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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi Leonilli. How is your grey responding to the treatments the online avian vet prescribed? I do hope things are improving.
  2. Awww, he is such a sweet grey. Sounds like a typical wood chewing grey. Thanks for sharing these.
  3. Nice photo's, thanks for sharing them.
  4. It's GreYt good hear Escher received a clean bill of health. He sounds like a sweetheart.
  5. LOL Nancy, thats why I always try to check myself before walking out the door.... been VERY embarrassed a few times by forgetting........returning home and my wife saying "Did you know you have a big Poop down your back?" UGH!!!
  6. Oh Jesus! That could be from another Parrot crushing the beak, someone hit him with something or maybe a serious disease such as cancer, tumor or infection. I am sure others with possible experience with an issue like this will chime in. That is a 911 avian vet visit in my book.
  7. There is BUT you must be consistent and others that your grey interacts with. You must learn the "Poop Body Language" and watch your grey like a hawk, pick them up and go hold them over where you want them to poop and say "Go Poop" or whatever you wish to call it.. "Bombs Away!" etc. every time they start to go. Over days they will learn most the time and just fly there and poop when they need to.
  8. Your right, they can mean two very different things. When you enter a room as they eagerly await you and you talk loving to them as you approach they puff up like it just makes them feel all cuddly. The other side though, is the stay the heck away from me as they puff up meaning you are going to get nailed if you stick that hand any closer to me. You just need to know the difference in these cases based upon the circumstances.... a happy room entry greeting or a "Stay Back" pose when your interacting with them on a completely different level or time. You learn this through experience. A lot of times when they are out just chilling, you will see them perched on one foot, fluffed up and beak grinding away...... One happy and content camper.
  9. LOL!!! I hate it when Dayo says "No, No, No No...." as he does exactly what he KNOWS he is not supposed to be doing...UGH!!! Brats, they are just all BRATS I tell you!!! But, damn it, we love them anyway.
  10. Greys are VERY intelligent. They will learn routines and schedules in regards pooping, eating, playing and all other times. Heck, they will even tell you it's time to feed the dogs if you run a little late doing it. I agree with Daves thoughts on this subject. Dayo will poop in his cage if we do not take him out with in the first 30 minutes or so first thing in the morning. If we do get him out first thing, then he will go once we place him over the kitchen sink (makes it easy to just rinse away). But, once out, ALL area are fair game for when ever he feels the need to let one go. I guarantee anyone that leaves their Grey caged for most the day without taking them out will find a morning bomb in the cage sooner or later, as Dave said. Of course, they can try and aim it out of the cage though, which really annoys me when Dayo does that...Talk about a messy carpet first thing in the morning you gotta clean upu!!!
  11. An Orange seed will not harm your grey. Greys produce a ton of Dander. When they preen and shake you can see it floating in the air and if you wear dark shirts you will see the white powder on them. This accumulates in their nares and thus the sneezing to blow that dust out. NOTE: If you ever see a liquid gooey discharge from the nares, you need to see an avian vet. It would indicate an infection.
  12. They don't really catch colds. They do clear their nostrils by blowing air through them. If Tooka is actually sounding like a human loud sneeze he is imitating you or another in the household.
  13. You know Dave, it is my belief that adult greys are Curmudgeons, just like you, me and Jay.
  14. Welcome and bless you for rescuing them.
  15. What a sad and senseless tragedy. Senny brought so much joy and happiness to who knows how many thousands of people. He will live on in memories of all those people who knew and loved him.
  16. Bless you for rescuing Bubba and Sassy. ou have been given GreYt advice by all.How are they settling in and adjusting to the new home. surroundings and flock?
  17. LOL, grey superstition at it's best. Thanks for sharing this.
  18. The only thing you can do to stop a bird flying at you to attack. Is to swoosh your arm in front of you to make them divert their flight path away from you. You really need to address this behavior asap so peanut learns it is not acceptable at all. They can fly a lot faster than you can jump up and run to another room. t will not take peanut long to just fly straight at you when the phone rings in pursuit and nip your neck or ears as you try to flee. You need to stand your ground and let peanut know what will not be tolerated.
  19. Thanks for posting this. Disabled greys and other parrots as well can have a larger than life personality, be very loving and bring a ton of joy to the lucky home they share it with.
  20. What a cute description of their first encounter. Thanks for sharing this.
  21. I hope all works out well for this grey whether you do decide to take her or not. I look forward to hearing the update on this.
  22. Greys are not known for this so much as Amazons. Perhaps a video may help in knowing the signs of when a parrot is doing this.: Greys will show affection with the drooping of wings and displaying their love for you. But, they normally do not go full blown into the actual act.
  23. Welcome! Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  24. Welcome Kevin! You are doing the right thing in taking it very slow with tons of patience and love with this very frightened grey. The unfortunate thing about the middle east, is most greys you find there in places such as you have described are wild caught in Africa and smuggled out. Just do as you are and sit from a distance and chill, talk to him softly, read a book etc. and just share the space and quiet as he gets settled in with his new loving home.
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