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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi Monique, Thanks for the update. I hope the rest of your connecting flights went well and your Tummy settled down. :-) It's no fun to be sick on the road.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/11 03:24
  2. danmcq


    Thanks for posting this Talon. I hope they are going to do a much more thorough exam with lab samples to find the cause. I am disappointed they didn't mention if they would or not though. :-( I know they want to know and all us Grey lovers and followers of Alexs history, want to know!!!
  3. Yeah, if you do that to Dayo, he flings his self around the cage, climbs all over and throws toys around. :woohoo: The show is so good, I almost want to ignore him on purpose, but then my heart melts and we cuddle and scratch. :-)
  4. danmcq

    Fluffy Que

    Yeah, I have become good at body language. I had to learn it so I could run when Kim's turned to an agressive posture. :woohoo: Just kidding honey, she always so sweet. ;-)
  5. Oh My God Bmustee, You are VERY lucking worse did not happen to your eye or Grey. I know you don't feel lucky though and I hope you can recover from this without receiving an infection of the Eye on top of it. My Wife Dayosmom has a nice claw score on her Face from Dayo jumping off the top of the couch, miss judging his landing spot and then clawing his way up her face. :ohmy: Nothing as severe as your eye injury though. I hope you recuperate quickly. :-)
  6. Hi Christina, so you have a "Closet" talker, do you. :-) Just kidding, wait until he has it all calibrated to his perfect standards. Then he will proudly drive you bonkers with his glowing debut in perfect speech and tonal fluctuations. :woohoo:
  7. Beccy - your talking yourself into it :-) Only you can make that decision. If you want me to tell you to go for it, let me know. Although it would bother my conscience. ;-) It can't believe how passive Judy is on this, this time. When I brought home two Grey's, she just about had a Cow and told me I knew better. :woohoo: Ok, bring it on Judy, it's been a while since we Danced ..... {Characters-00020059}
  8. Well Hi ConnieLu!!! It's been a while since we heard from you. Thanks for posting your welcome and thank you. Don't be such a stranger, we don't bite...well not for a while :-)
  9. Welcome Bebe!! Thanks for sharing some information about Sully. We look forward to hearing more and maybe some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  10. Welome Carol!!! As everyone else has said, we look forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  11. Dayo is 18 weeks old now and does the same Baby panting and beak jackhammer when he wants parental attention and closeness. He has been doing this for 2 weeks after we quit feeding him via a spoon, due to him spitting it out or most times just turning his head when trying to offer it to him. We stopped preparing food for spoon feeding 2 weeks ago due to his refusal to eat it once prepared. You would think from their actions though, that they still want the spoon or syringe feeding. :-) So that's two of us with very close Greys in age, displaying the same behavior.
  12. LMG - Wow, those are great photos you have up on photobucket of Alfie and Freddie :-)
  13. danmcq

    Fluffy Que

    Dayo Fluffs different also depending on if he's just relaxing or angry/after something. The satisfied, relaxing fluff is just all over, looking around, eyes maybe blinking as if he's going to go to sleep. The angry, aggressive fluff is different in body stance, eyes pinned, head could be down or way up etc. You will learn the difference as you watch your Grey closely. You just need to pay careful observance to his body language language meaning eye's, stance, feather pattern of ruffle etc. Hope this helps. :-)
  14. Wish granted, but you know all the other ailments of which one or the other get's us..... I wish I could cook good Italian Food.
  15. That "Opinion" is your "Right" ......for now ;-)
  16. Yes - We have the right to "Think" .......for now ;-)
  17. Hi Ronda, As Dblhelix indicated, a down payment to hold your Grey is normal, with payment in full when they ship.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/10 14:51
  18. Hi Beccy, You know the risks. :-) They may or may not get along and that would determine if they would share the Playstnd or not. Tough discision when your considering another Parrot, isn't it. :-)
  19. Hi Staggy, Clipping one wing is not a recommended method. It throws the Grey off balance and into a spiral rather than a straight 45 degree angle of descent to the floor with equal lift on both sides. Normally, one would want to clip both wings equally. This gives the bird much better balance and a controllable straight path flight down to the floor.
  20. HI serenity and Welcome! It sounds like you have a real sweetheart there. :-) Form your description, she certainly has no problem with hands or trusting you to "Scoop" her up. Perhaps, since she is 5 years old, she has in the past come to believe stepping up on a hand has proven to be an unstable perch. If this is the case, it will take time and patience to convince her that YOUR hand is a stable perch. This is just a best guess based on your description. So I hope it helps.
  21. That's a good idea MrSpock! I like the way you can piece together the PVC using interesting and entertaining angles for them to play on. Thanks for the photo's. That would be hard to describe verbally. :-)
  22. Hi Monique, Yes, I have seen them at Petsmart and some other petstores, also online at several locations. I noticed my Vet uses one for his digital scale. Each Triangle edge has a different diameter perch on his model. I have seen both types in petstores and online.
  23. Welcome Laura! You will find many ideas here on diet, as LMG has point out the topic link to you. We look forward to hearing your thoughts also and maybe seeing some photos if you get a chance. :-)
  24. Nice Bike - You need to turn one of the sidebags into a travel cage. ;-) Your Grey would get a Hoot out of it. :woohoo:
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