some greys don't start talking till they are a year old. Just keep talking to your baby, that will help a lot in language development. As far as male or female, there is no for sure way to tell except doing a DNA test, which your vet can arrange. Did you introduce yourself in the welcome room? -Hannah
  22. Go to www.itsagreysworld.com for lots of good tips of safe plants, trees, and decorating ideas. I spent hours on that site. Hannah
  23. We are about as far north in the states as you can get...we are right next to Lake superior. It was in the teens today and felt warm Kaleb is in love with Juji. I was hoping so. He's such a proud papa. We had two visitors today, and I couldn't get a word in amongst all his bragging
  24. I thought you would enjoy a few more. The pics with my hubby were taken less then 15 minutes after they met. They bonded right away.
  25. YAY!!! I'm so glad things are going better. Good luck with your new baby's transition. -Hannah
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