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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. How interesting maggie. Greys are know to be very empathic.
  2. That first trip away from your dearly loved grey is the hardest! Gracie will be fine in the safe place you have prepared for her with the loving care of your parents. You will be missed by her, but she will be ok.
  3. Gracie is one sharp grey to be identifying verbally the gender of humans and dogs. You gave her the human word for gender by correcting her. How do they know gender of other species? I have no clue, but they do. They have this ability from a very early age at just months old. At that early age, they develop a preference for either male or female humans.
  4. Oh no. I am so sorry to hear this. You have my condolences.
  5. Loved this video her playing on her back, too cool! My grey will do this as well, but not as often as it seems your Dayo makes it a daily routine almost. If you have more video's, post them! We love video's of our members grey's!
  6. Indeed it does!!! I wish we could mind meld with them. But, It would probably then frighten and shock us.
  7. Cute "hello" in and almost whistle. She will get it down to your exact voice over time and calibrating. You have a very high pithced voice when you say "hello". Thanks for sharing this.
  8. The topic of contact calls have come up very often. I thought I would post Dayo's softer contact calls. You can tell I normally tell him "I hear you". But, sometimes he makes ear splitting contact calls that I will get on video at another time.
  9. After you say "No Bite!", don't leave your hand there for another. That would just end up making the statement have no significance at all other than "Go ahead, make my day and do it again". So that loo of hers is "Cool, I like this game!" When Dayo bites me, I tell him sharply "No Bite" and many times just walk away and ignore him. He cannot stand being ignored or separated from us. He still bites occasionally, but most the time it is my fault because I see it coming and ignore it because I do need the step up right then. So I take the bite and get the step-up anyway and he has learned over the years that when I do that it is not a negotiating session. Yes, that is Dayo in my Signature. We named him that after visiting him at the breeder starting from 6 weeks old onward. At around 10 weeks old is when he had chosen us and we gave him that name because "Joy has Arrived" and it has never left. Accept those moments in time he is a BRAT!!!
  10. Well, some Greys are not cuddle muffins etc., but that does not mean they do not enjoy being with the family in the home and hanging out on a play stand or maybe just chilling on your knee for example. This is just my personal opinion, but if I were in that situation, I would not re-home my grey to a person that is going to try and turn it in to a breeder. A grey that has been socialized and welcomes the opportunity to hang out and chill with humans will not normally become a breeder and may end up harmed themselves or killing the other for example if they are placed together in a cage or enclosure. I would find a home that would accept him "As-Is" and just appreciate the opportunity of having and hanging out with a grey in their home for many happy years. You never know, in the right home he may warm up and become even more interactive than he presently is. I am certain others will have some good thoughts on this as well for you to take in to consideration.
  11. If putting her down works, then that is sufficient correction and just ignore her immediate request for a step-up. The cage was suggested because those of us with flighted birds have no control over them just flying right back to where you removed them from or to bite again if they happen to be a little upset over the correction you just made. Consistency is definitely a must. I have no doubt others will pipe in here once they log in and see this thread you started.
  12. The others have given good comments and as stated, time and patience will overcome the trust issue that presently exists. In regards them picking up words, they chose which are most useful to them at first. Things like hello, favorite food like a "Nut or Almond, Apple etc." are commonly the first words as you consistently use them each time for a given response or item. Not all greys will talk. You will only learn if your grey will talk or not over time. Presently he has learned that developed sounds equal a treat for example as you have mentioned. It's wonderful that you are that in-tune with your grey to understand "Parrotese".
  13. Good to see you post again. At a year and a half old, she is testing her boundaries and also exercising her right to do what she wishes to do. This will become worse as she enters her terrible twos most likely. All greys are a flock creature and behave as such. Your not a parent in the human sense. You are an adult flock member and you must "Correct" her when she is on you such as your head where she should never be (in my opinion) and you have no control over her whatsoever there other than to swoosh her away with a swipe of your hand. Her biting is telling you she does not respect your request to move at all. When she bites like that, the best thing you could do is cage her for a 5 minute timeout immediately while telling her "No Bite!". After a year and a half of not having her behavior addressed. She has basically been trained that her behavior is fine if I understand your post on how you have interacted with her up to this point. It is going to take consistency in your respond to the specific behaviors you wish to address and stop. It will take a hundred times perhaps, but you must be consistent in your feedback. Greys in the wild are "Corrected" in the wild by both their parents and flock members when they act in an inappropriate way. Positive reinforcement is great and works most the time, but not always. You will find a ton of help here on this forum if you keep posting regularly and describing the cause and affect as this goes on as you endeavor to get her to start behaving the way you wish. There are many members here that will be more than happy to give ideas and help.
  14. Good to see you posting again Dayo's Mom!
  15. Cute video. The Kitchen water faucet is Dayo's favorite place hang out when we are in the kitchen, family room or out on the patio where he can see us from it. Our handle is a lever on top that he turns on and off himself when he wants a drink or sometimes he does like sorm and plays in the water stream with his talons, beak etc. I cannot count the faucet aerators he has destroyed. Storm is going to have a blast and you can leverage that. Dayo goofing around with the kitchen water faucet:
  16. I agree with Penny. If your going to move him out to an aviary because you are concerned with a possible dander allergy. It would be a more humane act to find a good loving home that he can enjoy being with his only flock which is human indoors. He would be alone most the time and suffer outdoors in my opinion.
  17. Accapella gave great comments. I hope this works out for you. You seem like a very caring person that has the best interest of those greys than anything else. In regards the pescatarian diet, fish is good for them occasionally. Did they candle the eggs and thus know they were fertilized or did they actually allow them to hatch? If they are successfully breeding, they are both mature greys meaning they are probably 5 + years old at the least. I look forward to hearing more as this progresses.
  18. After Isaac looks down and realizes he has been duped... Stephen receives a serious fly-by bite on the back of the neck....
  19. Congrats on Quinn mastering human speech. When they bother to learn a word or a phrase. They have already determiined what it means because it is important to them. Like a favorite food item, saying hello, no bite ( because it is normally said with high emotion) It does not take them long after learning multiple phrases what the operating words are, the items described and how to combine them. Quinn is already demonstrating the high level cognitive skills these very intelligent all possess. Once they start saying words and phrases, the next few years will be exponential growth of new ones. You will find them learning and using new words in one day. It is awe inspiring to witness this happening in real-time.
  20. Welcome Farukh Rahim. When primary flight feathers are cut, it takes over a year many times for them to molt out and for new feathers to grow in. I suspect the tail feathers are falling out due to your grey trying to fly or falling in the cage and damaging them, which makes them fall out. With this thought in mind, you should also make certain that your grey is never in a place with hard tile floors for example that it could try to fly or become afraid an fly. Ahard surface landing when feathers have been cut cold lead to a split keel (Breast Bone) and result in you having to take your grey to a vet immediately to stop the bleeding and suture the open wound. Eidt : Guess I was typing while you posted Judy. You gave great comments and advice.
  21. Cute video. I would love to see more!
  22. Welcome Dan and Bella. She is beautiful and seems to be settling in very nicely. I'll bet the sudden change from yesterday to now being perched there on your hand and interacting with you is a GreYt feeling for you both.
  23. danmcq

    New House

    It's good to hear the move went well and the entire flock settled in nicely.
  24. Joe is certainly exercising his right as an "equal" flock member to voice his thoughts, opinions and decide when and where he wishes to go. He has truly blossomed over the last year it seems and I enjoy reading these updates on his vocal and physical cogtive abilites that have (I believe) been subdued for for a long time. Your just seeing the tip of the iceberg.
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