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Everything posted by Hannah_Rae

  1. My baby Grey isn't coming home for a while, but I am already in full prep. mode. I am having a young carpenter in my youth group make a foraging tree for me that will be made out of safe, natural wood. I am so excited to see it. Do any of you have foraging trees? What kinds of features do they have? What foraging toys do your birds like best? http://www.greyforums.net/components/com_joomlaboard/emoticons/laughing.png :laugh: Hannah
  2. I didn't mean to offend. I didn't mean to call you foolish either. It just annoys me when people discount things based on hear say or that it sounds to good to be true. I don't think that the brothers are claiming to work miracles or change every bird, in fact his e-mails often say that some birds need more specific help. I do think that when it comes to biting, and trust issues such as touching etc... that there are certain methods that will decrease unwanted behavior (biting) and increase trusting behavior (touching etc...)
  3. That is a response I can accept,CQ , because you have actually used the coarse. Like you said, people should decide for themselves, and speculation based on what the website titles are or rumors are foolish. I have been looking into his stuff, so any SOLID opinions are of interest to me. I don't want to spend money on crap, but I also don't want to miss out on good material that could help me learn how to bond with my bird and help her become everything she could be.
  4. My father, who has bread parrots for 20+ years, told me that females are much less likely to detach from their original caregivers because it is the males in the wild who have to detach and find a new flock/mate.
  5. Personally, I love Chet's stuff. I don't have my bird yet, but have received multiple 5 minute training videos and they have all been quality. Each session is built on building trust with your bird, NOT FEAR TACTICS. In fact his brother, who is a professional performer who has a macaw that is sometimes in his act, posted a video of how trusting the relationship b/w him and his macaw is. (That was horrible sentence structure) Anywho, although I am not officially endorsing his products, I personally have been impressed by his stuff. Do more research and draw your own conclusions. He often has deals where you can sample a full training course and return it if you aren't satisfied.
  6. Yay, involvement!!! I will definitely be utilizing this forum for everything it's worth!!!
  7. I lied, the article is to big to attach. If you would like to read it, e-mail me.
  8. Hello, my fellow bird lovers! I am graduating in just a couple short months with my Bachelor's in Early Childhood Development. During one of my research projects I came across a study on object permanence that used Congo Greys as development comparison subjects. I attached the article at the bottom of the post. Anywho, since I will be bringing home a very young CAG in just a couple months, I was wondering what information was out there about the development process CAGs go through. Assuming very loving interactive care, w hen should you expect their first word? When are certain foods appropriate? How about concept games? Anything anyone can offer me would be appreciated. In Christ, Hannah Rae
  9. I totally agree with safe clipping, but we need to know how to do it safely so that our larger birds don't hurt themselves. The Grey I fostered (that I fell in love with) had her wings totally clipped, and she fell like a rock, poor baby. After she molted, we clipped them correctly and she was able to glide to the floor safely.
  10. Yes, definitely from a safe distance, although teaching the 3 and 4 year olds a two finger rule will be beneficial. I find it intriguing that Greys are at nearly the same developmental level as the three and four year olds I will be teaching, so it will be interesting to see what they (the bird and the children) will be able to learn from each other. Fun fun!!!
  11. Hi all! My name is Hannah, and although I have been raising and caring for birds of all kinds since I was very young, I am about to get my longed for Congo Grey as a college graduation present in just a few months. I was foster mom to a Grey when I was in high school, and absolutely fell in love with everything about her. My husband and I are both very excited to add "Lolovivi" to our family. I am going to be a preschool teacher, and am very interested in incorporating my Grey into my classroom. Any tips on training, nutrition etc... would be appreciated. In Christ, Hannah Rae
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