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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq

    The peanut

    Open them and check before you feed them to your Parrot. Thats what I do.
  2. I'm am not commenting on the "WOMAN" issue (no pun intended) at all....The topic WAS a bird with a Tude today. It will change again, just as it has today...you can count it. Now, a moment of silence for the hormonal Women, while I zip my face to keep it from being torn off... {Feel-bad-00020068}
  3. Hey .... This is the OFF TOPIC ROOM ...... So your ok Judy :-) You can only get in trouble, if you bother the Man behind the curtain pulling all those levers and pushing the buttons making big flames and showing a hologram of OZ :whistle: :side: B) B) B) Now Where's JOE.... " HEY JOE, da da dadad da, WHERE YOU GOIN WITH THAT HAMMER IN YOUR HAND" - - Jimi Hendrix is calling you :-)
  4. Cool Photo's Tricky, you Mom and Dad look familiar. ;-) Thanks for posting those!! LMG - Ah Mandalay Bay...yeppers, been there, now I know you are a great Pond skipper. :-) and a gambler to boot ;-)
  5. danmcq

    Closed contest

    Oh, Tari - I din't see that in the contest stipulations ;-)
  6. danmcq

    Closed contest

    What??? YOu don't like my Sparedog??? ;-)
  7. danmcq

    Closed contest

    OK, I spotted this guy out this morning ;-) So here's my entry:
  8. Yes, Buy baby Toys that resemble Phones and Remotes. They are made to with stand babies trying to crunch on them.....as we all know everything FIRST goes in the Mouth :-) I have the same issue with Dayo - He just can't stand for a phone or remote in sight with trying desperately to get to those neat looking buttons to rip them out. :woohoo:
  9. I was looking for this very informative post by MrSpock covering bathing and Aloe juice. This may help you grey considerably also: Quote - MrSpock: "That's dryness. First, bathe the bird frequently making sure that those feathers get as wet as possible. It'll be difficult because those of a grey's feathers are waterproof. Then get some ALOE VERA JUICE ( not gel) and spray on feathers 2x a week. Comes in 1 gal containers. Can be purchased at Walmart or other large drug stores or health food stores. When you get a chance, buy some RED PALM OIl--1/2 teaspoon 2 x a week --mix into food, or bread or oatmeal or into pellets. Pellets absorb the oil. It's one of the best items for a bird's feathers. Health food stores sell it or you can purchase it online. Your TAG is one of those who's tail feathers will get to a lighter marroon color. Some go in the opposite direction. Also,it's molting season and they could be close to falling out. They won't fall out at the same time though. Most feathers look drab, blotchy and dull when molting season is around the corner."
  10. Well Beccy, have you gone and visitied the Sun yet or decided IF your going to still get a second Parrot? :-)
  11. Everyone so far has posted all the really important things to try and do. The only additional thing I can think of, is he is probably moulting too. From what I can see in the frontal photo. It looks like there are a few pin feathers in the neck patch and also maybe one or two I can see in the tail and wing area. Those could be spots he is having a little difficulty with and thus keeps focusing on them. Maybe if you do see a Pin feather(s), you could try and pull the sheath off that is covering it. They will pick and pick or scratch until either the sheath comes off or as it becomes more irritated, they will finally just pull it out in frustration.
  12. danmcq

    My Grey

    That's wonderful news Toni and I am excited right along with you. :-) He's younger than most for a CAG to start even trying to mutter a word (well, that we can discern) ...You have one very bright baby CAG there. How many more weeks now until you bring him home?
  13. Hey Joe, I like the hanging play gym you made. How much would one be that was the size you have picture and what are the dimensions?
  14. judygram wrote: You have to ask.......Dang Skippy!!!
  15. Ah, that is prime breeding age! It sounds like she is interested in making your boyfriend her Mate!! :-) She sounds like a Timneh which has more of a maroon tail, not red and also their beak is not solid black like a Congo and has some bone coloring it. Thanks for the information.
  16. Uh Oh, if she starts regurgitating to your Boyfriend, you'll know for certain she is in love. :-) How old is she? She sounds absolutely adorable! Is she a Timneh (Smaller Grey), is that what you mean by a Pygmy Grey?
  17. Hahahahahahahahahahaha, Judy you are too much calling Beccy a "Nutter". I can't wait to read her response. {Feel-good-0002006E}
  18. It sounds like a Mating Dance. :-) She is definately wanting attention. What does she do when you appraoch and have her step up?
  19. That owner of Ruby, has other Youtube video's that have no cussing and I have watched those. I was never compelled or interested to watching the "X-Rated" video that he was kind enough to lable, so those of us who find no humor or interest in that sort of entertainment would not waste our time clicking on it only to find ourselves turning it off at first cuus word. The problem with a mixture of leaven with the dough, is it ferments (Spoils) the entire dough batch. Kind of like a Fly in the ointment, if you will. You are right though, Ruby does have a very good vocabulary. :-)
  20. That is a wonderful story Jackie of how these little "Brains that can fly" ;-) actually put objects and words together through association. Thanks for sharing that. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/12 02:27
  21. Tari, The only difference I can think of, is you are a Breeder and you also maintain several "Personal" Parrots of every type. I don't know, but it may be they all keep each other entertained?? Thats the only obvious difference, since you always post regarding all your other parrots etc. Any one else with "Several Parrots that notice this difference? I do know Kim and I spend every hour were home and awake either talking to Dayo while he's in the Cage, Playing with him or carrying him around on our shoulders. We treat him like one of our children I guess you could say. :-)
  22. HI laurie, Dayo (4mnths) knows who 8 different family members are now from visitations, B-Day parties etc. He does know who his favor visitors are and put out those Peep- Peeps when he See's one of them and openly acknowledges others and will watch them when they go out to the pool area for example from the Patio Sliding Door. Aren't they amazing? :-)
  23. What is a "Dang Skippy" Judy? The not know ing is driving me crazzzzzzyyyyy.:silly: But you are right about Joe's wood working talents and having to stand in line. It is very impressive work.
  24. Nice Photo LMG!! Thanks for posting it. It looks almost as if you guys were at a Marine World or something similar. :-)
  25. Ahem....Toni you forgot to post for the next poster... I hope the next poster, posts a next poster question, so the next poster will get to answer, before posting to the next poster ;-)
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